Reading Guidelines

  1. Understand the key theme
  1. Articulate author’s conceptual framework


-Underlying rationale and assumptions

  1. Identify strengths and weakness

-New insight

-Conflicts(internal and external)


-Other comments

  1. Develop your own framework

Presentation Guidelines

  1. Assume everyone in the class has already read the assigned material.
  1. The 1st one: outline the reading material, comment and questions.
  1. The 2nd one: comments and questions.
  1. Questions and answer session.
  1. Conclusion

*All the sit-in students are cordially invited to participate the class discussion.


  1. Is the participant a good listener?
  1. Are the points that are made relevant to the discussion? Are they linked to the comments of others?
  1. Do comments show evidence of applying the concepts from the readings to the analysis of the case?
  1. Is there a willingness to test new ideas, or are all comments “safe”? (e.g., repetition of case facts without analysis and conclusion)
  1. Do comments clarify or build upon the important aspects of earlier comments and lead to a clearer statement of the concepts being covered and the problems being addressed?


  1. Papers should be printed, double-spaced, with normal margins. The name of the project should be on the first page of the text with yours names, date, and course number. An executive summary is not required nor expected.
  1. The page limit for each paper is five pages of text, plus exhibits. Note that these are maximum limits. Papers should be concise and coherent.
  1. Exhibits should contain specific types of analyses (application of a framework, table of comparisons, cost analysis competitive features, etc.) and information (web page of firm) that supports and is relevant, but would be too detailed for the body of the paper.
  1. Please proofread/spellcheck your paper before turning it in. Papers for this course should be of the same quality that you would provide to the management of the business.



1. Is the analysis of all questions complete and comprehensive?
2. Does the analysis apply course concepts and the readings?
3. Does the analysis show the relationships among important
factors in the situation?

Recommended Action

1. Are the recommendations consistent with the analysis and
2. Is the plan of action integrated in a logical way and linked to
the analysis?


1. Are analyses in the exhibits done correctly?
2. Do the exhibits support and add to the text on key points?

Overall Criteria

1. Is the paper written with clarity and effectively structured it
sells its recommendations?
2. Is there a high likelihood that the recommendations will
achieve their intended results?