Preble Pride Report

Volume #1 Green Bay Preble High School #2

Preble Fishing Club

“FISH ON!” That is the battle cry for Jerrod Valley and his new organization at Preble called the –Preble Fishing Club.

We “caught” up with Mr. Valley and “netted” these responses:

How long have you been the advisor? This is the 3rd Year. (The PFC was established in 2008)

What is the average number of yearly members? 30 +.

How did the club get started? The club started out from a comment I made to a class that we should have a fishing club at Preble. They all thought I was crazy, so I went with the idea.

What are some recent accomplishments of the PFC? We completed a weeklong trip to Canada in June of 2010.

Did You Know? …..

  1. The PFC is made up of atleast 20 percent female students.
  2. The first fish caught during an outing was by former student Kate Hale.
  3. The average G.P.A. of the members is 3.3.

Possible New Slogans for the PFC

“Give a student a fish and they eat for a day -Teach a student to fish and they get out of class for fishing trips!”

“The worst day fishing with Mr. Valley is better than the best day in the classroom with Mr. Valley!”

You can find Mr. Valley and the Preble Fishing Club “angling” at local lakes and streams throughout the fall and winter.

The Hive

The Hive is “up and running” and we wish to THANK all of the staff that have donated hangers, bags, school supplies, clothing and other items.

Big News! - The brand new washer and dryer are now installed! We are able to launder donated items as well as provide laundry services to our needy students!

Great Job Preble !


Family, Career andCommunity Leaders of America

Liz Blaney – advisor for the past 4 years

Average number of yearly members:

We are growing every year since I have started! For the last two years, we have had an average of 20-25 members.

What FCCLA all about? Family, Career and Community Leaders of Americais a nonprofit national career and technical student organization for young men and women in Family and Consumer Sciences education. Everyone is part of a family, andFCCLA is the only national Career and Technical Student Organization with the family as its central focus. Since 1945, FCCLA members have been making a difference in their families, careers, and communities.

Recent accomplishments! We have had Preble students qualify and compete at Nationals for FCCLA for the past 3 school years!

FCCLA Community Efforts!!!

Raised over 500 dollars for Feed the Children.

 Put on our first “Family Night” where we emphasized the importance of eating together as a family.

Donated hygiene items to Freedom House.

We coordinated the “Turkey Basket” competition where we donated over 20 Thanksgiving baskets to families in our community.

Did you know that today over 205,000 FCCLA members in nearly 6,500 chapters are active in a network of associations in 50 states, including the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico?

Interesting historical facts about FCCLA

FCCLA used to be called FHA-HERO (Future Homemakers of America-Home Economics Related Occupations. The name change reflects the changes to both the organization and society.

Upcoming events/competitions:

Team Training on October 19, 2010 in Stevens Point, WI

Student Spotlight

PHS FCCLA student YerXiong has competed at Nationals for two years in a row. She has won gold medals for her amazing career projects! She plans to compete again this year in the area of Early Childhood. Yer is determined to graduate from high school and go on to college for Early Childhood Education.

The Preble BUZZ

Terri Villiesse

4th year as Advisor

Average number of yearly members: 25-30

To get “in the know” at Preble High School, a must read is the school newspaper called the Preble Buzz. This fine student-developed product is produced for the reading enjoyment of the Preble community.

The Buzz is a student-run newspaper that adheres to reporting balanced news.

-Mrs. Villiesse

Recent accomplishments

We belong to NEWSPA, the national organization of high school newspapers and yearbooks. We have won awards in the past for our online newspaper site.

Did you know that the Buzz has their newspaper printed in Birmingham, AL?

Did you know that when the newspaper was writing the article last year on Preble’s 150 year anniversary, we found out that the football field used to house cows and they would have to chase the cows off before each game?

Upcoming events/competitions

The Buzz will compete at the NEWSPA Conference in April at UW-Oshkosh.

Alumni Spotlight

Former editor Jamie Stark was chosen to attend the Democratic Convention for President Obama in 2008. He is currently studying at the UW-Madison campus majoring in Journalism.


  • Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot
  • Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as a medicine
  • By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can't sink in quicksand

The Preble Math Team

Donald Schwedrsky

How long have you been the advisor? (52) – (3+22) +

Average number of yearly members:

(X+50) – (10 *5) = 100

Solve for X

Mr. Schwedrsky, resident math god, runs one of Preble’s most successful clubs. These mathleteshave “added” many trophies as they “divide” and conquer the local competition.

Preble History

Preble Math Team has been competing in Math League Competitions since the 1970s.

Recent accomplishments

  • First place last year in the Metro Math League (12 area schools)
  • First Place at the St. Norbert Math Meet

The Preble Math Teammakes the community aware of the importance and excitement in mathematics

-Mr. Schwedrsky

Did You Know? …..

The Preble Math Team has finished First or Second Place in the Metro Math League every year for the past 10 years.

The Preble Math Team is the largest Math Team in the 12-team Metro Math League

UpcomingMath Meets

  • Mondays, Oct 18th at Green Bay West
  • Nov. 15th at Green Bay East
  • Jan. 17th at DePere
  • Feb. 7th at West DePere
  • Feb. 28th at Bayport

Student Spotlight

Augustine Santillan placed on the First Team All-Metro 2009/2010

Billy LaLuzerne placed on the Second Team All-Metro 2009/2010