Stakeholder News

Issue 1, June 2014

Working in partnership to protect the public and reduce reoffending



1 June 2014 was the official launch date of the new Warwickshire and West Mercia Community Rehabilitation Company. Welcome to our first Stakeholder News which is designed to keep you up-to-date with developments in this interim period up to share sale.


Warwickshire and West Mercia Community Rehabilitation Company (WWMCRC) has been formed as a result of ‘Transforming Rehabilitation’, a major change programme introduced by the government to change the way probation works.

Staff from the previous 35 Probation Trusts have been divided up with some working in the new National Probation Service and others in a Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC). Warwickshire and West Mercia have merged to become one of the 21 CRCs across England and Wales.

Message from the Chief Executive

Liz Stafford, formerly Chief Executive of Warwickshire Probation Trust, is the new Chief Executive for WWMCRC. Liz was Chief at Warwickshire for 13 years and during that time led a very successful and high performing Trust.

“During this interim period the main priority is to create a stable organisation, one that is successful and high performing with a focus on delivering quality services which impact on reducing reoffending. The bidders are buying into a going concern and we need to make sure that we are just that.

At the point of share sale the legislation to give supervision to all people leaving prison, including those serving under 12 months, will be enacted and this will be one of the benefits of Transforming Rehabilitation. We also anticipate that the successful bidders will, over time and with our input, be more flexible and innovative and work with a range of existing and other partners to reduce reoffending”.

Liz Stafford, Chief Executive

Competition News

The competition process is well underway. Numerous meetings with bidders have taken place locally and nationally and huge amounts of data has been supplied for bidders to access via the data room. The bidders will have to submit their bids by 30 June 2014. These will be evaluated over the summer and it is anticipated that the preferred bidders will be selected in September. There will be a period of contract negotiation before the contract is signed and the new owner takes ownership (share sale) of the CRC. This is likely to be December or January 2015.

Who’s Who in the CRC

Please find below a list of the Senior Management Team and co-ordinators for the main Corporate Services functions and their contact details.

Our Head Office is based at Kidderminster (West Mercia Probation Trust’s previous Head Office). Corporate Services will continue to operate from both our Head Office and our office in Leamington.

Most systems will remain as they were for the time being, but we will keep you posted on any changes that may affect you.

Senior Management Team
Chief Executive
Chief Executive’s PA / Liz Stafford
Lynne Coombes / Head Office
Head Office / 01562 748375 ext 1901
01562 748375 ext 1910
Head of Corporate Services / Graham Mallinson / Head Office / 01562 748375 ext 1905
Head of Operations / Manjinder Purewal / Head Office / 01562 748375 ext 1903
Head of Service – Warwickshire / Donald McGovern / Leamington / 01926 682284
Head of Service –
Worcestershire / Susanah Stennett / Head Office / 01562 748375 ext 1941
Head of Service – Telford, Herefordshire, Shropshire / George Branch / Head Office / 01562 748375 ext 1906
Deputy Head of Service / Les King / Head Office / 01562 748375 ext 1001
Corporate Services Coordinators
Business Development & Estates / Kevin Goodyear / Leamington / 01926 682307
Secretariat / Karen Simmonds / Head Office / 01562 748375 ext 1908
Finance / Tina Champken / Head Office / 01562 748375 ext 1914
IT / Linda Smith / Head Office / 01562 748375 ext 1932
Performance / Paul Wood / Leamington / 01926 682298
HR & Training / Heather Caswell / Leamington / 01926 682308

How to Contact Us

Warwickshire & West Mercia Community Rehabilitation Company

Head Office

Stourbank House

90 Mill Street

Kidderminster DY11 6XA

Tel: Head Office - 01562 748375 Leamington Office – see direct dial numbers above


All staff in the WWM CRC have new email addresses from 1 June 2014. The format is:


We have a new WWM CRC website which you can find at:

This may not be operational until a few days after the launch.


You can follow us on Twitter. Keep up-to-date with our latest news @WWMCRCprobation


If you have any comments about this newsletter, suggestions for what you would like to see included or have any questions about the new ways of working please contact: