November 19, 2015

The Regular Meeting of the Schuyler County Hospital District was held in the Classroom at Culbertson Memorial Hospital on Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was as follows:


Billingsley X

Hester X

Peters X

Tolle X

Trone X

Walters X

Worthington X

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Lynn Stambaugh, CEO, Alan Palo, CFO, Dan Di Iorio, M.D., Medical Staff President, Lisa Downs, Chief Nursing Officer, Tim Ward, Foundation Directorand Lisa Adams, Executive Assistantwere also present as well as Sarah Pearcewith the Rushville Times.

The Board reviewed the minutes from the regular meeting ofOctober 22, 2015.

Director Worthingtonmade the motion, seconded by DirectorTolle to approve the minutes. There was no opposition.

Dan Di Iorio, M.D. gave the Medical Staff report from the meeting of November 18, 2015.

  • Dr. Jabri reported on E-power’s impressions search engine and impression’s attaching to a radiology order that does not apply to the order.
  • Lisa Downs reported that physicians from SIU School of Medicine gave a presentation on DVT/PE prophylaxis and the policy has been updated. She is working on an end of life care order set and that sleep studies will not be performed for six weeks due to the tech being on leave.
  • There are still some ED documentation deficiencies that need to be worked on.
  • Dr. Anderson presented a brief case history about a patient with abnormal thyroid presentation.

Director Trone arrived at 6:33pm.

Lynn Stambaugh gave the CEO’s report:

  • Today is National Rural Health day
  • Looking at group purchasing organizations. We are currently with Amerinet and Novation and listened to two other presentations.
  • SIU School of Medicine gave a presentation on DVT/PE prophylaxis.
  • The Donor Appreciation event was held in October with hor d'oeuvres being served and the announcement of the Annual Appeal was made, which will be the purchase of a Cardiac Monitoring system.
  • National Radiology Week and National Nurse Practitioner Week was last week.
  • Dr. Mashindi and her family visited last week.
  • There will be a webinar on Friday about chronic care management.
  • There were no delinquent records.

Alan Palo gave the financial report for October, 2015. Gross revenue was $3,024,143.39. Contractuals and other deductions from revenue totaled $1,776,798.09 and expenses were $1,649,314.27, leaving an operating profit of $127,483.82. After the addition of non-operating income and expenses, the net income for the month was $129,599.66.

On a year to date basis, the operating profit was $312,020.19. After the addition of non-operating income and expenses of $204,063.95, the net income was $516,084.14.

The balance sheet showed cash was down approximately $222,000and accounts receivable were up approximately $673,000. The gross accounts receivable report as of today showed a balance of approximately $5.5 million due to receiving a large amount of Medicaid dollars. The balance at the end of October was approximately $6.7 million.

The Finance Committee recommended the transfer of funds in the amount of $286,499.70from assets whose use is limited to pay ENTEC for two items for the HVAC project.

Director Walters made the motion, seconded by Director Peters to approve the transfer. Vote as follows:


Billingsley X

Hester X

Peters X

Tolle X

Trone X

Walters X

Worthington X

7 0 0 0

Motion passed.

Tim Ward gave the Foundation Board report from the meeting earlier in the day.

  • Received the year to date financial report.
  • The investment report showed only a 1.3 year to date yield.
  • Reviewed the Donor Appreciation event and watched the PowerPoint presentation of the Year in Review
  • Approved the Annual Appeal project of the Cardiac Monitoring System for $72,000.
  • Renewed Etapestry which is the database for the Foundation.
  • Moved $9,911 from the 2014 Annual Appeal to the hospital to pay for upgrades in the Radiology room.
  • Moved $61,297 to the hospital to pay off the Radiology room remodel.
  • Two trees were purchased in honor of Dr. Dohner and Slug Milby.
  • Moved $12,979 to the hospital to pay for the Cardiac Rehab remodel.
  • For 2016, there will be seven $800 scholarships from the Elmer Hugh Taylor fund and four $500 scholarships from the Regina Ehrhardt fund.

At 6:49 p.m. Director Trone made the motion, seconded by Director Walters to adjourn into Executive Session pursuant to Open Meetings Act Exceptions Section 2(c)1Employment. Vote as follows:


Billingsley X

Hester X

Peters X

Tolle X

Trone X

Walters X

Worthington X

7 0 0 0

Motion passed.

The Board reconvened in Open Session at 7:14 p.m.There were no recommendations from Executive Session.

Having no further business to discuss, Director Tronemade the motion to adjourn at 7:15p.m. There was no opposition.


Ron Peters, Vice Chairman/Secretary