Wonca Europe Annual Council Meeting Prague 2013 Agenda Item No. 25: Wonca Europe Future Plan 2013 - 2016

Wonca Europe Plan for the Triennium 2013-2016.


Wonca Europe as an association of GP/FP societies and colleges is considered to be a strong and solid region, not least due to our innovative unique networks EURACT, EGPRN, EQUIP, covering the three main fields in general practice/family medicine: education, research and quality work. Over the years, scientific and professional development has shown a need to establish specific networks like EURIPA and EUROPREV. Along the road special interest groups, WESIGs, have been founded, - covering specific clinical topics. Almost ten years ago, the young family doctors founded their own network: Vasco da Gama Movement.

It is fair to say that activities in groups and networks are flourishing under the umbrella of Wonca Europe. The activities are based on the core values of the organization, the New definition of General Practice/FM, and seem to fit together very well. But Wonca Europe itself has not yet developed a strategy pointing out the way ahead.

The need for such a strategy was recognized . A group process within Council was launched in Spring 2012, and the results of the group work were represented in Council 2012. The present document is resulting from this process and further work in EB. Societies, Colleges, Networks and WESIGs need to be involved in the further development of this strategic plan.

A structured plan for the future.

Wonca Europe strives for the best kind of family medicine to be implemented in all of Europe. This is expressed in the Mission and Core values The way our work is organised, is expressed in our bylaws The New Definition of FM/GP spells out in more detail what we want to pursue, teach and develop. As a response to the current situation in Europe, with migration and economical crisis being two main features, the EURIPA paper was adopted in 2012 as part of Wonca Europe`s current policy.

In order to achieve goals and work in accordance with these documents, representing the famework of Wonca Europe, we need a working plan including all the networks and WESIGs. Our organisation is decentralised and based on voluntary work. In order to maintain and secure sustainability, development and changes must be done step wise, and we must secure that all parties, independent of size, have their share of influence and take full responsibility for their actions.

First step: Setting goals in important areas.

Lead the development of GP/FM in Europe

Throughout Europe, the implementation of GP/FM as a foundation in health care has been met with varying support and understanding from national authorities. While some countries have health care very much based on primary care, GPs in other countries strive to be acknowledged at all.

Wonca Europe represents more than 80 000 GPs, with important knowledge and competence shown, not least through the works of Barbara Starfield, to be of crucial value both to the health of individuals and the public, and of benefit for the balance of health budgets. This should leave us with some solid arguments when we lobby for our cause in the European arena.

Wonca Europe will identify and support member organisations who need support, and will try to provide that support.

Education, specialty training, and research is organised or linked to academic departments of GP/FM. These departments are the breeding ground for further development of GP/FM.

Wonca Europe will develop, in consultation with Wonca World, a plan to engage more with academic departments of GP/ FM.

Develop statements

In order to lead and influence on local, regional, and national levels, we need to have clear goals and suitable statements at hand, which are endorsed by Council, EB or different groups and Networks.

Wonca Europe will aim to develop, update and create statements accessible for members, policy makers and the general public.

The statements must be developed in line with core values and Wonca Europe mission, with focus on the following areas:

Core values and Wonca Europe Mission


Specialty Training

Professional development


Patient involvement and empowerment

Quality and safety



Clinical topics

In promoting GP/FM, Wonca Europe will incorporate available material. Examples being drawn from research by institutions like NIVEL and similar parties, which provide general knowledge of health care systems in general, and primary care systems in particular. It is crucial that Wonca Europe statements reflect and are in accordance with the current epidemiological, socio-economical and political situation in Europe.

Collaborate with UEMO, EFPC and WHO

Wonca Europe enjoys a strong position in representing GP/FM in Europe. However, - there are other strong parties of importance for development and research in our field.

The collaboration with UEMO and EFPC over the past three years, has proved fruitful. The three parties organise partly overlapping activities, with three different points of departure: UEMO mainly in the interest of professional conditions, EFPC from the primary care team perspective, and WONCA mainly from the academic and clinical approach of the doctor in primary care.

I addition to reciprocal inspiration and exchange of ideas and policies, joint forces might result in greater impact on EU and other decision makers in processes concerning development of health care in Europe.

