Lesson PlansSept. 4-8

Arrival 7:55-8:00 / 8:10-8:30
Opening / 8:30-9:10 / R.T.I.I.
9:15-9:45 / Snack 9:45-9:55
9:55 – 11:10
Centers/Reading Groups
Monday / Attendance, Lunch count, Morning Work, Pledge, Clean up / No School Labor Day
Tuesday / Attendance, Lunch count, Morning Work, Pledge, Clean up / OPENING
*Calendar- checking weather, counting days in school, counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s
* Daily Language- Go over together as a class / Computer / Phonics Dance
Word Family: “op”
RTI- Small groups intervention
Lesson: Upper/Lowercase Letters and Beginning Sounds / Introduce Writing Lesson
“How to Pack a Lunch”
Whole class Kid writing while finishing reading groups- from Writing lesson
Obj. Students will be able to: create an illustration prior to writing and then write 3 complete sentences about their illustration
Wednesday / Attendance, Lunch count, Morning Work, Pledge, Clean up / OPENING
*Calendar- checking weather, counting days in school, counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s
* Daily Language- Go over together as a class / Library / Phonics Dance
RTI- Small groups intervention
Activity: Upper/Lowercase Letters and Beginning Sounds / Continue Writing Lesson
“How to Pack a Lunch”
Whole class Kid writing while finishing reading groups - from writing lesson
Obj. Students will be able to: create an illustration prior to writing and then write 3 complete sentences about their illustration
Thursday / Attendance, Lunch Attendance, Lunch count, Morning Work, Pledge, Clean up Pledge, Clean up / OPENING
*Calendar- checking weather, counting days in school, counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s
* Daily Language- Go over together as a class / Music / Phonics Dance
RTI- Small groups intervention
Obj. Students will be able to: read and complete centers independently
(Mrs. Boyce- Guided reading groups and sight word practice- 20 minutes each group
Friday / Attendance, Lunch count, Morning Work, Pledge, Clean up / OPENING
*Calendar- checking weather, counting days in school, counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s
* Phonics dance- practice with whole group
* Daily Language- Go over together as a class
*Sequential phonics–Obj. Students will be able to: build and read words independently along with whole group discussion / Gym / Science-What is a scientist- How can we be scientists, Watch united streaming- What is Science, then begin making Science Journals using cut and paste pages and decorate. / Centers and Guided Reading groups- ALL NOTES AND FOLDERS FOR GUIDED READING CAN BE FOUND IN BLUE GUIDED READING BASKET AT GUIDED READING TABLE IN THE FRONT OF THE ROOM
Obj. Students will be able to: read and complete centers independently
(Mrs. Boyce- Guided reading groups and sight word practice- 20 minutes each group
11:10 clean up centers
Do Handwriting or Spelling / 11:40-12:10 / 12:15-12:40 / 12:40-1:10 / 1:20-2:15
Centers/Reading Groups / 2:15-2:30 / 2:40-2:53
Monday / No School Labor Day / Jobs/Pack up
Tuesday / Finish Reading Groups, Unfinished Centers / Lunch / * Phonics dance- practice with whole group
Spelling-Unit 1 pg. 2 Build Basic Concepts (concept two-2B) pg. 2
Obj. Students will be able to: listen and read poem “Jack and Jill” find “and” and “of” words in the poem, find words that are spelled the way they sound and words that are not / Recess / Daily Math
Math- Ch. 6- 6.1 pg. 85-86 use the strategies
Obj. Students will be able to: use previously learned strategies to memorize addition facts through sums of 10 / Handwriting – pg. 14-15 Same as Capitals and letter Tt
Obj. Students will be able to: Print words and letters neatly. / Jobs/Pack up
Wednesday / Finish Reading Groups, Unfinished Centers / Lunch / *Reading Street–- Let’s Talk Animal Friends pg. 32-33, words to read and read the words, Read story ““Pig in a Wig” Pg. 35-45, Think and Share/Meet the Author / Recess / Daily Math
Mad Minute Math
Math- Ch. 6- 6.2 pg. 87-88, Sums to 8
Obj. Students will be able to: practice addition facts through 8 and commit them to memory / Handwriting – pg. 16-17 letter Aa and letter Dd
Obj. Students will be able to: Print words and letters neatly. / Jobs/Pack up
Thursday / Finish Reading Groups, Unfinished Centers / Lunch / Spelling- Unit 1 pg. 3 Build Basic Concepts (concept three-3A & 3C)
Obj. Students will be able to: make words ending in and on the board, add s to the end of and words to make more than one, then change and to end and make new words. / Recess / Daily Math
Math- Ch. 6- 6.3 pg. 89-90 Sums to 10
Obj. Students will be able to: practice addition facts through sums of 10 and commit them to memory / Handwriting – complete any unfinished pages from this week / Jobs/Pack up
Friday / Finish Reading Groups, Unfinished Centers / Lunch / Social Studies-Read Big Book “We are family”(At home) Read and discuss pg. 1 poem “ Barefoot” and pg. 2-`9 “Many people make a family, families around the world, an gathering honny”
Obj. Students will be able to: listen, describe, and discuss what types of people make up a family, different families that live in places around the world, and how a family works together on a bee farm to harvest honey / Recess- DUTY / Daily Math
Mad Minute Math
Math- Ch. 6- 6.4 pg. 91-92 Follow the rule
Obj. Students will be able to: use an addition rule to complete function tables through sums of 10 / Show and Tell
Star Student / Jobs/Pack up
Standards and Assessments / Reading:
Essential Questions:
*How can I ask and answer questions to help understanding?
*How can I use illustrations to help me retell a story?
*How does an author use words or phrases in text?
*How do I use text features?
*How do I learn the meaning of a word?
*How do I know what information is learned from pictures or the words in text?
Vocabulary: Literature, informational text, describe, detail, illustration, text, Text feature, topic, compare, contrast, lesson
Summary: “Ticket out the door”
Write down 1 thing you learned about the story and share it with one other person.Write down 1 thing you learned about the story and share it with one other person. / Writing
Essential Questions:
*How do I write a Narrative piece?
*How do I write all upper and lower case letters?
*What words do I capitalize?
*How do I use ending punctuation?
Conventions, Upper and Lower case letters, Capitalize, Punctuation, Comma, Style, Topic, Source
Oral Response- “Tell a Partner, Tell the Teacher, Stand and Deliver” / Math
Essential Questions:
*How do I add?
*How do I add or subtraction within 20?
*How do I use addition and subtraction to solve word problems?
Vocabulary: whole number, addend, sum, add, addition, adding to, putting together, digit, subtract, subtraction, difference, taking from, taking apart, equals, equation
Summary: “The Important Thing”- List and review what is important. / Science
Essential Questions:
*How do we use our senses?
*What are our senses?
Vocabulary: senses, sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, habits
Summary: Learning Logs in Science Journals
Social Studies.
Essential Questions:
*What makes a community?
*What is our job as community and school members?
*How are schools alike and different today and in the past?
Summary: “Plus/Minus/Intriguing”- Make a list of the positive, negative, and things that were neat or different.