Minutes for the Joint Board of Jefferson Academy,
A Colorado Nonprofit Corporation
November 27, 2012 6:00 PM
Elementary Library
I. Preliminary A., B., C., D., E., F.
Mr. Langer called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. The guests were welcomed. Roll call was taken and the following Board members were present: Ms. Atencio, Ms. Clark, Ms. Graziano, Mr. Haynes, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Moss, Mr. Vierra, Mr. Wall and Mr. Langer. The following ex-officio Board members were present: Mr. Nolan and Ms. Stringari. Mr. Wall led the guests and Board of Directors in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Langer presented the agenda. Mr. Haynes requested the item L. Board Composition, item M. Approval Annual Audit for Submission to Bond trustee and District by December, 2012 be removed, and also Budgets under Reports be removed. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the agenda as amended. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
During Public Comment the following guests spoke.
Sonja Netzer expressed her appreciation to Mr. Moss for volunteering for traffic duty and taking her duties a couple of times.
Eric Thimsen thanked the Board for their contributions, past and present, and their accomplishments. Mr. Thimsen shared with the Board that he has been teaching at JA for 14 years and has four children attending JA. Mr. Thimsen stated that he has seen all aspects of the school, and supports the mission of the school. Mr. Thimsen stated that he is viewed as a liaison for the secondary faculty. Mr. Thimsen pointed out that many years ago the Board made an effort to increase salaries to begin closing the gap between the salaries of teachers at JA and the district, and then the economy hit. Mr. Thimsen stated that he is in support of the concurrent enrollment as it could be a positive move for the school with very little capital and staff needs. Mr. Thimsen requested that the Board consider this program.
Marybeth Mellott expressed her appreciation to the Board for their time and efforts. Ms. Mellott stated that she has been very pleased with the education her children have received at JA. Ms. Mellott shared that she has been able to vote for Board members for the past 13 years, but that she does not support staff members, who do not have children attending JA, the opportunity to vote. She expressed her thought that it is like “voting for your bosses and not everyone is in favor of this idea.”
Mary Ferbrache thanked the Board for the work and in dealing with controversy. Ms. Ferbrache suggested that unless people have a vision with a solution that they only bring positive thoughts to the table.
Jacqueline Sinclair thanked Mr. Moss for his volunteering with traffic.
II. General Agenda
A. PTO and Booster Activities
Ms. Graziano reviewed the PTO report stating that the Scholastic Book Fair was very successful. Ms. Graziano stated that the Sock Hop will be on April 27th and there will be two nights at Gunther Toody’s for fundraising before the Sock Hop. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 9.
Ms. Lewis reviewed the Boosters report. Ms. Lewis stated that students may not sell items and have the profits benefit them as an individual. Ms. Stringari reiterated that group fundraising profits cannot just benefit individual students, but split up within the group that is participating. Ms. Stringari explained that groups may offer an optional plan of paying a set amount in lieu of their student fundraising. However, this option is still voluntary. It was mentioned that this would also apply to the 5th grade Soda Shop where students and parents would work at the Soda Shop and the profits were divided up between those that worked.
B. Finance Committee
Mr. Haynes reported that Mr. Nolan, Ms. Stringari, Kate Smith, Joan Larson and himself met with the district. Mr. Haynes will email the committee members and set up a meeting to review documents.
C. Facilities Committee
Ms. Lewis reported that she has three volunteers for the committee and they will have their first meeting in January.
D. Communications Committee
Ms. Graziano reviewed the document in the packet. Ms. Graziano stated that the committee has 14 members, including herself and Mr. Moss. Ms. Graziano pointed out that the committee re-scoped their focus to be more positive and honoring. Discussion ensued with the section about responses remaining anonymous. Ms. Graziano stated that they wanted parents to be able to speak freely. Mr. Moss stated that focus groups are typically anonymous. It was suggested that the number of members be reduced. Discussion ensued with how information from the exit survey would be utilized. Ms. Graziano responded that it has not been determined yet. Ms. Graziano moved that the Board allow the Communications Committee to move forward with the Focus groups and one-on-one meetings. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. Ms. Clark made a friendly amendment that the committee potentially incorporate some of the suggestions made during the meeting. Ms. Graziano accepted the friendly amendment. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Policy and Governance Committee
Ms. Clark reported that the committee reviewed about 30 schools’ bylaws and articles regarding staff voting and that included schools outside Colorado. Ms. Clark stated that the committee will draft a suggested proposal for the next meeting in January with pros and cons. The committee will meet in two weeks.
F. Accountability Committee
Ms. Lewis reported that the committee is reviewing the survey and will report to the Board in January.
G. Capital Development Committee
Mr. Vierra inquired about a short list of contingencies. Ms. Stringari responded that there are still items to be reviewed. Mr. Moss and Mr. Wilson met with the Community Credit Union. The credit union has purchased sponsorship and would like to start a financial educational program within the school. Mr. Nolan pointed out that he included a report on repurposing in his principal’s report.
H. Bond and Mill Levy Reports
It was mentioned that JA may receive an increase of $100 per student next year with the passing of the mill levy. Ms. Clark stated that JA have not received information regarding the bond yet. The bonds will be sold in December. A question arose on which vendors may be used. Ms. Clark will continue to seek answers.
