Fairview Cemetery Project

Thomas Connors, University of Northern Iowa, 2011

Research Topics

Section I: General Topics

1. History and Development of Fairview Cemetery. Place the development of Fairview Cemetery in the context of the evolution of the American Cemetery. Discuss its growth, planning, landscape, and design; describe important sections. The use of city records will be especially important.

2. Dayton Mausoleum. Explain the history, decoration, and architecture of the mausoleum.

3. Western Home plot. Give background on the Western Home and its plot in Fairview.

4. The Iowa Soldiers’ Orphans Home. Explain the association between the Orphans Home and the cemetery. Write a biographical sketch of Arthur Morrison, its superintendent.

5. Epitaphs. Investigate epitaphs in the cemetery. Organize them into categories; explain changes or continuity over time. Give locations of significant examples (family name, approximate date, and section).

6. Metal Monuments. Discuss the style and design of metal monuments in the cemetery. Who manufactured them? When were they erected? Give locations of significant examples (family name, approximate date, and section).

7. Style: 19th Century. Describe the styles used during the nineteenth century (1850-1910). How do they reflect architectural styles? How do they reflect their time? How do they develop over the period? Give locations of significant examples (family name, approximate date, and section).

8. Style: 20th Century. Describe the styles used during the twentieth cemetery (since 1910). How do they reflect architectural styles? How do they reflect their time? How do they develop over the period? Give locations of significant examples (family name, approximate date, and section).

9. Religious Symbolism. Explain the meanings of religious symbols on tombstones, drawing conclusions about change and continuity over time. Give locations of significant examples (family name, approximate date, and section).

10. Other Symbolism. Explain the meanings of non-religious symbols on tombstones, drawing conclusions about change and continuity over time. Give locations of significant examples (family name, approximate date, and section).

11. Veterans. Analyze the information about soldiers and veterans that can be gained by examining the tombstones at Fairview Cemetery. Discuss the wars they fought in and the changing styles of symbols and government tombstones. Give locations of examples (family name, approximate date, and section).

Section II: Biographies

Write biographical sketches of these individuals significant in the histories of Cedar Falls and UNI. Give locations of their tombs (section, etc.).

12. Business Leaders I.

Bancroft, Elizabeth (1912) & Joseph (1913) - Greenhouse

Boehmler, George H. (1907) - Shoemaker, Immigrant

13. Business Leaders II.

Clay, Joseph (1973) - Clay Equipment

Cotton, Frank (1924) - Regent Theater

14. Business Leaders III.

Harris, Norman H. (1905) - Harris & Cole Pump

Hearst, Dr. Will (1932) - Viking Pump

15. Carpetbaggers.

Carpenter, Thaddeus B. (1904) - Carpetbagger

Carpenter, Henry H. (1871) - Carpetbagger

Hartman, John (1914) - Carpetbagger

16. Cedar Falls Ladies Society.

Boehmler, Barbara (1913) - CF Ladies Society

Sessions, Elmira (1899) - CF Ladies Society

17. Civic Leaders.

Pfeiffer, H. Jacob (1930) & Mary (1953) - Spring Park Donors

Santee, Charles (1943) - Business & Politics

Santee, Robert (1941) - Business & Politics

18. Civil War Soldiers.

Boehmler, Charles (1917) - POW

Rownd, George (1865) - Civil War Soldier

19. Civil War Veterans.

Savage, Charles (1867) - Civil War Veteran

Sessions, Fitzroy (1908) - Civil War Veteran

20. Early UNI History.

Bartlett, Moses (1912) - English Professor

Wright, D. Sands (1931) - Mathematic Professor

21. Hearst, James (1983) - Poet

22. ISTC/UNI Presidents.

Latham, Orval Ray (1940) - College President

Price, Malcolm (1975) - University President

23. Melendy, Peter (1901) - Mayor, Writer

24. Pioneers.

Rownd, Samuel, Sr. (1880) - Pioneer

Sessions, Col. William (1883) - Pioneer

25. Pioneers and Civic Leaders.

Sawyer, Moses W. (1916) - Clothing Store, Pioneer

Townsend, Edward (1900) - Mayor, Banker

26. Professors.

Fullerton, Charles (1945) - Music Educator

Nijim, Basheer K. (1991) - Geographer

27. The Radell Women.

Radell, Inez (1981) - Philanthropist

Radell, Neva Henrietta (1991) - Philanthropist

Radell, Sarah (1945) - CF Women’s Club

28. Sage, Leland (1989) - Iowa Historian

29. Seerley, Homer (1932) - College President

30. World War II Soldiers

Colville, John D. (1944)

Hall, George D. (1945)


First draft: Wednesday, September 22

Second draft: Friday, October 15

Walking Tour: Friday, October 15

Final draft: Friday, November 5

Grading Criteria

-Amount of research and work; initiative; exploitation of local sources, including surveys of the evidence in the cemetery for some topics (history, 19th & 20th Century monuments, metal monuments, epitaphs, mausoleum, veterans, etc.).

