North Dakota Teacher Center Network (NDTCN)

Tuesday, October 16, 2013

8 a.m. Central Time

Pioneer Room, North Dakota State Capitol

Bismarck, ND


Teacher Center directors in attendance were NDTCN President Jennifer Carlson, Valeria Becker, John Hurlimann, Darlene Pullen, David Richter, Darlene Schwarz, and Sandy Zahn. Director not in attendance: Melissa Hutter. Advisory Committee members Glenda Fauske, Mari Fridgen, Kim Jones, and Marilyn Weiser also attended, along with Jackie Nye of Clearwater Communications. Guest in attendance: Cynthia Jelleberg.

Welcome & Call to Order

President Carlson called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m.

Approval of Minutes

Schwarz moved to approve the minutes of the May 30, 2013, meeting. Fauske seconded the motion, and it passed.

Financial Report

Lake Region Teacher Center took over NDTCN fiscal responsibilities that Minot State University had been handling. Carlson reviewed the financial report.

Zahn moved to approve the financial report and payment of the meeting expenses, including travel, lodging, printing, and catering. Jones seconded the motion, and it passed.

Nye reviewed the advertising fund. Nye asked for recommendations of more organizations she could contact for potential advertisers. There was discussion about the newsletter containing content in the issues as well as ads. There was also discussion about printing one copy per school to display in the break room. There was consensus to table the discussion until after the strategic planning session.

Other Reports

ESPB Report

Mari Fridgen is the new representative for ESPB. Fridgen reported the number of substitute teachers in the state is up. She also reported North Dakota has had an influx of out of state teachers. The ND Mentoring Program, coordinated by Laurie Stenehjem, has been very successful this year. The program trained 207 mentors, helped 289 first year teachers, and had 31 instructional coaches.

Business Items

North Central Education Cooperative

Cynthia Jelleberg provided background on the North Central Education Cooperative. Currently, there are 16 school districts in the Bottineau region with approximately 5,600 students. There is concern with funding of tribal schools to provide adequate services. Jones moved to approve the addition of a Teacher Center in Bottineau as of July 1, 2014. Zahn seconded the motion, and it passed.

Advisory Board Positions

The Advisory board welcomed Mari Fridgen, ESPB; Nick Archuleta, NDEA; Aimee Copas, NDCEL; and Dave Monson, N.D. Representative. NDTCN still needs an Indian Education Representative and a N.D. Senator. Townsend will follow-up with Lucy Fredrickson regarding the Indian Education position, and Zahn will follow-up with Sen. Robinson.

Annual Report Approval

Jones made a motion to approve the annual report with the amendments listed below.

•  On page 5, show the number of students impacted by the centers.

•  On page 9 under the Amendments, change the word “fall” to “year.”

Becker seconded the motion, and it passed.

Pullen moved to change #7 in the Amendments to state “Each teacher center will distribute a needs assessment developed by the NDTCN each year.” Richter seconded the motion, and it passed.

Website Domain

Nye reached out to EduTech and was informed in order for them to host a new domain for NDTCN, it would have to be a domain name supported by a state agency. Carlson will follow-up with EduTech and report at the next meeting.

Center Reports

Carlson reported that Lake Region has begun offering virtual job shadowing. The TC has also been busy with STEM camps.

Zahn purchased a digital StarLab for the Valley City Teacher Center. She is also planning bus driver training for 150 this week.

Olson stated that Dickinson has reestablished an advisory committee. They will also be holding an in-service on Martin Luther King Day. RESP Succeed 20/20 has been a large project they have been working on. They are also working to get approval to offer 5 graduate credits.

Schwarz reported the Bismarck center has added more resources which contributed to increased membership numbers. The catholic schools in Bismarck have joined under one umbrella to become a member.

Pullen has offered two Daily 5 classes and will hold more if there is interest. Minot has also provided bus driver training and has a giant Europe map for students to use.

Richter reported that Williston will now hold its in-service in August rather than January. The Williston TC has also changed its address. Richter will send the new address to Nye.

Becker stated Nancy Burke is the new director for the REA in Grand Forks. There have been a lot of networking opportunities in Grand Forks.


Nye will send out a calendar to determine a date for the winter NDTCN meeting. The meeting will likely take place within the first two weeks of December or in February.


Carlson adjourned the meeting at 10:10 a.m.