KS1 Moderation 2014
Moderation Review Meeting
Things that worked well:
- There has again been very positive feedback about the moderation process from both headteachers and practitioners and AP read out some of the comments made on the moderation reports.Many of the comments focused on how supportive the process had been and many teachers said they valued the professional discussion and CPD around the assessment criteria
- All moderators present at the meeting had met the Headteacher before and after the moderation visit
- It has again been very rewarding to see KS1 moderators in action as part of the quality assurance process
- Moderation reports have all been returned in good time and are both informative and well-presented
- All moderators present at the meeting agreed that they found the new practice of leaving the completed reports in school very manageable and fed back that teachers and Headteachers found this useful too
- The LA was successfully moderated by an external moderator on behalf of The Standards & Testing Agency
Areas to develop (more this year as trialling new ways of working) :
- It was agreed that a Y2 briefing in the Autumn term would be useful for teachers preparing for the end of KS1 assessment process
- AP to publish information on BSO regarding KS1 assessment processes and the gathering of evidence – this will be useful for schools who are not being moderated as well as schools who are being moderated
- AP to provide guidance on the type of reading and maths activities that would be suitable for moderation purposes
- It was agreed that even more information regarding the range of evidence needed for moderation would be included in the initial letter to Headteachers and that AP would provide guidance on a range of reading and maths activities that would be suitable for moderation purposes
- AP to include information about the areas to develop from the previous moderation report in the letter to Headteachers
- Schools to receive the letters informing them they are to be moderated two weeks before Easter as this year but to be given more time in which to send their data (this was tight this year because Easter was so late)
- AP to think about how schools can send data more securely
- Moderators to ring schools with the sample of children after school 2 days before the moderation meeting or visit – if it is more convenient, this can be sent in an email as long as it has been agreed that this is the preferred method of communication
- Moderators to send either the hard copy or the electronic copy to AP
Moderation visits
- Y2 teachers were not all given some time out of the classroom to prepare for the moderation visit – AP to include more explicit guidance in the letter to HTs next year
Moderation review meeting
- As there were several apologies this year, the date of the review meeting was discussed. It was agreed that the first week of July in the afternoon is still a good time and that transition day will still be avoided
New moderators
- Moderators indicated to AP potential new moderators who will be added to a list of practitioners who have expressed an interest. AP will not be recruiting KS1 moderators next year but will consolidate practice within the current team
1st July, 2014