Scorecard to assess the potential drought resistance of a pastoral farm
Land owner: Land use:
Site location: GPS ref:
Soil type: Date:
Drainage class: Soil Classification:
Textual group (upper 1m) c Sandy c Loamy c Silty c Clayey c Other
Moisture condition: c Dry c Slightly moist c Moist c Very moist c Wet
Seasonal weather c Dry c Wet c Cold c Warm c Average
Indicators of Drought Resistance
/ Drought Resistance Score (DRS)0 = Poor resistance
1 = Moderate resistance
2 = Good resistance
1. Percent cover by drought resistant pasture species
2. Residual pasture levels
3. Rooting depth
4. Root density
5. Soil structure
6. 6. Soil porosity
7. Soil Ca levels
8. 8. Soil Mg levels
9. Soil K levels
10. Soil Na levels
11. Fe levels
12. Zn levels
13. B levels
14. Brix levels of pasture
15. Mycorrhizal colonisation
16. Active to total fungal ratio
17. Soil organic C levels
18. Amount & form of fertiliser & N applied
Drought Resistance Assessment
/Drought Resistance Index (DRI)
Poor / < 15Moderate / 15–26
Good / > 26
Total available water holding capacity (TAWC): Depth of soil x moisture holding capacity.
Approx. moisture holding capacity for a:
Loamy sand = 1.1 mls/cm of soil
Sandy loam = 1.4 mls/cm of soil
Silt loam = 1.7 mls/cm of soil
Silty clay loam = 1.5 mls/cm of soil
e.g. A soil with a 100 cm depth of sandy loam would have a TAWC of 100 x 1.4 = 40 mls.
If the evapotranspiration (ET) = 5 mls/day, there are 8 days of TAW available
1. Percent cover by drought resistant pasture species:
e.g. tall fescue, prairie grass, cocksfoot, phalaris, red clover, spear head clover, lucerne, chicory, plantain
DRS for pasture species / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0Percentage cover by drought resistant pasture species / <30 / 30−50 / 50−70 / 70−90 / >90
2. Pasture residual levels
DRS for residual levels / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0Residual levels (kg/ha) / <1100 / 1100−1300 / 1300−1500 / 1500−1700 / 1700
3. Root length
DRS for root length / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0Root length (mm) / <200 / 200−400 / 400−600 / 600−800 / >800
4. Root density
Root density / / /
5. Soil structure
DRS for soil structure / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0Soil
structure / / /
Photos courtesy of Ball et al. 2007. Soil Use and Management, 23, 329–337.
6. Soil porosity
DRS for soil porosity / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0Soil porosity / / /
7. Soil Ca levels
DRS for calcium levels / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0% BS Ca – heavy soils
– light soils
% Ca in pasture / <35
<0.3 / 35−45
0.3–0.49 / 45−55
0.5–0.99 / 60−68
1.0–1.49 / 68−70
8. Soil Mg levels
DRS for magnesium levels / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0% BS Mg – heavy soils
– light soils
% Mg in pasture / <3
<0.1 / 3−5.9
0.1–0.19 / 6−8.99
0.2–0.29 / 9−11.9
0.3–0.39 / 12
9. Soil K levels
DRS for potassium levels / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0% BS K in soils
% K in pasture / <2
<1 / 2−2.9
1–1.49 / 3−3.9
1.5–1.99 / 4−4.9
2–2.49 / 5
10. Soil Na levels
DRS for sodium levels / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0% BS Na in soil
% Na in pasture / <0.3
<0.05 / 0.3−0.49
0.05–0.09 / 0.5−0.99
0.1–0.14 / 1.0−1.49
0.15–0.19 / 1.5–2
11. Soil Fe levels
DRS for iron levels / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0Fe levels in light soils (ppm)
Fe levels in heavy soils (ppm)
Fe levels in the pasture (mg/kg) / 150
<50 / 150−199
50−99 / 200−249
100−149 / 250−299
150−199 / 300
12. Soil Zn levels
DRS for zinc levels / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0Zn levels in light soils (ppm)
Zn levels in heavy soils (ppm)
Zn levels in the pasture (mg/kg) / <2
<10 / 2−4
10−20 / 4−6
20−30 / 6−8
30−44.9 / >8
13. Soil B levels
DRS for boron levels / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0B levels in the soil (ppm)
B levels in the pasture (mg/kg) / <0.5
<5 / 0.5−1
5−9.9 / 1−1.5
10−19 / 1.5−2
20−29 / >2
14. Brix level of pasture
DRS for brix levels / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0Pasture Brix level / ≤3 / 3−6 / 6−9 / 9−12 / ≥12
15. Mycorrhizal colonisation
DRS for mycorrhizal colonisation / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0% Colonisation / ≤40 / 41‒53 / 54‒66 / 67‒79 / ≥80
16. Active to total fungal ratio
DRS for active to total fungal ratio / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0Active:total fungal ratio / ≤0.1 / 0.11‒0.129 / 0.13‒0.139 / 0.14‒0.149 / ≥0.15
17. Soil organic carbon levels
DRS for soil organic C levels / 0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0Soil organic C levels (%)
/ <2 / 2−4 / 4−6 / 6−8 / >8
18. The amount and form of fertiliser & N applied
DRS = 0 if applying high amounts of soluble, salt-based phosphatic & potassic fertilisers with >50 kg P/ha; 120 kg N/ha/yr is applied as urea or in other forms of soluble, salt-based nitrogenous fertilisers
DRS = 1 if applying moderate amounts of soluble, salt-based phosphatic & potassic fertilisers with 30−40 kg P/ha; 60−90 kg N/ha/yr is applied as urea or in other forms of soluble, salt-based nitrogenous fertilisers
DRS = 2 if ‘smart’ conditioner fertilisers are used or if applying low amounts of soluble, salt-based phosphatic & potassic fertilisers with ≤ 20 kg P/ha/yr; ≤ 30 kg N/ha/yr is applied as urea or in other forms of soluble, salt-based nitrogenous fertilisers, or if N is applied as a foliar spray in low amounts with a form of carbon.