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Purpose / name of servicewill ensure that they provide a smokefree environment and that smokefree lifestyles amongst staff, service users and their family/whānau are supported.Scope / All name of service staff, service users and their families/ whānau.
Performance Indicators /
- Smokefree contract clauses are met
- Legislative requirements are adhered to
Legislation / Smoke free Environments Act 1990 and amendments 2003
Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and amendments 2002
New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000
Guidelines / MOH Strategy – New Zealand Health Strategy 2000
New Zealand Guidelines for Helping People Stop Smoking
name of service
Documents / Health and Safety Manual
Staff Training and Development
Use of Company Vehicle
Discipline and Dismissal
Purpose / Outline name of serviceexpectations regarding:
- Maintaining smokefree premises and environments
- Compliance with the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 and Amendments 2003 and the Health and Safety in Employment Act (HSEA) 1992 and Amendments 2002;
- Compliance with DHB contract requirements
- Support for the Government’s goal of a Smokefree Aotearoa by 2025.
Scope / All name of service employees, contractors,service users, volunteers and visitors
All buildings, grounds, social venues and vehicles owned or occupied by name of service
Smokefree Environments /
- All name of service sites are smokefree.
- Smoking is not permitted inside and around name of service affiliated buildings, vehicles and offices, including in any buildings leased by name of service.
- Staff, service users, contractors, volunteers and visitors may not smoke in external areas on any site owned by name of service or controlled by them under a lease arrangement. Service users, visitors, contractors, volunteers, and staff must leave the site if they wish to smoke. On-site includes boundary fences, gardens and entrances to sites.
- Staff who wish to smoke off-site should not be identifiable as staff of name ofservice by their uniforms or name tags. If staff wish to smoke during work time, it will only be during scheduled breaks.
- Wherename of service staff support service users in their own homes and the community, staff must endeavor to minimise their own risk to second-hand tobacco smoke in these settings.
Promoting a smokefree Environment /
- It is the responsibility of all staff to inform staff, service users, contractors, volunteers and visitors that name of service is smokefree and that people who smoke must go off-site to smoke.
- Staff that are responsible for supporting service users are also encouraged to discuss smokefree expectations with service users and their families/ whānauupon presentation toname of service.
- name of serviceprohibits any use of cigarettes as behavioural tools including to build rapport with service users and de-escalate or manage critical incidents.
- Staff are prohibited from smoking when working with service users. This includes within the service user’s home and when undertaking community activities even when driving in private vehicles.
- This Smokefree Policy and Procedure document will be clearly displayed and available to all.
- Smokefree signs will always bedisplayed prominently in the staff room/cafeteria and all public areas such as foyers and reception areas. Smokefree signage will also be displayed upon all entrances to grounds/facilities.
Hazard Identification / Smoking is an identified hazard on the Hazard Identification Record. If staff/service users experience any negative effects from second hand smoke they are encouraged to complete an Adverse Event/Incident/Complaint Recordto ensure that this is investigated.
Non-compliance /
- Repeated breaches of theName of Service smokefree policy and procedures by staff will be considered misconduct, and will be dealt with in accordance name of servicedisciplinary procedures.
- Non-compliance by service users or family/ whānau are to be dealt with in accordance to name of serviceComplaints Policy and Procedures.
Smokefree Systems / Systems will be actively implemented to:
- Promotesmokefree environments
- Assess and document smoking status, brief intervention and cessation support processes at least once every six months
- Routinely facilitate effective brief interventions with service users who smoke
- Develop referral processes for further cessation support
- Supply smokefree resources to staff, contractors, volunteers, service users and their family/ whānau
- Routinely provide support to quit for staff that smoke
Training and Development /
- All staff will be made aware of name of service’s Smokefree Policy and Procedures during their induction process
- All name of service staff will complete the Ministry of Health smokefree e-learning module at least every two years.
- Staff will also be encouraged to become Quitcard providers by completion of Smoking Cessation Practitioner training or via completion of the e-learning module (registered health professionals).
ConsultationGroup/Role / Date
Version: / V1 / Issue Date / 010714 / Created by: / LMKirton
Review Date / 010717 / Authorised by: / NRA Working Group