October 5, 2012 Department of English Volume XLV Number 1
Baylor University
Dr. Joshua King's article, “John Keble's The Christian Year: Private Reading and Imagined National Religious Community,” has been published in Victorian Literature and Culture 40.2 (Fall 2012): 397-420 (13,424 words).
Dr. Joshua King’s article, “John Keble's The Christian Year: Private Reading and Imagined National Religious Community,” has been published in Victorian Literature and Culture 40.2 (Fall 2012): 397-420 (13,424 words).
Dr. Joshua King delivered a paper, “F.D. Maurice's Protestant Britain: National Spiritual Community and Networks of Print,” at the North American Victorian Studies Association, Madison, Wisconsin (Sept. 29, 2012).
Dr. Joshua King has been invited to contribute an article on the study of Christianity and literature to Abrahamic Faiths: Rethinking Religion and Literature (Bloomsbury 2014), an innovative collection on comparative religious and literary studies edited by Prof. Emma Mason (Warwick U), a leading scholar of religion and literature.
Dr. William V. Davis’s poem, “I-35, South of Waco,” has been reprinted in Bohemia: Waco’s Art & Literary Journal, 2:2 (April, 2012), 33.
Dr. William V. Davis had two poems published:
“The Poet,” Drumvoices Review, Vol. 17 (2011-2012) Twentieth Anniversary Anthology, 86.
“To Li Po,” Drumvoices Review, Vol. 17 (2011-2012) Twentieth Anniversary Anthology, 87.
Dr. William V. Davis’s poem, “Into Winter,’ has been published in the Concho River Review, XXVI:1 (Spring, 2012), 70.
Cameron Moore’s article “The Shadow of this crime . . . is over me yet”: Narrative Discourse and the Knowledge of Evil in Barry Unsworth’s Morality Play” was published in Renascence 64.4, 321-340.
Cameron Moore’s article “Outward Seeming: Lancelot’s Prayer and the Healing of Sir Urry in Malory’s Morte Darthur” has been accepted for publication in Arthuriana.
Cameron Moore’s article “Blood and Thunder: Penny Dreadfuls and the Novels of G.K. Chesterton” has been accepted for publication in C. S. Lewis and the Inklings: Discovering Hidden Truth ed. Salwa Khoddam, CambridgeScholars Publishing (Estimated publication 2012).
Cameron Moore’s article“‘Take Away the Supernatural and What Remains is the Unnatural’: Power, Secularization, and G.K. Chesterton’s villains” has been accepted for publication in Inklings Forever vol.8, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Estimated publication 2012).
Cameron Moore was a featured speaker at the annual conference of the American Chesterton Society where he presented a paper title “The Failures of Innocent Smith.”
Courtney Bailey Parker’s essay “(Silent)Female Homiletics in Book I of The Faerie Queene” will be published in the Spring 2013 issue of Cahiers Élisabéthains.
Information has been received from the Mentoring Institute at the University of New Mexico concerning their 2012 Mentoring Conference October 24-26, 2012, in Albuquerque, NM. Dr. Belle Rose Ragins, a professor of management at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, will be the keynote speaker. There will be other presentations, as well as workshops formulated around mentoring. For more information and to register, please visit their website at, or see the flier on file in CS 106.
Information has been received from Nimrod International Journal at the University of Tulsa concerning their annual Conference for Readers and Writers October 27, 2012, in Tulsa, OK. The one-day event includes writing workshops, masterclasses, readings, and panel discussions at the university. Featured teachers and guest speakers will include U.S. Poet Laureate Philip Levine, fiction writer Gish Jen and Pam Houston, Gail Carriger, and poets Kate Kingston and Francine Ringold. Scholarships will be available so that students and professors may attend. To be considered for a scholarship, please complete the registration form and send it, along with a 2-3 page writing sample and a note requesting a scholarship, to Nimrod International Journal, The University of Tulsa, 800 S. Tucker Dr., Tulsa, OK 74104. For more information, please visit their website at, or see the flier on file in CS 106.
Information has been received from Princeton University concerning Laurence S. Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellowships. The University Center for Human Values at Princeton welcomes applications for the fellowships for the academic year 2013-2014. Fellows devote a year at Princeton to writing and research about topics consisting of human values in public and private life. The program is open to scholars in all disciplines. Applicants should have a doctorate or equivalent professional degree and a strong record of research publications appropriate to their career stage. Typically fellows hold faculty positions at other universities or colleges. The fellowship period extends from September 1 to July 1. Fellows will receive stipends of up to one-half their academic-year salaries. Interested applicants can submit a curriculum vitae, a scholarly paper of no more than 12,000 words written in the past three years, a statement of 1,500 words or less describing the proposed research project, and contact information from three references. These materials should be submitted online by November 5, 2012. For more information or to submit an application, please visit their website at, or see the flier on file in CS 106.
Echoes of the Aeolian Harp
Stephen Schuler has had his paper, “Medieval or Modern Hermeneutics: The Image of the Book in Pre-Raphaelite Paintings,” published in volume 71 of CCTE Studies (2006).
From Aeolian Harpings 41:5 (2 October 2006).