Minute of the eHealth Committee

held on Friday 20th August 2010at 10.00am

in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House


Councillor Kate Dean (Chair)

Mr Richard Carey, Chief Executive, NHS Grampian

Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen, Medical Director

Mrs Alison Hawkins, General Manager, eHealth

Mrs Linda Juroszek, Area Clinical Forum representative

Dr Izhar Khan, Chair, Consultant Sub Committee

Dr W G Simpson, Consultant, Clinical Biochemistry

Dr Pauline Strachan, Chief Operating Officer

In Attendance:

Mrs Hazel Drummond, Personal Assistant

Item / Subject / Action
1. / Apologies
Mr Sandy Dustan, Acting General Manager, Aberdeenshire CHP
Dr John Reid, Chairman, GP Sub Committee
Dr Olive Robb, Radiologist
2. / Minute of previous meeting held on 21st May 2010
The minute of the meeting held on 21st May 2010 was agreed as an accurate record of discussion.
3. / Matters Arising from meeting held on 21st May 2010
3.1 / eCare Update
The pilot for eCare wasnow “live” and progressing well. An evaluation report would be produced and would inform the decision on whether to continue with the pilot.
3.2 / ScriptSwitch
The implementation process for ScriptSwich is now complete for all Vision practices. The updates had proved to be straightforward and are done monthly overnight. The cost benefits realisation to date were noted and to date the annual investment had been covered. In future,PRISMs will be used in addition to Scriptswitch reports in order to demonstrate ongoing savings that will be accrued due to changes in clinical practice. Currently, EMIS practices do not have Scriptswitch and in the future, EMIS may develop their own system for optimising prescribing. It was suggested that GMMG should be provided with prescribing trends for certain drugs, and interesting to separate Vision and EMIS practices.
Consideration should now be given to the implementation of a system with similar principles for use in Laboratories, Radiology etc. This type of intelligent system would include links to enable the requester to see the rationale behind suggestions made. It was agreed that Dr Simpson would liaise with Dr Dijkhuizenon the development of order sets for these systems. / RD/WS
3.3 / Picture Archiving Computer Systems (PACS)
Viewing boxeshad not yet been installed into theatres and Mrs Hawkins would liaise with Dr Strachan to ensure that the necessary work was completed without delay.
Dr Khan queried the PACS connection at Dr Gray’s and access to Sonography results from community hospitals e.g Turriff. It was agreed Dr Robb would bring an update to the next meeting on these issues and the progress being made to exit from the SECTRA system on PACS. / AH/PS
4. / Patient Management System(PMS)
The PMS had been loaded ontothe new server on Monday and testing was currently taking place. The Support Team would be permanently on site from 31st August until the system goes“live”, starting with Maternity and Neonatal at AMH only on 15th November. Final negotiations on the contract should be completed on Monday 23rd August.
A series of business change workshops had been arranged for October. The 1st phase of “go live”would be for administration functions. Changesto clinical practice would happen in the 2ndphase. It was agreed that a presentation on PMS would be made to the Consultant Sub Committee on 14th October and arrangements would be put in place for general awareness sessions to be given to final year medical students. The Chair of the Committee and Chief Executive would also attend an awareness session.
A governance report on implementation of PMS would be presented to the November meeting of the Committee. Dr Baguley would be asked to present a strategic overview of clinical systems in the light of PMS.
The Committee noted the report, recognising the impact of significant disruption to services of failing to implement Core PMS by March 2011. / AH/IK
5. / IT Systems Update
Mrs Hawkins advised that the eHealth Department controlled and monitored their workload for service users through a Programme Management Office. The submitted report provided an update on a sample of the work under way and highlighted the three areas showing “red”:-
  • Respiratory Medicine Systems (GCS) – UAT – the Service had encountered difficulty in the allocation of resource to create a spreadsheet and meetings were now being held to identify the core requirements.
  • Endoscopy Reports into Store – the Support and Maintenance contract produced by Unisoft in June had now been signed off.
  • 18 Weeks RTT – the PAS 18 Weeks functionality was not being implemented and arrangements were in hand to record/collect necessary information.
The Committee noted the report.
6. / Clinical Portal
There was a national project to implement a clinical portal across Scotland. NHS Grampian was part of the North of Scotland grouping, one of three regional groupings. The North group was looking at Primary Care data.
Following discussion, it was agreed that the organisational priority at present for NHSGrampianwas the successful implementation of PMS and the clinical portal system would be deferred until that time.
Mrs Hawkins would feedback this decision to the North of Scotland group. / AH
7. / Report to the Board
The report to the Board in September would include:-
  • PMS
  • Scriptswitch
  • Clinical Portal
  • Appointment of Clinical Director of eHealth

8. / AOCB
8.1 / Proposed Meeting Dates for 2011
It was agreed that the Committee would meet on the following dates in 2011:-
18th February
13th May
19th August
25th November
(all meetings from 10.00.a.m. – 12.00 noon in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House) / All
8.2 / Clinical Director of eHealth
The Committee were delighted to learn of the appointment of Dr Stephen Baguley as Clinical Director of eHealth with effect from 1st October 2010.
8.3 / Deputy Chair of eHealth Committee
Mr Carey advised that he would discuss governance aspects of the Committee and the requirement to appoint a new Deputy Chair with the Chairman, Dr David Cameron. / RC
9. / Date of Next Meeting
19th November 2010(agenda setting meeting on 5th November at 9am in Roelf Dijkhuizen’s office)

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