Student Handbook


Students, Parents, Staff & Administrators

Bennett County

High School

2014 – 2015

Bennett County School District

Welcome to Bennett County Senior High School


Student Goals

The student is the focal point of all operations of a school district, consequently, the board will spend much of its time in study, deliberation, and policy formulation on matters directly related to students.

The Board and staff will work together to establish an environment conducive to the best learning achievements for each student through meeting the following goals regarding students.

1.  To tailor the learning program in order to provide appropriately for each student according to his or her specific background, capabilities, learning styles, interests and aspirations;

2.  To protect and observe the legal rights of students;

3.  To enhance the self-image of each student by helping him or her feel respected and worthy through a learning environment that provides positive encouragement through frequent success.

4.  To provide an environment of reality in which students can learn personal and civic responsibility for their actions through meaningful experiences as school citizens;

5.  To deal with students in matters of discipline in a just and constructive manner;

6.  To provide for the safety, health, and welfare of students;

7.  To promote faithful attendance and good work.



Upon completing Bennett County High School, all students will have established realistic lifelong goals and have learned the literacy and technology skills necessary to attain those goals. The staff employed by the school district will be responsible for assisting the students in establishing these goals and acquiring the literacy and technology skills needed. As a result of their learning experiences, the graduates will become self-sufficient, productive, responsible members of society.

In South Dakota, all children are entitled to a free public education, with that is the right to be free from negative influences and in a safe, secure environment. As a member of Bennett County High School, you are expected to follow the rules that are established for the benefit of the entire student body. This is your school. You should be proud of it and take good care of it.

The ultimate purpose of education is to help each student become an effective citizen in our school, community, state, and nation. To develop and accept the responsibilities and obligations of good citizenship will help students to participate successfully in the world of tomorrow. We hope that you will participate in our classroom and co-curricular activities and thus find those things within our school that will prepare you to live a better life and take your place in society. Remember that your success in this school will be directly proportional to your efforts.

The policies of this handbook has been approved and adopted by the Bennett County School Board. If you have any questions about the content of the handbook, please talk to the principal.

Board of Education

Jeff Johnson

Todd Alexander

Mike Olson

Rocky Risse

Tiffany Petrak


Wayne Semmler……..…………………………………….……………….…….Superintendent

Stacy Halverson ….………………………………………………………………High School Principal/AD

Amie Kuxhaus……………………………………………………………………Elementary Principal

Belinda Ready……………………………………………………………………JH Principal/Title I/F

Jolene Robinson/KarenCoyle………….…..……………………………………...Business Managers

Cally Drobny …………………………………………………………………….Registrar

High School Educational Staff

Mr. Anderson Science

Mrs. Allen 9-12 Resource Room Instructor

Mr. Jason Buckles CTE Shop Aide

Mr. Cox 9-12 Resource Room Aide

Mrs. Burchfield Math

Mrs. Becker Study Hall Aide

Mrs. Beckerleg JH/HS Secretary

Mr. Birdsall Computer Technology Teacher

Mrs. Buchmann Art / Foreign Language

Mrs. Claussen JAG/Title I Aide

Mrs. Gotheridge 9-12 Resource Room Aide

Mrs. Heath Library

Mr. Indahl Business/Computers

Mrs. Knecht Academy Instructor

Mrs. L. Johnson Mathematics

Mrs. Larson English

Ms. Milledge Science

Mrs. Novak Custodian

Mrs. O’Bryan JH/SH Band and Choir

Mr. Partlow Custodian

Mr. Pierson English

Mr. Ready Social Science, PE, AD

Mr. Reder Alternative Education

Mrs. Risse Academy Aide

Mrs. Slattery Technology

Mrs. Smokov Social Science

Mrs. Zickrick Counselor

Senior High Co-Curricular Staff

Mr. Alexander Assistant Football

Mr. Anderson Head Boys Track

Mrs. Allen National Honor Society

Mrs. Claussen Key Club

Mrs. Becker High School Play

Mr. Birdsall Yearbook

Mrs. Buchmann Art Club

Mrs. O’Bryan Band, Choir

Mr. Indahl Head Boy’s Girl’s Golf, Assistant Boy’s Basketball

Mr. Ireland Assistant Wrestling

Mrs. Milledge Cheerleading, Junior Class Advisor

Ms. Amy O’Neill Assisstant VB

Mr. Miller Assistant Football

Mrs. Vera O’Neill Head Girl’s Track

Mr. Pierson Head Wrestling

Mr. Ready Athletic Director

Mr. Reder Head Football

Mrs. Smokov Student Council, Junior Class Advisor

Mr. Soderlin Head Girls Basketball

Mrs. Thompson Head Volleyball

Mr. Waln Head Boys Basketball

Assistant Girl’s Basketball

Daily Class Time Schedules

Class Time Schedules

(Normal Student Day)

High School Schedule 2:30 Early Release Schedule

Period 1 8:00 a.m. – 8:55 a.m. Period 1 8:00 a.m.--8:55 a.m.

