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Minutes of a meeting held at Saint Andrews Church, Main Street, Carlton at 1930 hrs

on Wednesday 9th June 2010

Present:W R Sharp (Chairman), J H Boston, R G Moseley (Councillors), I D Ould (County Councillor),

C J Peat (Clerk).

Apologies:R H Edmunds,D J Frazer (Councillors), M Aldridge (Borough Councillor).

1. Minutes of the meeting of 12th May 2010

It was resolved that the minutes be confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

2. Matters arising from the minutes

a) Progress report on the affordable housing project

The Clerk had attended a meeting at H&BBC on 20th Maywith Elaine Smithard (NCHA Project Manager), Mike Price (NCHA Architect) and James Hicks (H&BBC Case Officer). The NCHA was waiting for information from the new coalition government on the funding regime for affordable housing – the project might be frozen or abandoned if funding was cut, but in the meantime work would continue as normal.

s106 Developer Contributions for the Carlton project would be negotiable, because the standard level of contributions might make the project non-viable.An application for reduced s106 requirements would have to be supported by an open book assessment of all development costs and would be evaluated by independent consultants.

In these circumstances, it had been suggested that NCHA might carry out the proposed landscaping works on the northern part of the site, and then hand the completed project over to the PC in lieu of s106 contributions for play & open space, subject to an agreement on maintenance of the landscaping scheme for 5 years.This proposal would give NCHA full control of the site during development, would ensure an element of open space provision for the Parish, and would avoid the 5-year time limit and other restrictions on financial contributions. It was agreed that this arrangement be considered when detailed plans had been drawn up and the financial position had been clarified.

The s106 agreement would also specify the tenancy arrangements, which had been discussed and agreed with Shackerstone PC at an early stage.

The Planning Case Officer required the red line to enclose all of the site, but was happy with moving the tree planting to the northern boundary and creating allotments between this and the gardens of the new dwellings. It had been recommended that the proposed path did not link to the highways atthe NE and NW corners of the site to avoid highway safety issues. NCHA would not acquire the land until planning permission had been granted and funding agreed, and would therefore have to serve notice on the owners of the land at the time of application. It had been agreed that there would be a public consultation before an application was submitted for planning permission, but NCHA did not want this to take place until funding hadbeen secured and the project had a realistic chance of going ahead.

Before the meeting Mrs Smithard had reported that the Architect had been busy with urgent work on a planning application, but would produce revised drawings as soon as possible.

b) Progress report on the extension of Carlton Green and associated works

The Clerk reported that the kerbing works had been completed to a high standard. It had been found that several water supply pipes had been laid less than 20cm deep in the northern part of the West Green. One pipe had been punctured by a setting-out pin during construction. It was good practice to lay all water supply pipes at least 800mm deep, and the Clerk considered it highly regrettable that such substandard work had been carried out in Carlton Green without the knowledge or consent of the PC.

It was resolved that event organisers and contractors be advised of the presence of shallow water pipes in this part of the West Green, and that no tents, pegs or supporting guy ropes be permitted in this area.

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A site meeting with LCC Highways Engineers and Work Gang had been held in pouring rain on the morning of the meeting, and had enabled observation of surface water drainage in the area. It had been agreed that the proposed new gully would not be installed at this time, but that a 6” pipe be laid from the existing gully and under the new kerbs to the new green, with a reducer for a 4” connection to the PC’s proposed field drain above the spring. An extra gully could easily be installed in the future if necessary. The Clerk had ordered the necessary pipe and gravel and was liaising with Mr Pointon and the LCC Works Gang.

c) Agreement to house a defibrillator unit in the Village Information Kiosk

A draft agreement had been circulated, and an amended version was approved for signature.

d) Progress report on the refurbishment of the Village Information Kiosk

The refurbishment was almost complete. It was agreed that a thank-you card be signed by all Councillors and sent to Mr Vann who had cleaned and repainted the kiosk. Mr E W Goold was thanked for removing and repainting the backboard.

e) Progress report on drainage work at the eastern end of the church

No work had been carried out.

3. Reports from members of other public authorities

a) Leicestershire County Council: Cllr I D Ould

Cllr Ould reported that he had been made to feel very welcome in Carlton during canvassing for the general election. The biggest local concerns had been the economic situation and job security, and the golf course entrance and speeding traffic on Station Rd, Market Bosworth. There were no current issues specific to Carlton.

It had been assumed that the proposed cuts in local government expenditure would be made in the next financial year, but in fact they were taking place immediately and projects were being put on hold and redundancies were likely. The situation was serious. Cllr Ould noted that around 30% of LCC income came from central government, whereas the figure for H&BBC was around 70%. Proposals for the conversion of schools to academies independent of the LEA could lead to a fundamental change to the financing and management of education provision in Leics.

b) Leicestershire Constabulary: PBO D Riley

The door to the church tower had been forced open during the night of 14th May butthe main church building had not been entered or damaged and there had been no other damage or theft. There had been no other reported incidents since the previous meeting.

