Making LB Agar Plates: Batch makes about 6 plates.
Making the LB Agar
- Mass out ______of LB Agar powder (VWR DF0445-17) in a weigh boat
- Add 125 mL of dH2O to a ______mL Erlenmeyer flask
- Mix powder well into water to bring into solution
- Cover the flask with aluminum foil and wrap the neck with autoclave tape.
- Label your flask with your name and date and what is in the flask.
- Autoclave for 15 minutes at 121 ºC.
- Let agar cool to ~55C
Pouring the Plates
1.Make sure bench top has wiped down with bleach/EtOH
2.Remove sterile Petri dishes (VWR 25384-208)
3.Pour a thin layer (5mm) of LB Agar (~15mL) into 6 plates being careful to not
lift the cover off excessively (you should be able to just open up enough to pour).
4.Let each plate cool until it is solid (~20 minutes) then flip it over so as to avoid
condensation on the agar.
5.Store plates wrapped in parafilm in fridge with: name, date and contents.
Answer the following questions:
- What is LB agar? What is in it?
- Why do you autoclave the agar? What is an autoclave and how does it work?
- Why do you only open the dish slightly when you pour the plates?
- What is the difference between agar and broth?
- Obtain the MSDS for LB Agar and LB Broth and describe any precautions and disposal procedures.
Making LB Broth: Batch makes about 20mL.
Making the LB Broth
- Mass out ______of LB Broth in a weigh boat
- Add 20 mL of dH2O to a ______mL Erlenmeyer flask
- Mix powder well into water to bring into solution
- Cover the flask with aluminum foil and wrap the neck with autoclave tape
- Label your flask with your name and date and what is in the flask.
- Autoclave for 15 minutes at 121 ºC.
- Let broth cool to ~55C
Aliquoting the Broth
- Make sure bench top has wiped down with bleach/EtOH
- Obtain sterile 15mL centrifuge tubes
- Pour approximately 10 mL into each tube being careful to not
keep the cap off an excessive amount of time.
- Store tubes in fridge with: name, date and contents.