Agreement for the «Joint doctorate with foreign institutions» in accordance with § 16 of theDoctorate Regulations for theFaculty of Humanities at the University of Hamburg
The University of Hamburg, represented by President Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen, in agreement with the Faculty of Humanities, represented by itsDeanProf. Dr. Oliver Huck and name of Departmentand the foreign partner institution, represented by Name,hereby enter into an agreement in accordance with § 16 (2) of the Doctorate Regulationsfor the Faculty of Humanities at theUniversity of Hamburg, dated7July 2010,on a joint doctorate (double doctorate) in the doctoral proceduresforName of doctoral candidate in the subject ofSubject of doctorate. The topic of the dissertation proposal is: Topic.
The following persons are also involved:
for the University of Hamburg Title, name and position in the position of supervisorof thedoctoral procedures;
for the foreign partner institutionTitle, name and position of foreign supervisorin the position of foreign supervisor of the doctoral candidate.
Name of chairperson of doctoral committee at UHH as Chairperson of the doctoral committeeofthe Faculty of Humanities at the University of Hamburg;
Name of chairperson of doctoral committee or corresponding committee at foreign partner institutionas Chairperson of the Name of committee;
Name of doctoral candidate
Thedoctoral procedures shall be documented in the doctoralprotocolof the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Hamburgusing the numberProcess numberand, if necessary, by the foreign partner institution using the number. Theprocedures shall be supervised bythe doctoral committee of theFaculty of Humanities at the University of Hamburg. Communicationswith thecorresponding committee at foreign partner institutionshall be held either directly orviaforeign supervisor.
This agreement is based on the Doctorate Regulationsforthe Faculty of Humanities. It is formulated as a procedural directivefor the Doctorate Regulations for the Faculty of Humanities. The Doctorate Regulations for the Faculty of Humanitiesshall apply without any restrictions, with the exception of the articles and paragraphs that are amended in the following. These amendments were formulated withparticular reference to§ 16 of the Doctorate Regulations for the Faculty of Humanities.
§3 (5)
see § 7 (2)
Beyond the provisions of § 4 of the Doctorate Regulations for the Faculty of Humanities, an application shall be made to theforeign partner institutionfor access to the procedures that are applicable there.The foreign partner institution must enter its requirements here regarding admission to their procedures, and state the relevant rules and regulations; this provision does not apply if the partner institution does not require admission to procedures.
§5 (1)
The doctoral student shall be enrolled at both universities. For the duration of the doctoral candidate’s stay and work at the foreign partner institution, the University of Hamburg does not claim any semester fees. The candidate must provide proof of his or her residence at the foreign partner institution.The foreign university enters its requirements regarding enrolment and fees here.
§ 6 (2), § 6 (3)
The Hamburg supervisor Name of Hamburg supervisormust fulfil the criteria set forth in§ 6 (2) / § 6 (3). The criteriaset forth in § 6 (4) are excluded for theHamburg supervisor.
§ 6 (4)
The foreign supervisor Name of foreign supervisorshall provide supervision based on§ 6 (4). He/she has the right to award doctorates at theforeign partner institution.
The doctoral committee of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Hamburg shall appointName of both supervisorsas the supervisory commission; this shall take effect with the signature of the committee chairperson at the end of this agreement.
In order to guarantee personal contact toName of foreign supervisor, Name of doctoral candidateshall pledge to spend a period of at least two semesters at the foreign partner institution.
§ 6 (6)
Facultative: this framework can be stated here provided that the foreign partner institution offers the possibility of enabling the doctoral candidate to present the progress and results of his/her work in an appropriate framework.
§ 6 (8)
Name of foreign supervisorshall enter into the supervisory agreementbetweenName of Hamburg supervisor andName of doctoral candidatethrough his/her signature at the end of this agreement.
