Dean Team MinutesPresent (*):Kathie Hunt* Samira Pardanani*Guests: John Backes

December 10, 2014Kim Thompson*Dan Fey* David Cunningham

9:00 –11:00 a.m.Bob Francis*Alison Leahy* All Tenure Report

Central Conference RoomSusan Hoyne* Ann Garnsey-Harter* Preparers

Bayta Maring*Terry Taylor*

Topic / Presenter / Discussion / Action Items
1 / Minutes / All / Postponed.
2 / SCC Foundation / J. Backes David C. / John Backes and David Cunningham, Board of Directors of the SCC Foundation, explained that education foundations have four primary areas of focus:
  • Financial support for students
  • Support and enhance the capital projects of the institution
  • Support and enhance the professional development of college employees
  • Create and build a permanent endowment that will provide for all operating expenses of the foundation and support specific initiatives and projects of the college
The Foundation’s mission statement and core values align with the college’s mission and values. The Foundation has the 2014-15 areas of focus that the college and Board of Trustees will focus on.
We want to lead by example. When we approach the “heavy rollers” for support, one big question they ask is how many people that work at the college contribute? Right now we have a low percentage. We want to be able to say X% of employees contribute to the fund every month. The key thing is the percentage of staff and faculty are part of the student scholarship program and that makes a huge difference. Any contributions are taken off your taxes. It is important to tell our partners (grants and contracts and the area of community engagement and partnerships) who are supporting our college that the employees are fully supportive.
John and David will visit division and department meetings to share what is going on with the Foundation, some challenges students and community partners are facing and to ask for help. The Foundation Board wants to understand what the needs of the college are and how they can help. They are working on a report that will be published.
3 / Tenure Reports / Bob/ Lisa Hickey / Present: Lisa Hickey, Barbara Kristek, Cathy Patrick, Cristina Albu, Mary Bonar, Sharon Braun, Delene Bryant, Pam Francisco, Jacquie Ogilvie, Nancy Marshall, Faith Lam, Kathryn Schrenk, Karine Mendez
Bob Francis thanked all present for their hard work. We know ARC reports are a lot of work. Over the years we have gotten out of synchronization as to the formatting how the reports should look. Deans have the responsibility to make sure the committee gets all components to the staff that is formatting the reports. The Board needs to have consistent reports. Today, we will talk about changing those formats.
Lisa Hickey developed a series of templates to try to make the reports look similar and make job easier, instead of reinventing things. She distributed a tip sheet for reviewing tenure reports. Please let her know if you have any further tips. Lisa walked the group through each template.
  • The administrative narrative will be moved to the second item in the report.
  • Deans will discuss the administrative narrative at a later meeting.
  • The candidates’ resume can be at a different font, but must have the same margins.
  • Bob confirmed that the Board wants to see copies of the bar charts.
  • A staff member said a dummy sample of what a completed report looks like would be nice. Lisa is working on that.
  • Some colleges are going to Canvas for this; is this something we want to consider.
  • The preparers will need to have a separate meeting to share ideas and tips.
  • Even crude language must be written verbatim.
  • Lisa will have the templates posted on a share drive.
  • It is important for preparers to expect documentation by a certain date.
  • Staff are the essential “assemblers” of this document into a format. The content belongs to and is the responsibility of the committee.

4 / Pro Rata / Bob / Terry Taylor is working on getting a Pro Rata position for Economics. Bob asked Deans if they have any Pro Rata requests for 2015-2016 to let him know. It is a contractual obligation to have 3 Pro Ratas. / Deans will provide Bob their Pro Rata requests for 2015-2016 by the end of December.
5 / Office Space Issues / Bob/ Susan / Bob requested Deans provide Kerry the following information by the end of January:
  • How many full-time faculty offices are needed?
  • Any other positions that need an office?
  • Identify any other places office space might be available.
/ Deans will provide Kerry by the end of January: How many FT office space is needed; if there are other positions that need an office; and identify other places office space that might be available.
6 / Student Interaction Data Between Christmas and New Year’s / Bob / Deans as well as International Education will track student contact between Christmas and New Year’s. That information will be provided to the VPASA the first week in January. Bob confirmed we also want to know how many students request online advising. Terry will send Deans the tracking chart the Library used last year for student contact. / Deans and IE will track numbers of student contact between Christmas and New Year, as well as online student advising. Due to the VPASA first week in January.
7 / Program Revisions / Bob / Bob handed out copies of all Prof-Tech planning guides with a request that Deans discuss with their Program Chairs and Directors to define what “successfully complete” means. Please collect that data and get it back to Bob at the end of January. Does it mean an average of 2.0 in all classes? Others think it is a 2.0 in all classes. Other think successfully complete is everything above a .7. / Deans will have their faculty define what “successfully complete” means on all their Prof-Tech planning guides and provide that information to the VPASA by the end of January.
8 / CCSSE Update (Standing Item) / Bayta / Bayta has talked with the Science Division. She is hoping communication has gone out to faculty in some form. It will take up class time, and those classes will be randomly selected. There should be a campus wide communication about it as well reaffirming it is happening and it is important.
9 / Data Presentation (Update on President’s Questions) / Bayta / Postponed.
10 / Action Items (Standing Item) / Bayta / Release Time Update. Bob has agreed to most recommendations. We will try to implement the easier ones Winter Quarter; otherwise it will be for Spring. Bob will meet with Deans individually about job descriptions for release time and our administrative goals.
CRAG Procedures. Susan will provide an update in January as to progress the subcommittee has made to propose revisions to the CRAG procedures.
2.0 Passing Subject. Bob has been working with Kira Wennstrom. Bayta and Alex are working to develop a code for certificates. Clear language will enable them to write the code.
11 / Competency Based Education (Standing Item) / Ann/Bob / Postponed.
12 / Retention / Bob/Bayta / Postponed.
13 / Professional Development for Deans / All / Postponed.
14 / Division Updates (Standing Item) / All / Postponed.
15 / Good of the Order / Bob requested that if Deans are aware an article will be published, or if a Dean is being interviewed, to please give the VPASA/PIO and/or the President a heads-up. It is important the President is made aware.
A Dean pointed out there is less flow of communication than we used to have because a lot of information used to flow at the President’s Cabinet meetings. There is also a lack of information from what is happening on the Executive Director side.
Tom Mesaros is our Strategic Planning consultant. He is also looking at our governance structure. We are headed toward a Strategic Plan revision so it will become much more significant in its presence. He will facilitate a Strategic Plan building process in Winter and Spring. Work groups will be created and by the end of June we hope to have the plan. Bob will share much greater detail when we have time.
Bob reported the wording of the letter that will go out on attendance at division meetings will be revised. / Susan will advise Jim of PIO that an article may be published from Nova.
Bob will share with ELT flow of communication issues now that PC no longer meets.

Adjourned 11:07 a.m.