What is referencing? Writing a reference list – or bibliography – is a way of acknowledging all the sources you have used to complete your assignment. Whenever you use ANY words, ideas or information from ANY source, you must reference it, so as to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying the work of someone else and claiming it as your own. Plagiarism can result in failing your task.


·  Your reference list (also known as a bibliography) should appear at the end of your work on a separate page.

·  No bullet points, numbers or letters are needed to begin each bibliographic entry.

·  References should be listed in alphabetical order.

·  Be consistent and accurate in the style and punctuation you use, throughout your bibliography.

·  Provide the month, date and year you accessed the article/website of a document online.

·  Provide the name of the database or website.

·  Where there is no obvious author, use the name of the website.

·  Test that the website addresses you listed in your bibliography still work before submitting your assignment.

·  In-text references generally appears as: (Author’s Last Name, Year of Publication, Page number/s)

The examples of referencing below are based on the Harvard System of Referencing. However, the APA System of Referencing – adapted as much as possible to suit the Harvard System –has been used for music items.

Resource / In-Text Referencing / Reference List
One author / (Cochrane 2007, p. 221) / Cochrane, A 2007, Understanding urban policy: a critical approach, Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA.
Two/three authors / (Palmer and Short 2010, p. 77) / Palmer, GR & Short, SD 2010, Health care and public policy: an Australian analysis, 4th edn, Palgrave Macmillan, South Yarra, Vic.
E-Book – online book / (Niemann, Greenstein, & David 2004) / Niemann, S, Greenstein, D, & David, D 2004, Helping children who are deaf: family and community support for children who do not hear well. Hesperian Foundation, Berkley, CA, viewed 11 June 2007,
Brochure – author is also publisher / (TransACT n.d)
[n.d = no date] / TransACT n.d., Guide to equipment and service, brochure, TransACT, Canberra.
Editor –
One editor = (ed.), more than one = (eds) / (ed. Zairi 1999, p.34) / Zairi, M (ed.) 1999, Best practice: process innovation management, Butterworth – Heinemann, Oxford.
No author or editor
(use the title in the position of author) / (Macroeconomics, price and quantities 1983, pp. 43 – 57) / Macroeconomics, prices and quantities: essays in memory of Arthur M. Okun 1983, Blackwell, Oxford.
Multi-volume work / (Clark 1978, p. 42) / Clark, CMH 1978, A history of Australia, vol. 4, The earth abideth for ever, 1851-1888, Melbourne University Press.
Resource / In-Text Referencing / Reference List
Article in online journal or magazine / (Noor 2008) / Noor, A 2008, ‘ Ethics, religion and good governance’, JOAAG: Journal of administration & Governance, vol 3, no. 2, pp. 62-77, viewed 17 November 2009,
Newspaper article – with an author / (Waterford 2007) / Waterford, J 2007, ‘ Bill of Rights gets it wrong’, Canberra Times, 30 May, p. 11.
Newspaper article – without an author / (‘Internet pioneer’ 2007) / ‘Internet pioneer to oversee network redesign’ 2007, Canberra Times, 28 May, p. 15.
Government department as author / (Department of Finance and Administration [DOFA] 2006) / Department of Finance and Administration 2006, Delivering Australian Government services: managing multiple channels, DOFA, Canberra.
Government report – online / (Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet [PM&C] 2008) / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 2008, Families in Australia: 2008, viewed 20 November 2009,
Blog post / (Keim 2009) / Keim, B 2009, ‘ID error leaves fish at edge of extinction’, Wired Science blog, web log post, 18 November, viewed 20 November 2009,
Dictionary/Encyclopaedia - print / (VandenBos 2007, p. 123) / VandenBos, GR (ed.) 2007, APA dictionary of psychology, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Dictionary/Encyclopaedia – online / (Arcus 2001) / Arcus, D 2001, ‘Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)’, in B Strickland (ed.), The Gale encyclopedia of psychology, viewed 21 November 2009, Oxford Reference Online Database.
DVD/Videorecording / (Sense and Sensibility 1995) / Sense and Sensibility 1995, DVD, Columbia TriStar Home Video, Australia. Directed by Ang Lee.
Image - online / (Monet 1890) / Monet, C 1890, Haystacks, midday, painting, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, viewed 18 November 2009,
Interview – on television / (Enough Rope with Andrew Denton 2006) / Enough Rope with Andrew Denton 2006, television broadcast, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney, 25 September, Interview with Raelene Boyle.
Motion picture – movie / (The lord of the rings 2003) / The lord of the rings; the return of the king 2003, motion picture, Imagine Films, Auckland, NZ. Produced by Steve Pyke; directed by Peter Jackson.
Podcast – audio / (AM: news & current affairs 2007) / AM: news & current affairs 2007, audio podcast, ABC Radio, Sydney, 28 April, accessed 28 May 2007,
Radio program – transcript / (‘Are we hardwired for creativity?’ 2005) / ‘Are we hardwired for creativity?’ 2005, Innovations, radio program transcript, Radio Australia, Melbourne, 14 February, viewed 6 June 2007, Interview with Edward de Bono.
Resource / In-Text Referencing / Reference List
Software / (Skyscape 2011) / Skyscape 2011. Skyscape Medical Resources (Version 1.14.8), mobile application software, viewed 28 November 2012, Mt=8&ign=uo%3D4
Television advertisement / (Beyondblue 2009) / Beyondblue 2009, Beyondblue: anxiety, television advertisement, WIN TV, Canberra, 29 November.
Television program – transcript / (‘Cyclone Tracy’ 2004) / ‘Cyclone Tracy’ 2004, Rewind, television program transcript, ABC TV, Sydney, 7 November, viewed 21 May 2007,
Web document – dated & author or sponsor given / (Simon, Smith & West 2009) / Simon, J, Smith, K & West, T 2009, Price incentives and consumer payment behaviour, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, viewed 24 November 2009,
Web source with no page numbers / (University of Sydney 2010, ‘Who owns copyright?’, para.1)
[para. = paragraph] / University of Sydney 2010, guide to copyright, University of Sydney, viewed 24 January 2011,
Website – entire website / (DEEWR 2009) / Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations 2009, DEEWR, Canberra, viewed 21 November 2009,
Wiki / (‘Great debates’ n.d.) / ‘Great debates in media literacy: theory and practice of media literacy’ n.d.’ Wikiversity, wiki article, viewed October 27 2009,
The following reference guide for music materials is taken from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th ed, adapted as much as possible to the style of Harvard.
Resource / In-Text Referencing / Reference List
Liner notes from a sound recording / (Hogwood 1993) / Hogwood, C 1993, [Liner notes] On my ladye nevells booke [CD]. London, England, I’Oiseau-Lyre.
Sound recording: CD / (Maher 1989) / Mahler, G 1989, Symphony no.1 in D major: Titan [CD]. Germany, Deutsche Grammophon.
Track from a sound recording / (Vine 1996, track 1) / Vine, C 1996, 5 bagatelles [recorded by I. Munro], On mere bagatelles [CD], Australia, Tall Poppies.
Track from a sound recording: Online / (Vine, 5 bagatelles 1996) / Vine, C 1996, 5 bagatelles [recorded by I Munro], On mere bagatelles [CD], Australia, Tall Poppies, retrieved from Naxos Music Library,
Music score: Print / (Stravinsky 1975) / Stravinsky, I 1975, Rite of spring [musical score], London, Hansen House.
Music score: Online / (Stravinsky 1975) / Stravinsky, I 1975, Rite of spring [musical score], London, Hansen House, retrieved from Classical Scores Library,