PRESENT:Mr D K Rowlands in the Chair,Mr T L Bartley, Mr I S Jones, Mrs E A Mottram, Mrs J A Woods,

Mr R Brace,

Mrs S M Chamberlain – Clerk to the Parish Council

1) APOLOGIES-Mrs W G Faulkner - illness

2) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – PERSONAL – Mr D K Rowlands neighbour to The Cedars and Mill Farm

3) ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES -The minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2008 were accepted.


08/011320/COUChange of use of detached granny flat to form Mill Farm

Independent dwellingWarrington Road MT

Standard Reply plus “keep to existing size with no external changes other than the dormer windows”

08/01325/FULExtension to Head Teacher’s officeMickle Trafford School

Standard Reply

08/01376/FULVelox rooflights to existing Barn – retrospectivePrimrose Cottage

Warrington Rd MT

Standard Reply

08/01279/FULRenewal of 03/00846/S73 retention of temporary Hammond School

Dance studio for 5 yearsMannings Lane HV

Standard Reply

08/01281/FULrenewal of 03/00847/S73 retention of temporary

Classrooms for 5 yearsDitto

Standard Reply

08/01278/OUTOutline application for residential developmentThe Cedars

Plemstall Lane MT

See attached reply

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING –1 September 2008 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm.

Prepared by Sue Chamberlain

Signed...... Clerk to the Parish Council 5 August 2008


No: 2008/23

For return to:

Plans Processing Unit

Development Control Service

Chester City Council

The Forum





Parish Council Notification31 July 2008

Application Ref No: 08/01278/OUT/NC

Proposal: Outline application for residential development

Location: The Cedars Plemstall Lane Mickle Trafford Chester Cheshire

In respect of the above application, the Parish Council should forward any observations by

23 August 2008

Please tick as appropriate

No observationsObservations as below

The Parish Council would ask you to take into account and look at in detail the following:

1 Eleven houses on this site would be an over development. This is confirmed by the comment under “Density” made in the Design & Access Statement prepared by the Architect. As there are no other houses in this part of Mickle Trafford how can it reflect the density?

2 There do not appear to be adequate drainage/sewerage provisions for such a development.We doubt that the present sewage pumping system could cope withany development on this site and would recommend that the sewage arrangements are very carefully reviewed.

3 No play area is provided for the children who may occupy these houses.

4 There are no affordable houses described in this plan. As a Parish Council we would wish to see these included on a one for two matching on this site ie for every 2 houses built for sale on the site another one must be built on site for affordable/social housing. Young people who have grown up in and around Mickle Trafford are unable to buy houses here due to the high prices. It is essential that some affordable homes are made available to these people.

5 Having researched earlier applications it is noted that a right of way crosses this land. A copy of an ordnance survey map is attached. In the permission statement to application 05/00458/COU it states “This notice of planning permission does not authorize the stopping up or diversion of right of way”. As far as we are aware no application has been made to divert this right of way (this would mean that it would probably go across someone else’s land) yet it does not appear on this current application. Comments would be appreciated.

6 Finally, we would ask that you do not lose sight of the fact that this is Green Belt land and whilst not in agreement with the number of houses shown on the plans, it is felt that housing represents the least undesirable development of the site, provided the other concerns can be accommodated.

Signed……………………………………… Date 5 August 2008

Clerk to Mickle Trafford & District Parish Council