§ 7 (2)
The doctorate shall be written inLanguage. If this language is not German or English, the dissertation will be summarized in German or English and
§8 (1)
After [the doctoral candidate] has handed in the dissertation, the doctoral committee of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Hamburg shall set up an examination commission. Thisexamination commission shall compriseName of supervisor as the first evaluator and a chairperson of the examination commission andName of foreign contact personas the second evaluator and a professor from theforeign partner institutionas acting chairperson.
§8 (2)
§8 (2) shall lose its validity and be replaced by §16 (5). The examination commission appointed by the doctoral committee of the Faculty of Humanities shall consist of at least both supervisors and a member with the right to hold examinations in the dissertation process from both the University of Hamburg and theName of foreign partner institution. After Name of doctoral candidate has submitted his/her dissertation, Name of supervisorshall provide information on the composition of the commissionthat is to be implemented by the doctoral committee of the Faculty of Humanities. The way in which the foreign institution is involved in the implementation shall be determined here. Alternatively, the composition of the commission will already be determined in this agreement.
§9 (2)
Second evaluator: see § 8 (1).
§9 (6)
If the rules and regulations at the foreign partner institution require the dissertation to be made available, this will be mentioned here.
§10 (1)
The meeting of the examination commission at which the decisions are made as per §10 (1) of the Doctorate Regulations for the Faculty of Humanities will be held by video conference. Alternatively, an agreement must be reached on who is to bear the costs.
The following agreement shall be made for the examination grades:
Summa cum laude / Feld / Feld /Magna cum laude / Feld / Feld /
Feld / Feld /
Cum laude / Feld / Feld /
Feld / Feld /
Rite / Feld / Feld /
Feld / Feld /
[This table is only a suggestion. If a different formatis used, it must be included in the appendix to this agreement. In all circumstances, theequivalences in the grading systems in Hamburg and at the foreign university must be clearly defined. The equivalence can be determined through a numerical reference system (middle column).]
The oral defenceshall be heldin Hamburg. TheFaculty of Humanities shall reimburse the costs for the foreign members of theexamination commission (travel costs, one overnight stay plus breakfast). Alternatively, theoral defence can be held as a video conference.
§12 (1)
Please refer to the agreement made in §10 (1) regarding the examination grades.
§12 (2)
There must be clear agreement on whether only the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Hamburg is to issue the preliminary certificate or whether both institutions should do so together.The preliminary certificate shall make it clear that this is a bi-nationaldoctoral procedure.
§13 (1)
§13 (1) (The publication requirement) shall apply without any restrictions.
§13 (2)
§13 (2) shall apply, with regard to the rights of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Hamburg, in the same way as with all doctoral procedures carried out according tothe Doctorate Regulations for the Faculty of Humanities. The foreign partner institution must mention its requirements regarding copies here and also state where they should be submitted.
§14 (1)
§ 14 (1) shall be amended in accordance with§16 (7). The format developed by the German Rectors’ Conference is included in the appendix to this agreement.
§15 shall apply without any restrictions. If the foreign partner institution wishes to be involved in the event of an appeal, it must say so here and state the name of the committee that is to represent it.
This agreement is fulfilledas soon as the doctoral procedures described in the preamble are complete and the certificate is issued in accordance with § 16 (7) of the Doctorate Regulations for the Faculty of Humanities. It shall cease to be valid if the stated doctoral proposal is discontinued orifthe procedures are ended. Name of doctoral candidateshall have the opportunity to apply to the doctoral committee of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Hamburg to end this agreement; in this event, the doctoral procedures shall be continued at the University of Hamburg in accordance withthe Doctorate Regulations for the Faculty of Humanities without the amendments agreed upon here. ShouldName of supervisororName of foreign contact personwithdraw from the obligations arising from this agreement, it shall be suspended until a successor has been appointed to the respective position; in the meantime, the doctoral procedures shall be continued at the University of Hamburg in accordance with the Doctorate Regulations for the Faculty of Humanities without the amendments agreed upon here.
President UHH
Rector of foreign institution
Dean ofthe Faculty of Humanities at UHH
Foreign dean
Supervisor UHH
Supervisor of foreign institution
Doctoral candidate