At Wagner Road Early Childhood, we believe that children learn best in an environment that values play and sees children as central to all learning

We aim to promote both educational and recreational opportunities where children and educators together create occasions for learning.

We encourage children to think imaginatively and creatively and to actively explore, investigate, experiment and discover the endless possibilities.

We aim to create an environment where children feel a sense of belonging, are valued for their uniqueness and are respected and cared for.


To stimulate the child’s natural desire to learn.

To support the child’s growth and learning in a range of developmental areas.

To embrace the rights of all children to be cared for in an environment that engenders peace, dignity, tolerance and equality.

To fostering meaningful relationships with families and the community.

To develop an environment that is warm, secure and supportive, and encourages parental involvement.

To have fun!!

We are strongly committed to the belief that the early years are critical in laying the foundations for success in life and learning.


“Building Waterfalls” … a living and learning curriculum framework was launched in August 2006. This framework has been created around four key areas of thought that will guide every interaction, negotiation and collaboration that takes place in the Kindergarten setting. Within each current of thought are four shared understandings:


We are connected to family and community.

We connect with, make meaning of, and build upon what we know.

We are connected to natural and built environments.

We are of the present, with unique connections to the past and future.


We share a sense of belonging, wellbeing, identity and connection to others.

We are valued and treated with dignity, justice, equity and respect.

We feel safe, nurtured and cared for.

We share reciprocal, respectful and satisfying social interactions and relationships.


We are open and sensitive to new possibilities and perspectives.

We contribute to an equitable, just and democratic learning environment.

We express, share and honour values, beliefs and traditions.

We are active negotiators in our own learning.


We are active participants in building knowledge together.

We are competent and capable enquirers, thinkers, researchers, communicators and decision makers.

We are unique individuals, rich in ideas, theories, experiences and knowledge.

We represent and share our understanding, knowledge and thinking in many ways.

At Wagner Road we embrace these shared understandings and we will endeavour to integrate them throughout the program.


At Wagner Road Early Childhood we recognise the value and richness of play as a catalyst for children’s learning. We also recognise that adults play an important role in valuing and supporting children’s play.

Our daily program includes:

Indoor play time

Outdoor play time

Circle Time: Music & movement activities

Shared language time

Lunch & morning tea

Rest/quiet time

Our developmentally appropriate program is designed in consultation with the children, educators, parents and the community and is developed from observations of the capabilities and interests of the children.


The Early Childhood Centre is run by experienced and qualified staff. The Director of the Wagner Road Early Childhood Centre & Kindergarten, our Early Childhood trained teachers and assistances hold the relevant qualifications for working with children in a C&K affiliated Early Childhood Centre. All staff have current Senior First Aid and CPR Certificates.

The staff in the Early Childhood Centre keep up-to-date with current practices in Early Childhood Education through their involvement in in-service training, conferences and seminars. We encourage parent participation at the Early Childhood Centre and the teachers are always available for discussion about your child’ development and progress. We offer a home visit service to assist in settling your child into the Centre.


The Wagner Road Centre is a wonderful, imaginative centre which encourages children to enjoy many experiences in a safe environment.

This includes:

A large outdoor area including sand pit, cushioned synthetic turf, recreation area for climbing, swinging, etc, stage/platform, all shaded from the sun by trees or shade structures.

A wide range of up-to-date, safe equipment.

Computers, allowing hand-on experience.

Extensive craft facilities for creative play.

Large, cool verandahs for quiet shaded play.

Book lending library.

Reverse cycle air conditioning.

Access to a range of different technology: computers, internet.

Before & after care program.

Privately listed parent direct phone line.


The Early Childhood operates 5 days a week, 4 terms per year.

Each child has the opportunity to attend the centre over a 5 day fortnight.

Placements are made according to each child’s position on the waitlist.

Childcare hours are 8.30am to 3.00pm. A before and aftercare program is offered by the Wagner Road Early Childhood Centre extending these hours from 8.00am to 3.30pm.


In 1989, Wagner Road Early Childhood Centre was established as a separate entity. Full affiliation with C&K, formally know as the Crèche and Kindergarten Association of Queensland was granted in 1991. The Department of Communities is the licensing body for the Centre. The Department has statutory responsibility for the Wagner Road Early Childhood Centre as set out in the Child Care Act 2002 and the Child Care Regulations 2003.

The Wagner Road Early Childhood Centre originally existed as a unit of the Clayfield Child Care Centre.


Wagner Road Early Childhood Centre is managed by the Clayfield Childcare Association Inc., which consists of the parents of children enrolled at the centre. This association elects a small group of members to form a committee, which is responsible for the overall administration financing and staffing of the Centre.

This is in essence what a community Early Childhood Centre is all about – parents having their say in their children’s education.

32 Wagner Road, Clayfield Qld 4011

Tel: 07 3262 6580

Fax: 07 3262 9388