Period 2 8:59 a.m. – 9:54 a.m. Period 2 8:59 a.m.—9:54 a.m.

Period 3 9:58 a.m. – 10:53 a.m. Period 3 9:58 a.m.—10:53 a.m.

Period 4 10:57 a.m. – 11:52 p.m. Period 4 10:57 a.m.—11:52 p.m

Lunch 11:52 p.m. – 12:28 p.m. Lunch 11:52 p.m.—12:28 p.m.

Period 5 12:28 p.m. – 1:23 p.m. Period 5 12:28 p.m.—12:56p.m.

Period 6 1:27 p.m. – 2:22 p.m. Period 6 1:00 p.m.—1:28 p.m.

Period 7 2:26 p.m. – 3:21 p.m. Period 7 1:32 p.m. –2:00 p.m.

Period 8 3:25 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Period 8 2:04 p.m.—2:30 p.m.

1:00 Dismissal Time Schedule – 9:00 Late School Start

Period 1 8:00 a.m. – 8:29 a.m. Period 1 9:00 a.m. –9:40 a.m.

Period 2 8:33 a.m. – 9:02 a.m. Period 2 9:44 a.m. –10:24 a.m.

Period 3 9:06 a.m. – 9:35 a.m. Period 3 10:28 a.m. –11:08 a.m.

Period 4 9:39 a.m. – 10:08 a.m. Period 4 11:12 a.m. –11:52 a.m.

Period 5 10:12 a.m. – 10:41 a.m. Lunch 11:52 p.m. –12:28 p.m.

Period 6 10:45 a.m. – 11:14 a.m. Period 5 12:28 p.m. –1:23 p.m.

Period 7 11:18 a.m. – 11:47 a.m. Period 6 1:27 p.m. – 2:22 p.m.

Period 8 11:51 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. Period 7 2:26 p.m. –3:21 p.m.

Lunch 12.20 p.m. – 12:55 p.m. Period 8 3:25 p.m. –4:00 p.m.

Dismissal 1:00 p.m.

10:00 Late School Start –

Period 1 10:00 a.m. – 10:35 a.m.

Period 2 10:39 a.m. – 11:14 a.m.

Period 3 11:18 a.m. – 11:52 p.m.

Lunch 11:52 p.m. – 12:28 p.m.

Period 4 12:28 p.m. – 1:10 p.m.

Period 5 1:14 p.m. – 1:56 p.m.

Period 6 2:00 p.m. – 2:42 p.m.

Period 7 2:46 p.m. – 3:28 p.m.

Period 8 3:32 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

School Attendance

A student’s contribution to and achievement in class are directly related to their attendance in school. The entire process of education requires a regular continuity of instruction, classroom participation, learning experiences, and individual study to reach the goal of maximum educational benefits for each student. Both students and parents must understand that students miss a vital portion of their education when they are absent from school. Irregularity in attendance may have a serious effect on a student’s progress in school.

All absences, tardies, and truancies become part of a student’s transcript/permanent record. Schools in your post-high school plans and future employers are very interested in attendance and tardy records at school. Regular attendance is necessary in order for all students to be successful in the classroom and in life. While it is true that written work can be completed for makeup, classroom instruction or presentations, discussions, and student-teacher interaction can never be made up.

Daily attendance of students is required per school board policy, state law, and the No Child Left Behind Act. Following are a few state statutes and a summary that deal with school attendance.

13-27-1.  Parents and guardians of children, ages 6-18, are responsible for making sure

students regularly attend school. This statute mandates compulsory attendance

for children, ages 6-18.

13-27-11. Parents / guardians that fail to send children, ages 6-18, are guilty of a Class 2

misdemeanor for the first offense. For each subsequent offense, the parent /

guardian is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

13-27-14.  School Boards are authorized to appoint Truancy Officer(s) to enforce the compulsory attendance laws.

13-27-16. Warnings shall be sent to parents / guardians when students are in violation of

the compulsory attendance laws. Schools will report to truancy officer(s)

those in violation of compulsory attendance laws.

