Minutes of the meeting held on 20th March 2017
17.30 hrs. at Dunchurch Village Hall, Rugby Road, Dunchurch
Apologies / Ann Wright, Graham Jones, Karl Stott, Les Pearce and Karen Delph McLeod, Nick Jones,
Attendees / Mike Judge, Rhona Smith, Fiona Stephenson, Rob Collings, Wendy Collings, Phil Freeman, Rowan Moore and Carina Haley, Nigel Stott, Marilyn Greenwood, Lennie Cooper, Pete Trewren,
Chairs Report
Events Report
Treasures Report
AOB / Rob welcomed John Davies from Newbold, Community First Responders and ambulance service, who spoke about public access to defibrillators.
He discussed the process that can be used and what others have done.
He discussed options and things to think about e.g.:
Signing a memorandum with ambulance service,
locate on outside of building,
light bulb wattage for light bulb,
Cardiac arrest survival rate 3%
Battery last 3yrs-4yrs £150-180 70 shocks approx
Code to access and reset after use.
resuscitate within 6mins increased to 40% survival
10 mins little chance of survival
Ambulance response time 8 mins - reality 20 plus minutes.
They also provide training - gives instructions on use etc.
Pads last 2yrs expiry date of pads would need checking, £25 per set of pads, ambulance service will replace the pads if used on patient.
Cost of IPad sp1 £1200 vat exemption as charity, iPad one can be used on child.
The Parish Council could insure it as they have done in other areas but only small chance of vandalism.
We need to find out if Parish Council get to allocate funding to get one? We need to ask them if they will help with it? The library was suggested as a central place to locate it as it well-lit and they could add it to the assets list they already have.
Further investigation needed.
Talk in the group of contacting Parish Council to see if they will take ownership if we pay for it.
Rob Thanked John for attending.
Thank you to Les, Phil and all the crew who helped take down the Christmas tree in the village.
The quiz was a huge success with the Hall being full to capacity. Due to technicality Rob and team did not win (did not get enough points) and the bar was well attended. Thanks to all who helped – Pete for organising the bar and Wendy and Carina for helping on the night, Fiona on door, the Quiz people and all who helped put away after.
Balance currently stands at £ 11,273.99
£1,112.80 profit from the quiz.
The committee has been approached by the Save Dunchurch action group who have asked if we could temporarily keep the donations they are to receive until they get a bank account organised? This has been agreed by the auditors and the committee.
Thank you letters have been received from Dunchurch Brownies.
Photographic society would like an outside pitch, Allotment’s want two pitches again and letter from soft toy people with confusion with price for pitch.
New Vicar at St Peters Church – warm welcome to her from Committee and Fiona to attend meeting
Easter Egg Hunt
Eggs sorted by Carina and Post Office.
Mike printed 42 copies of hunt questions and instructions. ThePost Office to handle the admin, closing date will be the 13th April. Photographs of prizes on web site.
Band night 19th May.
'Hard Ride' playing rock night at the village hall. Another bandto Support required if anyone knows one?
Progressive supper: Date in diary 10th June please contact Fiona re taking part.
Opening the fete The Stig in Austin 7 if no Aston Martin available. It was also suggested that we could ask the new vicar to open the fete and judge the fancy dress competition?
Others confirmed attendance are: Silver Band, John Watson Jazz Band confirmed, any other ideas for attractions or entertainment please contact the festival committee.
Rob purchased 3 pop up Gazebo’s. Cost £509.85
Lots of exhibitors have replied
Road closure signs along with Dunchurch fete signs need to be sorted.
Road closures- Nick has started progressing this already, he will also contact Tom re the sound system.
Mike has contacted the go karting company and they cannot attend this year’s fete.
Circus skills to be contacted.
Face painting - any volunteers welcome to help.
Insurance to be sorted for proper floats. Fiona has contacted the insurance company and will chase, as not had a quote from them.
Edward Knight has offered to sponsor something at the village fete. Nick Jones to give him chairs number to discuss.
Festival trade Stall on website 4-booked already.
Please contact Fiona or Rob if you are interested in having a stall or know anyone who is.
Photography association has been contacted to see if they are interested in displaying some pictures. The new gallery in the village and the flooring shop to be contacted re sponsorship or supporting the event.
Possibility of having a Donald Trump coconut stall?
Barbara to be contacted re the posters and publicity for events
Variety Night “|Good Old days” theme. Any Ideas for acts contact Mike
WI Event -Live and Local event is on at the WI HALL in the village 'Hickory Dickery Murder' a murder mystery evening, contact Dunchurch WI for information.
All organisations need to be contacted about their stalls and contributions to the event
Jenny Trewren to be asked about baking cakes and any other organisations who would like to donate cakes, this would be most helpful.
Easter egg Hunt - Sandy in the post office to be asked to accept and distribute the egg hunt details, entry forms.
Nick Jones asked to publicise the Rugby Charity Ball for Cancer at the Dunchurch Park Hotel. Boot leg beetles playing at the event, lots of tickets already sold - £67 per ticket 50th anniversary.
Ideas for an Event for November Ghost walk -to be reviewed, safety issues, numbers, format.
Bon Fire Night event - to contact school and also Frank Redfern about making -lanterns see if this is a possibility?
Fete theme 'let’s go to the movies'
17th June
Silver Band
John Watson Jazz Band confirmed
Any other ideas for attractions or entertainment please contact the festival committee.
Variety Night
'Good Olde Days' theme -Any ideas speak to Mike Judge
Dates of 2017 events at a glance.
May 19th - Music night.
June 10th Progressive Supper,
June 17th – Fete.
September 22nd and 23rd – Variety Night.
(rehearsal on 15th and 23rd)
November 18th Quiz.
Meeting dates,
Jan 9th,
February 13th,
March 20th,
April 24th,
May 15th,
June 5th,
July 17th,
September 18th,
October 16th,
November 27th AGM. / Rob
Nick and Graham
Next Meeting / 24th April at 7:30pm / ALL
Meeting Closed / At 9:30pm