Abbey Grange Church of England Academy

PTA Meeting

Tuesday, 9 January 2018, at 7.30pm


REF / Notes / Actions
1. / Present: Marion Kemp (Chair),Sarah Devlin (Treasurer), Sarah Loughman (Secretary), Elaine Swantay, Sally Osei-Appiah, Emmanuel Osei-Appiah, Francis Cobbina, Stephanie Cassidy, Ugonne Anoelo, Beyenesh Tekie, Adiane Kebede, Saron Keflom, Karen Simpkins.
In Attendance: Lynda Walker, Abbey Grange
Apologies:Janet Bove, Caroline Johnson, Helen Frazer
2. / Welcome: Marion Kemp (Chair) opened the meeting and welcomed all present, particularly new members.
3. / Minutes of last meeting and matters arising:
Minutes of the last meeting (13.11.17) were agreed as accurate and the following matters arising were discussed and noted:
Virtual Books to be put on the agenda for February.
4. / Treasurers Update:
Sarah Devlin(Treasurer) gave the update as follows:
Current balance is:£3,319.60 (although this does not yet include the money raised for the raffle via parent Pay).
Commitments agreed/discussed were as follows:
  • £1,000 Hardship Fund
  • £500.00 French Trip
  • Donation to Music Dept re Orchestra playing at Winter Fair (£250.00 for music stands) – Agreed by the PTA
  • Virtual Books (put on agenda for next meeting)
  • Pond Area (Steph Cassidy to check with Mr Burgener) and PTA agreed to donate £300.00
  • Prom Tickets
  • Astro Turf (Karen Simpkins to ask how much would be needed)
  • School Council budget – Lynda Walker to check how much would be appropriate for this
MK to ask Mr Norden if anything else in the pipeline re funding requests from the PTA / SC, KS, LW and MK to note actions
5. / Refreshments Rota: Next Parents Evenings for January 2018:
  • 11 January
  • 25 January
Karen to also find out when the School Production is so that we can sell refreshments then as well.
It was also agreed that we should still try and sell second hand uniform at Parents Evenings, as well as collecting any donations of second hand uniform from parents. / Karen Simpkins hasasked for volunteers to serve refreshmentsand will clarify dates for School Production
6. / Winter Fair Feedback
Steph Cassidy was thanked for all her hard work organising the Winter Fair. Everyone thought that it had been a really good event, with good attendance from parents, pupils, staff, local community, etc.
Steph said that the Photobooth and Archery stalls didn’t do as well as expected so lessons for this year. Silent auction and the raffle did better than last year. Would be good to have a person to organise the Silent Auction this year as a lot of work, particularly around getting donations.
The book stall raised £57.00 less than last year and the café raised £92.00 less than last year. Some donated drinks left which can be sold at parents evenings.
7. / 100 Club
Winner: No. 43; Joseph Carr, Bolton 3, Year 9
8. / Chair and Vice Chair
Marion Kemp will be stepping down from the Chair at the AGM and therefore we need a new Chair. Marion thanked for all her hard work over the years. Sarah Devlin that she would possibly like to take up the role. Need to be clear about all the posts needed for the PTA and then decide on finally at the AGM.
Marion to send an email out to PTA members to describe key roles re the PTA, prior to the AGM in April. / Marion to send an email out to PTA members to describe key roles re the PTA, prior to the AGM in April.
9. / Future Fundraising Ideas:
After some discussion it was felt that we could look at holding a fundraising event at the end of the Summer Term. Potential ideas were a food festival, Barbeque, pupil bands playing. Discuss further at next meeting.
10. / Any Other Business:
There was no AOB.
11. / Date of Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 6 February 2018 at 7.30 pm. Items for discussion:
  • Chair and Vice Chair and other posts– roles and responsibilities
  • Refreshments for School Production
  • Virtual Books
  • Summer Fundraising event
/ SL to do draft agenda, for signing off by MK.