Together UEMO, EFPC and WONCA are the main representatives of primary care in Europe.

WHO Europe plays an important role when it comes to the development of the content and setting common goals for health care in Europe. On the WHO World level WONCA is acknowledged as an important NGO. Wonca Europe aims at being represented as a consultation partner for WHO when tasks concerning primary care is handled on the WHO European level.

Wonca Europe will continue to strengthen the relationship with these parties and see if a common agenda can be developed.

Increase visibility

  • Who are we and what are we doing?

Wonca Europe has a broad range of activities. In order to reach out to members, partners and policy makers, we must describe what we do in understandable ways, and publish it using existing and accessible interfaces.

Wonca Europe aims at being recognised by the ordinary GP in its member countries to a larger extent than what is the actual situation today.

Wonca Europe will describe all Networks and WESIGs and make that information available


  • Wonca Europe web site.

A new web site was launched in 2012 which aims to be the platform for all Wonca Europe Colleges, Societies, Networks and WESIGs.

It is the aim of Wonca Europe to develop the website so it will provide information on all Wonca Europe activities. Furthermore it will support the annual Wonca Europe conference with registration and abstract submission. Abstracts and video taped keynotes will also be accessible through the website to support activities.

Wonca Europe will pilot the use of the website for the Lisbon 2014 conference, and based on the experiences plan for the following conferences.

  • Wonca Europe conferences.

Another important arena is the annual Wonca Europe conferences, where we focus on the scientific activities of networks and individuals of the European countries. Wonca Europe should also pay attention to the health care situation in the country hosting the congress in order to debate and influence that situation.

Wonca Europe will engage, in close cooperation with the Organising Member Organisation, with the national authorities of the country, stimulating a debate on relevant health care issues.

During the conference a great number of experts are present to share their knowledge with the participants and we should find ways to share some of this knowledge with the regional family doctors and other health professionals who do not attend our conference.

Wonca Europe will stimulate educational experiments in the upcoming conferences.

Wonca Europe conferences will serve as a meeting point for all GP/FM partners, i.e. researchers, educators, colleges, societies, NWs, WESIGs, organisations in collaboration, etc. Wonca Europe Council and other meetings will be held at the time of Wonca Europe conferences to discuss and decide on professional and policy issues of GP/FM in Wonca Europe member organisations.

  • EJGP

Wonca Europe has got its own scientific journal, which has grown and is notified with an impact factor due to meticulous work during the last few years.

In the years to come, it is important to secure a sound economical basis for the journal, and promote it among European GPs/FPs. The journal can be a good channel for communicating Wonca Europe policy and statements, and knowledge resulting from work in groups and networks.

Wonca Europe will develop a business case to be presented to Council in Lisbon 2014

Who will do the work?

The work should be carried out by the different working parties in Wonca Europe . The EB will have the responsibility to organise, stimulate, facilitate, collect and integrate, the working processes.

What kind of work?

Scouting for trends, for talents,reading papers and reports,presenting research and results, promotion of the State of the Art where needed,speaking, writing, broadcasting,developing, inspiring, and multiplying as it goes.

Who will pay for that?

We are, with funding from different sources through our lobbying members.and with our own resources and complementary money where needed.


Description of networks and SIGs


Description / Link / Status
Orgs / WONCA Word / World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of GPs/Family Physicians / / Done, confirmed
WONCA Europe / European Branch of WONCA World / / Done, confirmed
Networks / EURACT / European Academy of Teachers in GP / / Done, confirmed
EGPRN / European GP ResearchNetwork / / Done, confirmed
EQuiP / European Society for Quality and safety in FM/GP / / Done, confirmed
EURIPA / European Rural and Isolated Practice Association / / Done, confirmed
Vasco da Gama Movement / WONCA Europe Working Group for New and Future GPs / / Done, confirmed
EUROPREV / European Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in FM/GP / / Done, confirmed
SIGs / PCDE / Primary Care Diabetes Europe / / Done, confirmed
ESPCG / European Society for Primary Care Gastroenterology / / Done, confirmed
IPCRG / International Primary Care Respiratory Group / / Done, confirmed
EPCCS / The European Primary Care Cardiovascular Society – / / Done, confirmed
GRIN / General Practice Infections Network / No website / Done, Confirmed