3200 North Central Avenue, Suite 1125

Phoenix, AZ 85012

One of AMP’s basic goals is to “Serve as the liaison between manufacturing needs and education articulation”. In support of this goal, we have established the AMP Employment Bank as another program that will ultimately aid the process of adding technically competent employees to the workforce. The following is a synopsis of the program.

AMP Employment Bank

Program Synopsis: High school and JTED graduates meeting the minimum requirements below will be entered into a data bank maintained by the SVS Group. SVS Group will vet candidates and provide information to potential employers. Employers will be advised, via AMP ongoing liaison efforts, of this potential source of qualified employee candidates. Once hired, employers will pay SVA Group a one time, extremely discounted rate if the employer is a member of the AMP community*.

Purpose: To provide maximum exposure to recent graduates to open “entry level” positions and to provide maximum exposure to manufacturers of qualified candidates for hire. Initial focus is for the welding and machining within high schools and JTEDs and will be expanded to include other schools, colleges and programs offering national certifications.


  • High schools and JTED’s that graduate certified candidates.
  • The AMP community* of industry participants
  • The AMP will inform and promote this program for the potential employment of graduates.

Process: Graduates from completed manufacturing programs will supply their information to the employment agency, SVS Group. The agency will “bank” these individuals in their data base. Manufacturing companies advise the employment agency of current or pending job positions. The agency will match candidates with employment opportunities geographically. The agency facilitates the introduction of the graduate to the potential employer for interviews. AMP markets the program to the JTEDs, parents, students, employers and will monitor the program’s progress.

Qualifiers for the Program:

  • Must be 18 years old
  • NIMS or AWS Certified
  • Other Certifications T.B.D.
  • *Participating employers must be part of the AMP community to receive the discounted rate. To become a member of the AMP community, one need only sign the attached letter of support. There are no dues.
  • Employer pays a flat fee of $500 to the SVS Group upon hiring of the individual.

For further details Contact David Lair, AMP Vice Chair , Malcolm Green, Executive Director Megan Lenhart or Dante Fierros, Chair