I. Traffic Update/Westminster Recommendations
Mr. Generose thanked all the volunteers that assisted with traffic. Mr. Generose distributed a packet to the Board with an update on the traffic light. Mr. Generose stated that the quote for a traffic light to be installed at 99th Ave and Old Wadsworth is about $29,700. Mr. Generose has been working with Greg Olson at the City of Westminster. The city has offered to split the cost of the traffic light. Mr. Generose stated that the light could be installed by mid March or April. It was mentioned that JA would unlikely qualify for a grant for the light. Also, a grant may require another traffic survey at a cost of $5,000. Ms. Clark stated that the grant is due in December and we would not have a decision until April. Ms. Clark also mentioned that the grant requires extensive information. Mr. Generose explained that the traffic light would only be functioning during drop off and pick up times. Other times the light would be flashing yellow. Questions arose about any additional costs. Mr. Generose responded that there are no additional costs. Ms. Stringari recognized Mr. Generose for his efforts on this project.
Ms. Atencio shared with the Board that JA received a check from JHL Construction for $15,600 for money not used on playground equipment and installation.
Mr. Moss made a motion to enter into an agreement with the City of Westminster to pay for the traffic light at 99th Ave and Old Wadsworth not to exceed an amount of $15,000. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Atencio moved that the Board use the refund money from JHL Construction to fund the traffic light at 99th Ave and Old Wadsworth. Mr. Moss seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Ms. Clark made a friendly amendment that $15,000 of the $15,600 would be used for funding the traffic light. Ms. Atencio accepted the friendly amendment. The motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Stringari explained that there is an agreement with the City of Broomfield and City of Westminster, and the owner of the adjacent property with regard to a traffic light. JA would be responsible for 25% of the cost, not to exceed $50,000.
J. Concurrent Enrollment/Home School
Ms. Johns presented both programs to the Board. Ms. Johns explained that she would be the administrator for the home school program with a part-time assistant. Ms. Johns has home school experience with this program. Ms. Johns reported that there is a need within the community and believes JA would be a good fit. Ms. Johns stated that we could use a church and lease their building, and has a couple of churches in mind. Ms. Johns explained that typically high school students would attend two days a week and elementary students would attend two days with an average class size of 12 students. The fifth day is spent with parent meetings, trainings, workshops, ESL students and field trips. Ms. Johns offered to start this project without being paid until August. Discussion ensued with concerns that JA has enough to focus on right now. It was mentioned that this could provide additional revenue without additional work for current staff. It was stated that this could provide families with an educational opportunity with little risk for JA.
It was stated that the Concurrent Enrollment would not have students on site, as they will be attending college classes.
Ms. Lewis made a motion that the Board move forward with the Concurrent Enrollment and Home School Students program to allow Ms. Jones to market each program and report back to the Board. Ms. Graziano made a friendly amendment that the Board make a final decision before the date needed to report to the district. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. Motion passed with a majority vote. Mr. Haynes and Ms. Clark opposed. Ms. Clark requested that Ms. Jones have a report at the end of the first round open enrollment period. Mr. Wall seconded the motion. The motion passed with a majority vote. Ms. Atencio opposed.
K. Core Knowledge – level of commitment
Mr. Nolan addressed the Board pursuing an Official status with Core Knowledge. Mr. Nolan reported that the Core Knowledge Foundation is willing to work with us based on our experience and the cost may be negotiable. Mr. Nolan stated that the first step is K-8 curriculum mapping. Mr. Nolan mentioned that the entire cost does not need to be paid in one year.
L. Send Quarter Financials for Prior Quarter to Bond Trustee by November 15, 2012
It was reported that this item is completed with no issues.
M Determine Board Visitation Day
The Board Visitation Day will be held on February 27 at 8:30 a.m. beginning in the elementary and then a lunch will be provided in the new secondary building.
N New Secondary Building Report
Ms. Stringari reported that the completion of the secondary building is going well. Ms. Stringari stated that they would know the amount left in the contingency fund at the January Board meeting. Ms. Stringari stated that they have had a good working relationship with the contractors, and that contractors have commented that the construction at JA has been the quickest and the nicest school to work with. Ms. Stringari also noted that JA is on the front cover of Colorado Construction Magazine. Ms. Stringari will have a more firm move-in date next Tuesday. The Ribbon Cutting is tentatively scheduled for February 16.
O. Secondary Serving Area
Ms. Atencio stated that the new secondary building was built around the serving equipment currently being used in the commons. It was assumed that the district would provide JA with equipment for the elementary use in the commons. However, this is not the case and they do not have any equipment in surplus. It was mentioned that the cost of new equipment would be approximately $35,000. Ms. Stringari reported that JHL is assisting in looking for new/used equipment. It was noted that we have an obligation to serve students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. The district will not support the secondary lunch program because they do not feel they would make a profit. Ms. Clark suggested that Rev Foods be contacted, as they have more vendors. Ms. Stringari mentioned that having Rev Foods serve lunch would require hiring someone part time to take care of the paperwork and serve food. Mr. Nolan stated that he would also check into other districts for equipment.
P. Future Committee Meetings
The Policy and Governance Committee will meet on Thursday.
Mr. Langer moved that the Board go into Executive Session at 9:27 p.m. for the purpose of C.R.S. 24-6-402 (f)(h) Discussion of individual students and personnel where public disclosure would adversely affect the person or person involved. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed with the following roll call vote: Ms. Atencio – yes, Ms. Clark – yes, Ms. Graziano – yes, Mr. Haynes – yes, Ms. Lewis – yes, Mr. Moss- yes, Mr. Vierra – yes, Mr. Wall – yes and Mr. Langer – yes. The required 2/3 vote to go into Executive Session was met.
Ms. Clark moved that the Board move out of Executive Session at 10:46 p.m. Ms. Atencio seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
III. First Reading
A. None