The Healing Codes 04.16.20091
Thursday Q&ATom Costello
Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is April 16, 2009. Everything on the call is being recorded and that recording is available as a download from our website:
We support our clients in several different ways. This call, recording and download are three of them. Nothing takes the place of actually doing The Healing Codes, not all the jibber-jabber that can go on. The Healing Codes is really the key, doing it. That’s what we really recommend.
If you’ve got a question about your situation or The Healing Codes this is a great time to ask it. We like to use this opportunity to answer those questions, remove uncertainty, to hear people’s success stories and hear people’s struggles and challenges. That’s what this is all about. We think that when we get vibrationally equal to what it is we want, that new condition, it will belong to us. It will be ours. We can occupy the same space.
If we can remove the threats, the energy vibrations that stand between us and the desired condition I think we’re going to come together. I think that would be a good thing.
Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any mental or physical condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. We do that for a couple of reasons. Most important is if you’re going to solve a problem it makes sense to deal at the root level, at the cause level. In the United States there are a lot of laws about practicing medicine without a license and dealing with symptoms and prescribing medicines, none of which are we interested in doing. Despite how profitable it is, it is not what we do and it is not what we’re allowed to do. So, going to the root cause, that’s the name of the game.
If you didn’t already know it, since you’ve heard my first opinion, the opinions I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If they don’t just let them go flying by.
Here’s what I’d like to do. I’d like to talk about a couple of fundamentals and then open the floor to any questions you might have or comments or stories or situations.
First and foremost make an effort not to make an effort. That is don’t try so hard. If you are doing the Codes you are doing them right. That arbitrary standard of perfection, or perfect, or just right doesn’t really apply here. If you relax and do The Healing Codes, say a prayer/request, have an intention, be physically comfortable so you are relaxing rather than stressing and you spend some of the time focused on (focused is not the same as concentrating), you’re focused on what you are trying to achieve. That “trying hard” is for a lot of us a very big challenge. We need to try easier.
This past week we had one of our sons and two of his daughters here. My wife and the girls went shopping. We two boys went to play golf. Because it’s been such a long time since we had played golf we “tried easier”. We both did very well until we started getting closer to the green. For those of you who don’t know golf, where you start trying to get the ball into the hole. I found myself trying harder, trying harder, trying harder. I didn’t recognize the pattern until after we’d finished. When I tried easier my results were better. When I started, “Oh boy, I’m a golfer. Let me try harder….” They got worse and went right downhill. There’s a lesson in that for me and for you, too. Relaxing and allowing it to happen is the name of the game. Relaxation is the key and it’s the opposite of stress.
There are half a dozen fundamentals plus The Healing Codes that you will want to take into consideration. Take steps to incorporate these into your life. Drink plenty of good water. Be hydrated. Breathe deeply. Be oxygenated. Those two things, dehydration and lack of oxygen are two major forms of physical stress. If you could, for a second, imagine what it’s like at the cellular level. The cells gasping for air. It’s got to be a scary experience for anybody. If you’ve been swimming you know what that’s like to feel like you are out of air. Or being really thirsty: “I’ve got to hold on to what I’ve got.” Those two forms of stress can be so readily eliminated with just a little bit of attention to detail. Drink plenty of good water and breathe.
Get rest. A lot of maintenance occurs during the rest period. That’s when the body goes into the shop and sorts all kinds of things out. That’s a great time for renovation. If you’ve had decent food during the day, whatever that means to you, so much the better. You’re bringing building materials in a physical form to the building site. One of the key building materials, in my opinion, are vibrations; the way we think, the way we perceive, how we translate information and environmental signals. It is those vibrations which are building materials.
You’re going to want to do some sort of movement, whatever is appropriate to your physical condition; stretching, walking, whatever. That facilitates the lymphatic system cleansing the body. It needs physical movement to help it do its job of cleansing the system. The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump.
If you’re into it you can also keep an eye on your alkalinity/acidity balance, your pH, and have that near normal. A body that is too acidic is sending out signals to the occupants of your body that demolition needs to occur. That is not a signal that you want to broadcast. Being alert to pH is a good idea.
Then, clearly, remove stress with The Healing Codes.
There you have it. That’s my opening statement. I’d like to open the floor now to questions, comments, answers, your situation. I’ve heard a relatively small number of pings and clicks and stuff and I’d be glad to give you a Healing Code if appropriate.