13-27-19.  Truancy Officer(s) have the power to apprehend truant children. They shall

have the power to apprehend, without warrant, children of compulsory

school age that are truant.

Additional state statutes dealing with Compulsory Attendance: 13-27-12; 13-27-15; 13-27-17; 13-27-18; and 13-27-20.

Notification of student absence by parent/guardian.

If a student is to be absent from school, parents/guardians are asked to call the school or stop in between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. Parents may send a written note to notify the school prior to an absence. No students will be allowed to leave school unless contact has been made with a parent.

If a parent does not call the school, stop in, or send a written note regarding their child’s absence for that day, the absence will be unexcused.

ABSENTEEISM: When the student is not in attendance during the regular scheduled school hours. All schoolwork missed because of absence from school must be made up by the student. The school reserves the right to determine what constitutes an excused or unexcused absence.

Excused Absence: Parents may request that their children be excused from school for the following reasons. Any absence other than an excused absence is considered truancy.

Personal illness. In instances of chronic or irregular absence reportedly due to illness, the school administration may request a physician’s statement certifying such absences as to be justifiable. If the student fails to provide the proper medical excuse, the absence will become unexcused and subject to that particular policy.

Family emergencies (death, serious illness).

Medical, dental, and legal appointments that are necessary and cannot be made on non-school days. If the school requests, written verification must be provided by the physician’s office, dentist’s office, or court services’ office stating the time and length of the appointment.

Personal family request (weddings, funerals, special family events, vacations). The school reserves the right to determine whether or not an absence is excused. If the family/student does not wish to state the reason for the absence, the student will automatically be assessed 1 unexcused absence and be referred to Friday morning school.

Inclement weather or poor road conditions. On days of bad weather, parents will have to use their own discretion in sending their children to school. Road and weather conditions may vary from one end of the school district to the other.

Special circumstances upon approval by the administration.

**Students involved in school-sponsored activities and class trips

during the school day will not be counted absent from school.

Unexcused Absence

An unexcused absence will result in suspension from after school activities for that day.

In-school suspension may also be utilized for unexcused absences. If in-school suspension is utilized for unexcused absences, the student will be ineligible to participate in school activities during the suspension.

After the tenth absence from a class or classes, credit may be withheld unless there is a documented reason for the absences such as but not limited to illness, family emergencies and funerals. If credit is going to be withheld a meeting with a parent or guardian and the student will be held to address the reasons for absences and to determine if they are justifiable. Guardians and Parents will be notified of potential loss of credit by a letter from the Principal and it will be their responsibility to schedule a meeting to address the absences. Upon completion of this meeting, a decision will be made on the individual student’s ability to earn credit in the class or classes they have more than 10 absences in. The student and parent(s)/guardian(s) will be informed of the decision. The decision of the principal is final unless appealed to the next level – Superintendent, followed by the Bennett County School Board.

Make-up Assignments

Students with an absence are responsible for acquiring make up work from the teacher. Doing the makeup work is the responsibility of the student. The student will be granted ONE (1) day to make up work for each day they are absent. Teachers may use their judgment to determine if a student needs additional time to complete the work.

If a student knows that they are going to be absent from school, they are asked to get advanced assignments from their teachers. Assignments should be made-up before the student is absent. Exceptions to this may be granted from the principal.

Notification of excessive absences to parents/guardians.

In addition to communicating with parents/guardians when students are absent, the following procedure will be used after a student’s fifth absence and tenth absence during a semester.

On the fifth absence:

A letter or call stating this fact will be sent to the parent/guardian. A conference may

be held with the parent/guardian, student, and principal to discuss the attendance

policy and consequences of further absences.

On the tenth absence:

A letter stating this fact will be sent to the parent/guardian. Any absence

missed after the tenth may result in no credit being granted for that class.

Losing Credit Due to Excessive Absences

Any 9-12 student missing more than TEN (10) classes in one period per semester may receive no credit in that particular class. This credit denial can be appealed with the parent/guardian and students initially meeting with the building Principal. If the decision to withhold credit is upheld, it can be appealed to the Superintendent and then the school board, with the school board making the final decision.

Student Tardies

There are four minutes of passing time between each class period for high school students. This should allow ample opportunity for students to get to class on time and also allow students time at their lockers to put away and get class materials, give them time to utilize the restroom, and get a drink of water.

Open Enrollment

Open enrollment forms must be submitted to the Bennett County Business Office by the last Friday of September by 12:00 p.m. for the 1st semester and the last Friday in January for the 2nd semester. Open enrollment requests after this time will not be accepted.