4. Planning matters

a) Draft Leicestershire design guide for County Council developments

Draft comments had been circulated before the meeting and it was resolved that these be agreed and submitted.

b) Planning applicationssubmitted and determined

2009/0592/04. Open windrow composting facility for the processing of up to 75,000 tonnes of waste per

annum. Land off Fenn Lane, Fenny Drayton. Notification of appeal reference

APP/M2460/A/10/2128382/NWF. The PC had objected to the original application, and this would be taken

into consideration by the Inspector at the hearing. It was resolved that no further comments be made, but

that the Planning Inspectorate be asked to provide a copy of the appeal decision.

10/00364/CLU. Proposed dormer to rear of property. 50 Main St. The work had been carried out after

consultation with neighbours, who had no objections. The PC had no objections.

10/10345/PREAPP Bosworth Marina, Station Road, Market Bosworth: scoping opinion. This consultation

had been received from H&BBC under s4 of Reg 10 of the Town & Country Planning (Environmental

Impact Assessment) (England & Wales) Regulations 1999. Draft comments had been circulated before the

Meeting, agreed, andsubmitted by the Clerk after consultation with the Chairman.

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5. Correspondence

LRALC newsletter announced grant scheme for PCs applying for quality status. The Clerk had requested that

the PC be considered for a grant.

It was resolved that additional material be circulated for information.

6. Financial matters

a) Statements of account

HSBC Community account

12.5Brought forward+345.44


Local Council Rev sub-13.50

Insurance premium -397.62

1.6Printing Carlton News-27.20

Printing Annual Report-13.60


HSBC Business Money Manager account

14.4Brought forward+8139.98



Standard Life Business account

14.4Brought forward+29271.91

b) Statements of earmarked funds

Keep Carlton Tidy Group13.5Brought forward+159.53

Parish Paths Partnership Fund13.1Brought forward+180.21

Parish Amenities Fund10.3Brought forward+1610.97

1.6Printing Carlton News-27.20

9.6Balance carried forward+1583.77

c) Clerk’s salary and expenses

The Clerk presented his expenses book for examination, and it was resolved that the Clerk be paid £403.48 comprising £163.48 approved expenses, £30 part broadband subscription and £210.00 salary for the first quarter of the 2010/11 financial year (p.1240/15a refers). The figure of £163.48 for expenses included £11.57 VAT; £20 cash grant to Horticultural Show (s137); £39.01 for paint etc for Information Kiosk (s137); and £11.55 for trees for Little Lane.

7. Health & safety matters, items for report and questions and comments from the floor

a) Health & safety matters

A car-load of domestic rubbish had been dumped on the banks of the stream on the Carlton side of the railway bridge on the night of 4th June. The dumping had been reported to H&BBC with reference AF 39617E and cleared on 7th.

b) Items for report and questions and comments from the floor

It was noted that the PC’s first Annual Report had been delivered with the June issue of Carlton News.

A laurel hedge had been planted along the frontage of Treetops, Barton Rd, at the end of May, but had enclosed a strip of highway verge 2m wide. The Clerk had advised the new owners of the property of the position of the highway boundary, and the new hedging plants had been removed.

Mrs N Shayler had resigned from the position of Youth Champion because the Shayler family was moving to a new home outside the area. It was agreed that Mrs Shayler be thanked for her work as Youth Champion and for her support for the Youth Club.

The new occupiers of 59 Main St, had confirmed that they would be happy to provide electricity for the Youth Club.

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The Clerk reported that a young parishioner had recently broken the under-15 record for javelin, and was believed to have high potential. This young athlete was anxious to find a safe place in the villagewhere he could practice.

The Chairman invited Councillors, the Clerk and their families to a barbecue on 11th August.

The Leics Walking Week 2010 would take place between 4th and 12th September. Mr Piggon (Chairman, CFG) had agreed to lead a walk from Wellesborough to Far Coton and Bosworth on 6th September. Mr & Mrs Peat had agreed to lead walks around Ibstock & Heather on 9th and Hoo Hills and Temple Mill on 12th. Mrs M Cullen had kindly agreed to provide elevenses on the latter walk.

8. Date, time and place of the next meeting

It was resolved that the next meeting be held at 1930 hrs on Wednesday 28th July 2010 at Saint Andrews Church, Main Street, Carlton.

The meeting closed at 2020 hrs.

Signed ______Date ______

Abbreviations used in these minutes

CFGCarlton Footpath Group

H&BBCHinckley & Bosworth Borough Council

KCTGKeep Carlton Tidy Group

LEALocal Education Authority

LCC Leicestershire County Council

LRALCLeicestershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils

PAFParish Amenities Fund