October 2009April 2010

Guidance Note No. 12

Guidance Note

Waste Management and Disposal Group

Waste Carriers


This note provides an explanation of the environmental conditions applicable to the Waste Carriers Group as set out in GBR No.12. The conditions are aimed at improving the environmental performance of small enterprises and are part of a comprehensive new approach to environmental protection based on EU legislation, but with an emphasis on those issues of most relevance to ourdensely populated island.

If you are uncertain about any of the conditions you should seek clarification from the Environmental Permitting and Industry Unit in MEPA (phone 2290 0000).

The environmental conditions set out in the GBR represent the minimum requirements only and every enterprise involved in waste management should endeavor to act in a more environmentally sensitive manner so as to contribute to the development of a sustainable environment. Improved environmental performance can often be achieved at little cost and can create business advantages


Waste carriers transport waste from the waste generator to an authorised waste management facility, such as a landfill or composting plant. Such an enterprise can operate with one or more vehicles and, usually, a yard/garage for parking and maintenance of vehicles and waste skips.

Waste Carriers carry a variety of waste to authorized facilities, which can either be general such as landfill or specific such as end of life vehicle facilities. The range of waste to be carried within the MalteseIslands is quite varied and could range from relatively inert materials to toxic wastes in solid and liquid form. The great majority of waste collected in Malta consists of non-hazardous waste such as Electronic waste (old TVs, computers, etc.), Packaging waste (paper, cardboard, beverage containers) and scrap metal. Each load of hazardous waste must be accompanied by a Consignment Permit and a Consignment Note which allows the tracking of the movement of the waste from its generator to its ultimate disposal point. The original waste generator must receive a final copy of the Consignment Note testifying to its disposal at an authorised facility. In some cases, such as inappropriate or incorrect documentation, a consignment of waste may be returned to the waste generator.

GBR Conditions, Activity Registration and Permits

Two key pieces of Maltese legislation regulate a very wide range of current and potential waste management activities.

  1. For lesser activities, a Registration under the Waste Management (Activity Registration) Regulations, 2007, is required. (Legal Notice 106 of 2007)
  2. For major activities, a permit issued under the Waste Management (Permit and Control) Regulations, 2001, is required. (Legal Notice 336 of 2001)

These regulations are available on the MEPA website ().

The Activity Registration Regulations apply to a very wide range of recycling and disposal activities, including Waste Carriers (Article 38)

The Permit Regulations specify that virtually all waste disposal and recycling activities are subject to an environmental permit – these are set out in the attached Annex1.

The Carriage of waste, by themselves, do not require a permit. However, the listing of activities requiring a permit includes “Storage of materials intended for subsequent disposal or Recovery Operations”. A Carrier could also operate a facility such as a storage site for waste or a waste treatment plant. Such an additional facility would be covered by the conditions of a site-specific environmentalpermit and is not covered by this GBR.

The Activity Registration Regulations specify that all Waste Carriers (irrespective of size) must register with MEPA and receive confirmation from MEPA of the acceptability of their activity. MEPA may refuse to register a Waste Carrier or Broker in a number of circumstances such as:

  • Where inadequate or inaccurate information is provided in the application or
  • If it is considered that the activity causes or is likely to cause harm to human health or the environment.

The MEPA approval of registration is valid for one year commencing on the date of endorsement by MEPA and may be renewed annually. The Registration is non-transferable. The Regulations establish severe penalties for operation without the appropriate Registration confirmation or Permit from MEPA.

Registration of Waste Carriers

A Waste Carrier must register its activitywith MEPA on the form provided. The application for registration must containsuch information as a description of the proposed activity, site plan of facility, number, type and capacity of vehicles, photos and other information as set out in the regulations.

Waste carriers are divided into the following classes:

  • Class A1 – C & D Waste (Terrapien) – (White)
  • Class A2 – Road Services + Furniture (Scammel, beach cleaning road cleaning) – (Violet)
  • Class A3 – Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal waste – (Blue)
  • Class A4 – Separated Waste (including non hazardous packaging waste) - (Grey)
  • Class A5 – Others - (Green)
  • Class C1 – Sharps/ Hospital/ Pharmaceutical waste – (Yellow)
  • Class C2 – Others excluding Class C1 and Animal By-Product waste - (Yellow)
  • Class D1 – Liquid Waste – (Red)
  • Class D2 – WEEE including White goods – (Peach)
  • Class D3 – Other Hazardous Waste – (Pink)

The details to be provided to MEPA at registration vary according to the above classification. The appropriate form, together with the requirements for supporting information, can be obtained from the MEPA website ( by contacting the Environmental Permitting and Industry Unit (phone 2290 0000).

A Registered Waste Carrier must comply with the conditions set out in the permit and those in GBR 12. In addition, any associated garage for repair or maintenance must comply with the conditions set out in GBR No. 9 for Garages.


Operations which require a Waste Management Permit

A. Disposal Operations

D1Tipping above or underground (e.g. landfill, etc.)

D2Land treatment (e.g. biodegradation of liquid or sludge discards in soils, etc.)

D3Deep injection (e.g. injection of pumpable discards into wells, salt domes or naturally occurring repositories, etc.)

D4Surface impoundment (e.g. placement of liquid ir sludge discards into pits, ponds or lagoons, etc.)

D5Specially engineered landfill (e.g. placement into lined discrete cells which are capped and isolated from one another and the environment, etc.)

D6Release of solid waste into a water body except seas/oceans

D7Release of waste into seas/oceans including seabed insertion

D8Biological treatment not specified elsewhere in this Annex which results in final compounds or mixtures which are disposed of by means of any of the operations in this Annex

D9Physico-chemical treatment not specified elsewhere in this Annex whichresults in final compounds or mixtures which are disposed of by means of any of the operations in this Annex (e.g. evaporation, drying, calcination, etc.)

D10Incineration on land

D11Incineration at sea

D12Permanent storage (e.g. emplacement of containers in a mine, etc.)

D13Blending or mixture prior to submission to any of the operations in this Annex

D14Repackaging prior to submission to any of the operations in this Annex

D15Storage pending any of the operations in this Annex. Temporary storage,that is storage for not more than six months, pending collection, on the site where it is produced,is excluded.

B. Operations which may lead to Recovery

R1Solvent reclamation/regeneration;

R2Recycling/reclamation of organic substances which are not used as solvents;

R3Recycling/reclamation of metals and metal compounds;

R4Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials;

R5Regeneration of acids or bases;

R6Recovery of components used for pollution abatement;

R7Recovery of components from catalysts;

R8Oil re-refining or other re-uses of oil;

R9Use principally as a fuel or other means to generate energy;

R10Spreading on land resulting in benefit to agriculture or ecologicalimprovement, including composting and other biologicaltransformation processes;

R11Use of wastes obtained from any of the operations numbered R1 - R10 in this Annex;

R12Exchange of wastes for submission to any of the operations numbered R1 -R11 in this Annex.

R13Storage of materials intended for submission to any operation inthis Annex, excluding temporary storage (not more than sixmonths), pending collection, on the site where it is produced.