-Care taken in writing project: professional appearance & style; free of errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar; smooth flow and clarity of prose; follows project format style & instructions.

-Links to illustrations and map.

-Fully addresses concerns and comments raised in previous drafts.

*Projects receiving a B-/C+ or lower will not be considered suitable for publication.

Illustrations and Maps:

I. Illustrations

-Turn in a list of photographs desired, divided up by location of the original (cemetery, historical society, address of house, etc.)

-Give full description of location: section, block & lot number; CFHSA series, box & file #; street address of house, etc.; book title, author, & page #.

-Mark specific locations for photographs on a cemetery map.


Tombstone of Dempsey Overman, Original Portion, Block 1. See attached map.

Cabinet photograph of Joseph Sartori, CFHS, details of collection, folder, etc..

Robert Speer House, 212 Franklin Street, Cedar Falls.

II. Map

-The location of any monument you mention must be indicated on the map, accurately oriented to nearby roads, paths, etc.

-The map locations must be numbered clearly. A typed key to your map should indicate the number, name and full location of monument.

-Turn in THREE copies of this assignment.

Project Paper Format

The papers you write for the local history project must all follow the same format so that they can be easily mounted as part of a website and edited for publication. If they are to be published, the papers must be entirely free from any errors of spelling, grammar, and punctuation that would reflect badly on yourself, your instructor, UNI, and the publisher. Using PC compatible programs as opposed to Macintosh will make adding your material to the website much easier. Underline words that will link to photographs and map locations.

In papers mainly consisting of separate biographical sketches, each sketch (and, if needed, the introductory essay) should be self contained, with a full & separate title, footnotes, and bibliography.


Center the section (or paper’s) title:

Epitaphs in Fairview Cemetery

by Jane Q. Student

Titles of specific biographies should include the individual’s years of life:

John A. Pioneer (1809-1887)

Location: Second Addition, Block 5, Lot 3

by Jack Q. Student

The text of your paper should then follow. The sources of all information must be documented in footnotes. Footnotes should be noted in the text with a number in brackets. [1]

This number refers to the notes at the end of each full section.

When you mention specific tombstones, you should note the individual or family name, location (by section and block), and the approximate date the stone was erected. Exceptions to this should be made with more recent burials (all stones erected since 1970, with the exception of named biographies, like James Hearst, and all children since 1940). In these cases, references to family or given names should be avoided and locations should be limited to section and block.

Sample Citations


1. Herb Hake, Still More Stories of Cedar Falls (Cedar Falls: Sturgis Press, 1978), 47.

2. Cedar Falls Historical Society Archives: Series XIV (Military Affairs): Box 1: Folder 16 (WWI: Naval Base Hospital): Elizabeth Louis to Martha Louis, July 12, 1918.

3. CFHSA: Series XX (Parks, Recreation, Cemeteries, etc.): Box 2: Folder 12 (Veterans): “Sgt. William Yank” (obituary) in Cedar Falls Record, April 4, 1906, p 6.

4. CFHSA: Series XVII (Structures): Box 1: Folder 12 (Melendy House): Untitled typed history of Melendy House, unsigned and undated, p 8.


Sample format. List in alphabetical order.

Burr, Aaron, “Killing Mr. H” in The Duelist 8 (1805), 43-96.

Cedar Falls Historical Society Archives: Series XIV (Military Affairs): Box 1: Folder 16 (WWI: Naval Base Hospital/Louis Correspondence): Elizabeth Louis to Martha Louis, July 12, 1918.

CFHSA: Series XVII (Structures): Box 1: Folder 12 (Melendy House): Untitled typed history of Melendy House, unsigned and undated, 8.

CFHSA: Series XX (Parks, Recreation, Cemeteries, etc.): Box 2: Folder 12 (Veterans): “Sgt. William Yank” (obituary) in Cedar Falls Record, April 4, 1906, 6.

Hemmings, Sally, My Life with Tommy-Boy. Boston: Adams Press, 1800.

Madison, James, ed., Following the Big Guy. Richmond: Dolley Press, 1818.

