Manor Park Primary School

Pupil Premium Grant Report 2016 - 2017
Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received
Total number of pupils on role / 717
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / 110
Amount PPG received per pupil / £1320
(£1900 for pupils in certain circumstances)
Total amount PPG received / £144,300
Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP including most able)
In-school barriers
A / Attainment gap is closing more quickly in KS2 than in KS1 and Early Years against age related expectations. Non-disadvantaged children in Early Years and KS1 perform better than disadvantaged, however by the end of KS2 disadvantaged children achieve a higher percentage of children reading age related expectations than non-disadvantaged children.
B / Percentage of children entering Nursery and Reception with English as an Additional Language is increasing and some have little/no English which impacts on their Literacy attainment.
C / The percentage of children achieving a higher standard in Reading and Maths is not proportional to the amount achieving age related expectations. Engagement in reading for PP children is inconsistent.
External barriers
D / Attendance of children receiving PP is affecting their attainment in school. Persistent absence of PP children is 10.8% compared to 6.3% for non-disadvantaged children. More families travelling abroad to visit families is causing loss of time in school.
Objectives of spending PPG
Additional to the main principles of Manor Park Primary School:
  • Aim for all pupils in EYFS and KS1 to make good progress from the time they start so that percentage of PP pupils making age related expectations at the end of KS1 is in line with national data and closes the gap with non-disadvantaged pupils.
  • All EYFS pupils to make 5 steps progress per year in Nursery and Reception.
  • All KS1 Pupils to make at least 6 steps progress per year.
  • Pupils joining with EAL to make better than expected progress and number of pupils reaching expected standard at the end of EYFS, KS1 and KS2 to increase.
  • Percentage of PP children achieving a higher standard of Reading and Maths at KS2 to increase to above non-disadvantaged children within school
  • Attendance of PP children to increase to be in line with non-disadvantaged children.

Record of spending by item/project 2017-2018
Item/Project / Cost / Objectives / Outcomes
Most able maths workshops / £360 / To improve engagement and stretch of most able pupils in Maths.
Relate – Time for you counsellor / £6,825 / To support children’s wellbeing and enable them to make better progress with improved mind-set in class.
Learning Mentor support / £8,897 / To continue to monitor attendance and work with parents on increasing attendance across all age groups. Reduce % of persistent absence in PP children to 7.5%.
Playworker support –Lunchtime / £12,244 / To facilitate improved behaviour at lunchtimes so that learning in classrooms is productive and leads to accelerated progress.
Subsidised residential visits, music tuition and trips / £2,000 estimated / To allow all children to take part in extra-curricular activities that will enhance curriculum learning.
Additional teacher led intervention sessions (SJ, AH,JW,KM) / £42,537 / To target children and teach in small groups to ensure accelerated progress and increase % of children achieving ARE and higher standard.
TA led intervention sessions in afternoons / £53,703 / To close gaps in learning and ensure accelerated progress for all pupils from EYFS-KS2.
Magazine subscription / £359 / To engage children in reading and increase enjoyment.
Accelerated Reader subscription / £400 / To engage most able pupils in reading and set high, aspirational targets for their reading attainment.
Parent engagement sessions for Reading / £300 / To engage children in their child’s learning and encourage reading for pleasure at home.
T&L coaching and mentoring / % of leadership time to facilitate in-class support
£9,324 / To increase % of outstanding teaching and learning through coaching and in-class support.
PP Most Able Reading Challenge / £300 / To increase the % of children achieving expected and higher standard in reading.
Multi-lingual support for EAL pupils / % of time taken supporting PP children
£2,556 / To provide support for newly arrived children with EAL and ensure accelerated progress for those children to enable them to reach expected standard in Literacy at end of EYFS and KS1.
Total PPG received / £144,300
Total PPG expenditure / £139,805
PPG remaining / £4,495
Additional contributions from school budget / N/A