Your Department or Faculty / Project Name


This document identifies the communications requirements in support of the [Insert Project or Activity Name]


This document has been created for use by (indicate owners / stakeholders) when identifying and planning proposed communications across all stakeholders as outlined below. An example is enclosed.

Key Stakeholders / Audience

Need to know and required to act(examples below) / Need to know and understand(examples below)
UEB / All staff
HoDs – Section Leaders / Trade unions
Pilot members
Review Group


Communication objectives (insert Communications objectives – an example is enclosed)

  • To raise awareness of the project to all key stakeholders and the wider University community
  • To regularly communicate the activity being undertaken and engage all parties to ensure understanding through the life cycle of the project
  • To encourage key individuals to act as evangelists for the project and provide them with clear, consistent messages for onward cascade
  • To deliver a programme of communication activity supporting the life cycle of the project through to implementation


The template below can be used when outlining the delivery of communication activities in support of your project.

These activities and timelines should be flexible and will probably need to be reviewed on occasion. An example is enclosed

Objective / Audience / Stakeholder / Impact / Activity / Channel / Agreed Timeline / Owner / Comment / Measure
Publicise key events / All staff / Increase awareness of project amongst University staff and increase footfall to events / Overview
uSpace / By end of June / Malcolm Roberts / Increased foot traffic on last years events.
Increased hits on the website.

Broadcast mix(Delete this section from your final plan)

Don’t forget to liven up your project, and broaden your audience by varying your broadcast mix. Some examples of University broadcasting channels are below. Where appropriate, be creative.

  • Internal staff newsletter (Overview)
  • Student Newspaper (Forge Press)
  • Face to face meetings
  • Noticeboards
  • Web site
  • Email broadcasts to staff / students (Announce)
  • Roadshows for staff
  • Press releases to secure media coverage at key project milestones where necessary
  • uSpace

Key Messages:

Insert the messages for your campaign – example enclosed

  • The University of Sheffield is a world class venue for your events


It is necessary to evaluate the impact of the communication activity undertaken within the project in order to understand the impact each activity has had on the specific target audience / stakeholder group involved.

Regular reviews with stakeholder groups can be conducted throughout the life cycle of the review and feedback gathered to ensure, where necessary, changes and enhancements to the communication activity in place occurs. Specific dates from the plan can be loaded into a schedule for ease of reference and public availability.

These reviews should be incorporated into the communication plan, as should the dates and timings of regular briefings taking place within the stakeholder groups.


It is always good practice to consider the risks involved in your project and what actions you can take to mitigate these risks. There may not appear to be many, but they should always be considered.

Updated March 2010