Participant: (Dorothy) I tuned in towards the very end of a teleseminar last evening. I was hearing a little bit about The Healing Codes. I’m new to this. I also received an e-mail about LT3. I believe somebody asked the question and I wasn’t clear on the difference between the two. That’s what I’d like to get an answer to. When I called to speak to Cindy she said I should get on this teleseminar this evening and you could help me with that.
Tom Costello: I can. That’s great. You do not yet own The Healing Codes product?
Participant: No.
Tom Costello: Do you recognize what The Healing Codes are?
Participant: I’m just starting to get information. I’m trying to figure out the difference between the two.
Tom Costello: That would require what the two are so you could see the difference. Let me give you a thumbnail sketch of The Healing Codes. The Healing Codes is an energy technique designed to facilitate the shifting of memories, interpretations of past events, heart issues, cellular memory. We can talk about what they are in a lot of different words. So, it is the energy patterns that we have captured and which still persist from previous experiences in this life. We direct energy into four areas we call healing centers on the face, head and neck. You use the fingertips of both hands pointed at those healing centers in specific sequences. Hence the Code. That’s what a Code is, pointing your fingers at one or more healing centers in a sequence. It’s kind of like punching a code into a lock on a garage door or car door or something.
The system is very comprehensive. We talk about 12 Days to a changed life. We deal with some real fundamentals. Unforgiveness, Harmful Actions, Unhealthy Beliefs, those are the first three days. We consider those inhibitors that if you have too much of them it’s going to inhibit your full potential health, happiness, success and so on. The nine days that follow are what we call virtues. Starting on day number four with Love, Joy, Peace, Patience and so on. Those are the things we want more of. If we have a relationship with any of these 12 Days where we think that being unforgiving, resentful, bitter, angry or something for something that occurred or didn’t occur, we’re making prisoners of ourselves. Shifting that and getting a new point of view is an excellent thing.
You don’t have to work hard to get a new point of view. It seems to happen automatically. It’s almost as if the energy going into the healing centers during the sequence, during the focus seems to work on things that are below our level of consciousness. You are dealing with the conscious and you are dealing with what seems to be the subconscious.
The sequence is a prayer or a request being on one’s spiritual and religious upbringing. I suggest if a person has a conflict with a Supreme Being or Creative Force, that really will need to be handled at some point along the line. It’s like the refrigerator being mad at the electricity. That’s not really a workable conflict. There are a lot of energies around God and what he or she or it is. We don’t get into that. That’s up to the individual. Whatever the Source of that life force is, it makes sense to us that you would have a relationship with it.
Then you say that prayer/request. To my way of thinking that helps set the intention. Intention is a huge factor in everything as far as I’m concerned. You set your intention through that prayer/request. Do the Code while focused on what we consider to be a Truth Focus Statement. It’s not an affirmation. You’re not trying to convince yourself that some condition exists when you know by looking at your physical appearance that it doesn’t exist. We’re not saying to a 400 pound person, “Tell yourself you’re thin.” That just creates stress. “I’m thin. I’m thin.” “Liar! Liar!.” That creates stress.
A Truth Focus Statement is your attention on a condition that is the ideal scene and will ultimately come into physical manifestation. It exists when you think of it. It doesn’t exist physically necessarily but it exists energetically. When fears and doubts come up during that process you just observe them. You don’t fight them and you don’t run away from them. You just observe them. They have an interesting way of shifting. They change. People describe that in a variety of ways. That’s kind of interesting. Sometimes there are “aha’s” during this process. “No wonderer I was bumping into walls with that sort of belief!” Other times there is no aha but “I do know my body is healing and I’m doing things way differently than I did before. I feel better about a lot of stuff in my life.” That’s what we’re going for. We’re not necessarily going for the “aha”, we’re going for that end result that you are interested in.
You would do this over the course of a day; one or two or three or four times depending on your situation. A session, that is you’re going to sit down and do the Codes, is somewhere in the area of 8 minutes. You can do them way longer and you can do them shorter. If somebody is faced with a serious illness and they want to do that longer, we call that intensive. You can do that. If you’re on the call for the very beginning when I was talking about drinking water, we recognize that people now are going to go into a relaxed state. They are going to be releasing a lot of metabolic waste into their lymphatic system into their bloodstream. That needs to be flushed out. They need to make sure they’re drinking plenty of water, breathing and so on.