Melendy, Peter, “Selling Cedar Falls by the Pound” in Iowa Business Quarterly 17 (1901), 23-56.

The War of 1812 Website, http:/war1812.com/html/


These abbreviations for local archives may be used after your first full citation:

CFHSA - Cedar Falls Historical Society Archives

CFPL - Cedar Falls Public Library

Grout - Grout Museum, Waterloo

RLSP, UNI - Special Collections, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa

Resources for Cedar Falls Local History

Libraries and Collections

Cedar Falls Historical Society: Archives [Call ahead for appointment]

Cedar Falls Public Library: Iowa Collection

Grout Museum of History and Science, Waterloo: Library & Collections [Call ahead for appointment: Jan Taylor (archivist), Lorraine Ihnen (collections manager)]

Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa: Special Collections

University Museum, University of Northern Iowa: Local History Collections

Cedar Falls Cemetery Records [UNI Special Collections: F627.B6B5; Iowa Collection, CF Lib.]

Greenwood Cemetery Index

Fairview Cemetery Index

Hillside Cemetery Index


Cedar Falls

Clarence W. Baldwin, Crossroads on the Cedar (1967)

Clarence W. Baldwin, Historical Sketches (1982)

Brian C. Collins, Images of America: Cedar Falls, Iowa (1998) historic photographs

Herb Hake, 101 Stories of Cedar Falls (1977)

Herb Hake, Bicentennial Outlines of Cedar Falls (1974)

John Hartman, ed., History of Black Hawk County, Iowa and its People (1915)

Biographical and Historical Record of Black Hawk County, 2 vols. (1886)

Historical Tour of Black Hawk County (1996) [also on the Web]

Iowa History and Culture: A Bibliography of Materials Published 1952-1986 (1989)

Kenneth Lyftogt, From Blue Mills to Columbia (1993) Civil War units, pioneer period

Peter Melendy, Historical Record of Cedar Falls (1893)

Justin and Karen Nelson, The Band Played On: History of the Cedar Falls Band (1991)

Neva Radell, The Sartori Legacy (1985)

Glenda Riley, Cities on the Cedar (1988)

Mary Logan Sweet, Stone Ware in Cedar Falls (1984)

History of UNI

Marshall R. Beard, A History of Religious Activities at Iowa State Teachers’ College (1937)

Irving Hart, The First 75 Years (c. 1951)

William C. Lang, A Century of Leadership and Service, 2 vols. (1990) history of UNI

Val Martin, Soldiers’ Orphans’ Home, 1863-1876 (1983)

Clarence T. Molen, The Evolution of a State Normal School into a Teachers’ College (1974)

David Sands Wright, Fifty Years at the Teachers’ College (1926) early history of UNI

Cedar Falls Biographies and Memoirs

Janice Abel, Community Shapers: Conversations with Retired Women (1996)

Bess Streeter Aldrich, A Lantern in her Hand (1928) fiction

Bess Streeter Aldrich, Song of Years (1939) fiction

S.W. Barnett, Unseen Battles of the Night (1974) doctor’s memoir

Margaret McHugh Chehock, Mayor C.N. McHugh (1990)

James Hearst, My Shadow Below Me (1981)autobiography

Roger Leavitt, When Cedar Falls Was Young (1928) memoir

Kenneth Lyftogt, ed. Left for Dixie: the Civil War Diary of John Rath (1991)

Alice Myers, It Seems to Me (c. 1980 or later) local newspaper columns, 1975-80

Ferner Nuhn, The Ice Wagon and Other Vanished Wonders (1981)

Ferner Nuhn, William C. Nuhn: A Memo (1980)

Carol Miles Petersen, Bess Streeter Aldrich: the Dreams Are All Real (1995) biography

Leland Sage, Turning Points: an Autobiography (1990)

Mary Logan Sweet, William Sturgis: First in Cedar Falls (1981)

Luella Wright, Peter Melendy: The Mind and the Soil (1943) biography

Vivian Youngberg, Bess Streeter Aldrich Scrapbook (1989)

Newspapers & Journals

Annals of Iowa [index in CF Library Special Collections]

Cedar Falls Gazette, 1860-1916

Cedar Falls Globe / Weekly Globe, 1889-1909

Cedar Falls Record, 1903-1983

Des Moines Register, 1871-

Iowa Journal of History

Iowa Journal of History and Politics

The Iowan

The Palimpsest [index in CF Library Special Collections]

Waterloo/Cedar Falls Daily Courier, 1859-

General Cemetery Websites

Sample Cedar Falls Website:
