Auburn School District Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
6:00-8:00 p.m.
James P. Fugate Administration Building Board Room
Meeting Notes
The meeting of the 14-15 Citizens Ad Hoc Committee began at 6 p.m. in the Board Room.
Vicki Alonzo welcomed the group and went over the committee charge. She explained the structure of the committee and sub-committees. She also went over the committee process of examining data, analyzing the data and information, and presenting the recommendations to the Board on April 27.
Cindi Blansfield went over the process of reviewing the notes from the prior meeting and asked if anyone in the group had questions or needed clarification.
Deputy Superintendent Mike Newman presented information to the whole committee on enrollment and capacity. He presented about enrollment projections and models, class size ratios, building capacity and geo-codes. He fielded numerous questions from the committee on the above topics. The PowerPoint is available on the 14-15 Ad Hoc Committee website under Resources.
Cindi Blansfield then went over the group norms, the time lines, what to expect at each weekly committee meeting from a logistical standpoint and the consensus model.
At 7:10 the committee dispersed into the two sub-committees. The facility sub-committee met in the IMC and the attendance sub-committee met in the Board room.
The next Ad Hoc Committee meeting is Wednesday, January 28 at 6 p.m. in the JPF Administration Building Board room.
The sub-committee meeting notes are below.
Attendance Area & Facilities Ad Hoc Committee
Summary of Meeting Notes
Meeting Date: January 21, 2015
Subcommittee: Attendance Area
District Staff: Ryan Foster/Rhonda Larson
Community Lead: To be determined
Summary of discussions:
- Members participated in a self-reflection/sharing activity arranged in areas of capacity and enrollment, population and demographics, and transportation (the 3 sub-committees from previous committee work) Self-reflection forms were turned in for two purposes:
- if people feel strongly about one of the 3 sub-committees they should indicate that with their name
- identification of further resources needed
- Reviewed the consensus model and meeting norms that will help move the sub-committee forward
- Distributed guidelines for decision making Ad-Hoc Committee 2 because of the similarity of the tasks
- broke into groups to review each point in the guidelines to edit for this committee’s work
- Ryan will compile the group work for us to review as a draft document to guide the work of the committee. He will distribute before the next meeting.
- Rhonda shared the need to have a citizen facilitator/community lead and asked that people consider the role and let them know by next week if there are people interested--a representative would be selected next week by the overall committee
Additional Information/Resources Needed:
- geo code maps and feeder patterns
- waiver data including reasons
- Mike’s presentation (will be available through the website)
- possible future sites and future facility plans
- demographics for the geo codes
- zoning that shows potential portable capacity at sites
- hot spots of growth and current sensitive areas
- map of district boundaries
Action Items for Next Meeting:
- Citizen/community lead needed-share interest with Ryan or Rhonda
- Review the guidelines that Ryan sends to the committee this week
- Begin to analyze the data; think about the things that will be needed to move us forward
Attendance Area & Facility Ad Hoc Committee
Summary of Meeting Notes
Meeting Date: January 21, 2015
Subcommittee: Facilities
District Staff: Rod Luke/Jeff Grose
Community Lead: To Be Determined
Summary of discussions:
The meeting began with a review of the previous week’s agenda, accomplishments and homework assignment assigned for this week’s subcommittee meeting.
Subcommittee members briefly reintroduced themselves and shared their connection to the Auburn School District.
Handouts from the previous week’s meeting were distributed to new subcommittee members.
The Charge of the Facilities Subcommittee was reviewed.
The outcome for the meeting was shared as to provide the subcommittee with a comprehensive review of past Ad Hoc Committee recommendations and a detailed description of the action(s) taken for each recommendation (Ad Hoc committee reports 1995; 2002; 2004-05; and the 2008 Facilities Master Plan-Final Recommendations). Subcommittee members were provided a four page table listing the past Ad Hoc recommendations and action(s) taken for each. A PowerPoint of the table was displayed.
Terminology thought to be unfamiliar to committee members is italicized in the table and each was explained during the presentation. These terms and definitions will be included in a comprehensive glossary being developed for the Ad Hoc subcommittees, comprehensive high school; bond proposition; bond proceeds; impact fees; school tax rate; bond sales; capital facilities plan; capital levy; state matching funds; core facilities; modernizations; alternative education; and transition assistance program.
The following were included in the presentation:
- Facilities Subcommittee has authority to recommend continuing, editing or modifying past Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations and/or develop new recommendations
- The various funding models available to update and/or build new facilities (bond proceeds, bond sales, bond propositions, impact fees, capital levies, state matching funds…)
- School District past practice is keeping school tax rates level adding new debt as existing debt is retired
- Dieringer is a non-high school district. Residents of Dieringer have a portion of theirproperty taxes pay for the construction costs of Auburn Riverside High School and Auburn Mountainview High School
- Dieringer high school age students may attend any of the various Auburn High Schools
- The district’s ability to locate and purchase buildable land for future school sites is becoming more and more challenging
- Auburn School District owns property in the Lake View Elementary area that is non-buildable due to lack of sewer systems
- Auburn School District owns 53 acres of property in Lakeland Hills of which 30 acres are non-buildable
The next Facilities Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for 6:00 pm Wednesday, January 28th at the Administration Building. The agenda will address existing school facilities; and existing school sites. A portion of the agenda will be allocated for presentations on the various programs offered at each school level (Special Education and Early Learning; Elementary School programs PE, Library, Music and the Arts; Title, LAP, ELL and Highly Capable; Middle and High School programs, the Arts, Science, CTE and STEM). Guest presenters will be in attendance to provide the school program information and to answer questions from the subcommittee.
Subcommittee members were thanked for their participation and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Additional Information/Resources Needed:
Several subcommittee members emailed specific information requests to Jeff Grose and Rod Luke. These will be provided to the subcommittee as available.
Action Items for Next Meeting:
Review the four page handout describing the previous Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations and the Action(s) Taken.