Tax XML TASC conference call notes.

Date: / October 22, 2003 / Note taker: / Sandy Foote
Time: / 16:00 EDT
Participants: / Andy Greener
Alex Fiteni
Philip Allen
Harm Jan Van Burg
John Glaubitz
Sandy Foote / UK Inland Revenue
Dutch Tax Authority
Vertex Inc.

Action Items

  1. John will follow up with the TASC about the results of the CIQ TC meeting in Philadelphia in December.
  2. Harm Jan will provide an update on SAF at the next conference call.
  3. Andy will provide an update on the UBL meeting in November.
  4. Alex will provide an update following his meeting with OAGIS.
  5. Michael is ready to post the registry/vocabulary site. John will follow-up with Michael and report this to the BASC.

Work in Progress

CIQ liaison

John is attending CIQ TC in Philadelphia in December. CIQ TC is making it international and standardizing on the structure of name and address. It is a very complex structure and has a lot depth. CIQ is advertised as being easy to use. A lot of organizations are looking at it. UBL has adopted it for the most part. Seems like a pretty good standard. It is out for public display. TASC feels there isn't a reason to re-invent what CIQ TC has done. There is also interest in what UBL is doing with CIQ. CIQ TC is very interested in working with the Tax XML TC.

We need to understand the benefits of CIQ since there are a number of name and address standards are available. It was agreed that CIQ offers the best standard to review that is international in scope. TASC will look at the other standards that are available to see if there are any other standards that meet our needs. As well we will need to map national name and address standards to CIQ to see how they fit.

SAF Update

Harm Jan talked about SAF and mentioned that there is a SAF meeting happening this week. OECD is wondering what the TAX XML TC interest is regarding SAF. There is a large political side to SAF in North America whereas in Europe there is less of an issue. The adoption of the SAF to the OECD will take a number of years. Harm said that having explained our interest they were a lot more relaxed about it. We will get an update on SAF at our next conference call.

UBL liaison & XBRL/UBL co-existence

Michael has agreed to act as the liaison with UBL and has been in contact with Jon Bosak. Andy has spent time with the UBL folks to look at integrating XBRL with the UBL framework. Andy has scheduled a meeting in November to further discuss the UBL opportunities. John mentioned that UBL is devoid of context and it is worth investigating how this plays into what the TAX XML TC is looking for.

The original purpose of the UBL meeting in November was to have been an opportunity to discuss closer UBL liaison, but due to their scheduling difficulties with a slight delay in the UBL Beta 1.0 release the meeting is now oriented towards getting UBL 1.0 out of the door. There will be a subsequent UBL planning meeting, and we will send a representative to that.

Possible OAGIS liaison

Alex discussed what OAGIS is. It is similar to UBL on very specific commercial transactions based on EDI ( The OAGIS group has offered to come and speak to us on what they do. The group feels there is value in further discussions with OAGIS. We can then learn there role and plans are. We will try and find some time at the end of January for the meeting. Alex will follow-up with OAGIS and get back to the group.

Vocabulary/Schema repository

Michael is ready to roll with the software that was demonstrated in Toronto. Harm Jan will contact Michael to schedule the delivery. John will cover this topic in the BASC on Thursday.

Business process modeling

The vocabulary has taken the priority. John would like to run this effort in parallel to the vocabulary work. BASC will continue to take the lead to complete the process work. We need to make sure that the Business Process effort is continued. There are more countries interested in vocabulary than process models. In the end to see the common aspects we will need a level of process modeling.

We have set on the UML notation for the process models. The group will look at process modeling tools and provide suggestions. This is more by default than anything else - there are other notations out there, and we should be looking at them in tandem with looking at the tools that support them. TASC has some reservations about the descriptive power of the UML notation in comparison to something sophisticated like BPML Notation (see - BPMI are apparently members of OASIS).

Next Meeting

Next conference call is scheduled for 16:00 am EDT, November 19, 2003.

Tax XML Technical Analysis Sub CommitteeOctober 22, 2003