That’s how people would do it. You do what you want in regards to that and you can cycle through those 12 Days. You can focus on the day that seems most appropriate for your condition and there you have it. This is, to me, a process of removing internal dirt. Just like when we were five we took a shower, we took a shower again and again and again. We wash our hands and we brush our teeth. This is a personal hygiene kind of thing. The reduction of stress is personal hygiene.
People use The Healing Codes to deal with the underlying issues that have manifested in physical conditions. They deal with those underlying issues that have resulted in relationship difficulties, career difficulties, their conflict internally for themselves as well as financial difficulties. Everything is a relationship in my opinion. If there is a conflict in a relationship it’s not optimum. People use The Healing Codes to improve their ability to achieve even if they are already excellent at achieving. They are looking to be super achiever. They are looking to remove anything that they are carrying around energetically that no longer serves them.
Participant: Does it help with physical illness?
Tom Costello: Yep. A lot of people buy The Healing Codes for that specific reason. But, as I said in the disclaimer, that’s not really what we talk about. A physical illness, in my opinion, is a symptom. Somebody says to me, “I’ve got a problem with cancer.” I say, “Cancer is not the problem. Cancer is the symptom. I agree with you that there’s a problem. Let’s go looking for that.” You go to that root below the level of the surface. We don’t just want to mow the crab grass. We want to get down to the root and change it there.
I suggest to people it is far more effective to create a new situation than to focus on getting rid of an old situation. If you devote all you attention to a problem there’s a funny way (look at War on Drugs, War on Terrorism, Poverty, Cancer and a few other things). We’re not winning those wars. Those problems have gotten bigger since we started waging wars. We could have created a difference circumstance if it had been profitable enough. It wasn’t and we didn’t. So creating a new situation is more worthy of our attention.
LT3, just like The Healing Codes is a creation of Alex Loyd. The Healing Codes comes as a package with materials and it is largely self-study. Sometimes there is one-on-one coaching. Sometimes there is group coaching, depending on which package you buy. You can learn it. It’s simple enough and straight-forward enough that you can get it. These calls are part of that support.
LT3 is a program developed by Alex in which people come on the call and spend over the course of four weeks a couple of hours one night and maybe an hour and a half on conference calls the rest of those times. A total of four calls is about a couple of hours each. It’s a group call. Then there is one-on-one coaching. In this next class that’s coming up Alex will do all the coaching. In the previous class other coaches, myself and others that are trained in LT3 coaching do that one-on-one each week. There are four one-on-one sessions included in that.
What Alex is looking to do in that program is deal with major identity issues. That’s a huge concept, how we see ourselves based upon our experiences. It’s very difficult for people to act outside of that identity. That identity is a suit of armor. It’s a prison. It gives structure to life. It is good and it can be limiting as well. Working that and beliefs and traumas, emotional traumas that a person experienced in their life is included. Over the course of those for weeks you would have dealt with this. Success issues are included. There is also an identity thing there. How do you see yourself in relation to success? Health identity, success identity and so on. That’s what is done over that four week period. It’s pretty intensive and also relatively expensive. That says the people that take that tend to be committed to what they’re doing. They are investing a bunch of money. But when you look at the testimonials in this most recent e-mail the other day, some people are getting some serious, serious benefit out of that. But, they’re also doing the work.
Participant: When you say it’s very intensive, how much work are they dedicating to it?
Tom Costello: I’m thinking between introspection, doing homework of a written, investigative nature into their personal situation it’s probably a couple of hours a week as well as Alex likes people to be doing these Codes a total of seven times. That’s 35-45-60 minutes a day. You’re talking maybe a couple of hours a day maybe.
Participant: Are the Healing Codes included in this LT3?
Tom Costello: No, the package is not. Alex will create Codes for you in the one-on-one coaching. Those are the Codes that you will do during the week. The positions, the healing centers remain the same.
You’re standing at a fork in the road. “What do I do here? Which should I do?” There’s an economic factor that you have to come to terms with. Then you’d say, “What is my sense of urgency? How much am I willing to commit to these actions?” I’m not speaking to you personally, but I’m speaking generally. If a person is a dilettante, but you have plenty of money, I’d say do it. If you’re a dilettante and you don’t have plenty of money, don’t do the LT3. If you are really committed or you are faced with something that really requires quite a dramatic shift in perhaps a short period of time you probably would do well to jump in and go for that. Did you want to ask something else?