
Selective Bibliography

The following bibliography, despite all appearances, is selective and we have had to leave a lot on the cutting room floor. It includes bibliographic details for references in the text, but also offers a sectionalised selection of the available literature, which we offer as a resource. Clearly the chosen sections are not mutually exclusive, but where items seemed to qualify for more than one section it was allocated to the one deemed the most appropriate.


Policy documents and debates: creativity, arts education and learning

Argyris, C. and Schön, D. (1974), Theory in practice: increasing professional effectiveness.

Creative Partnerships (2007): What is Creative Partnerships?, accessed 28.11.07

Claxton, G. (2006) Expanding the capacity to learn: a new agenda for education? Keynote address given to British Educational Research Association conference, available from (accessed 20.11.07)

Blair, T. (2001) Foreword, in DCMS (2001): Culture and Creativity: the next ten years, London: HMSO

DCMS (2004a): Culture at the heart of regeneration, London: HMSO

DCMS (2004b): Leading the Good Life. Guidance on Integrating Cultural and Community Strategies, London: HMSO

DCMS/DFES (2006) Nurturing Creativity in Young People: a report to government to inform future policy, London: HMSO

DFES (2004a): Five year strategy for children and learners: putting people at the heart of public services, London: HMSO

DFES (2004): Music Manifesto, London: HMSO. See also

Goodlad, R., Hamilton, C. and Taylor, P. (2002) Not just a treat: the arts and social inclusion: a report to the Scottish Arts Council, Glasgow: Centre for Cultural Policy Research.

House of Commons Education and Skills Select Committee (2007): Creative Partnerships and the Curriculum, London: HMSO

Ings, R. (2004): The inventive answer? Thoughts on creativity and young people, London: NESTA

Kinder, K. and Harland, J (2004): ‘The arts and social inclusion: what’s the evidence?’ Support for Learning, 19 , 2, 52 – 6

LDA (2004a): Creative London: report of the Mayor’s Commission on the Creative Industries, London: LDA

Leadbeater, C. (2006) Britain’s Creativity Challenge, London: Creative and Cultural Skills

Levitas, R. (2005) The Inclusive Society? Social Inclusion and New Labour, London: Palgrave Macmillan

National Advisory Committee on Creativity, Culture and Education (1999): All Our Futures: creativity, culture and education, London: HMSO

Robinson. K. (1999) Culture, creativity and the young: developing public policy.

(Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1999), Cultural policies research and development unit. Policy note no. 2.

Ruiz, J. (2004): A literature review of the evidence base for culture, the arts and sport policy. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive


Sefton-Green, J. (2006) New spaces for learning: developing the ecology of out-of-school hours learning, Sydney: Hawke Research Institute


Arts and creativity in the curriculum:

Aprill, A. (2002): ‘Finding the thread of an interrupted conversation; the arts, education and community, ’ online article at accessed 15.05.03

Aprill, A., Burnaford, G. and Weiss, C. (2001): Renaissance in the Classroom: arts integration and meaningful learning, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Animarts (2003): The art of the animateur, London: Animarts

Banaji, S., Buckingham, D. and Burn, D. (2007) The rhetorics of creativity: a review of the literature, London: Creative Partnerships

Burnard, P. (2006) ‘Reflecting on the creativity agenda in education’, Cambridge Journal of Education, Vol. 36, No. 3, September 2006, pp. 313–318

Burnard, P. and Hennessey, S. (eds) (2006) Reflective Practices in Arts Education, Springer

Burnaford, G. (2003) ‘Language Matters: Clarifying Partnerships between Teachers and Artists’, Teaching Artist Journal, 2003, Vol. 1, No. 3, Pages 168-171

Catterall, J. Hetland, L., and Winner, E. (eds) (2002): Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social development, WashingtonDC: Arts Education Partnership

Claxton, G. (2003) Creativity: a guide for the advanced learner (and teacher), available from (accessed 20.11.07)

Cochrane, P. and Cockett, M. (2007) Building a creative school: a dynamic approach to school development, Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books

Craft, A. Jeffrey, B. and Liebling, M. (eds) (2001) Creativity in Education, London: Continuum

Craft, A. (2005), Creativity in Schools: Tensions and Dilemmas, London: Routledge Falmer

Eisner, E. (2004) The Arts and the Creation of Mind, London: YaleUniversity Press

Gardner, H. (2006) The Development and Education of the Mind World, Library of educationists

Harland, J., Kinder, K. Lord, P. Stott, A., Schagen, I., Haynes, J, with Cusworth, L., White, R. and Paola, R. (2000): Arts education in secondary schools: effects and effectiveness, Slough: NFER

Harland, J., Lord, P., Stott, A., Kinder, K., Lamont, E. and Ashworth, M. (2005). The Arts-Education Interface: a Mutual Learning Triangle?Slough: NFER.

Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation (2000) Learning and the arts: crossing boundaries (2000), Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation


Greene, M. (1995) Releasing the Imagination: essays on education, the arts and social change, San Francisco: Jossey Bass

Harding, A. (2006) Magic Moments: collaborations between artists and young people, London: Black Dog Publishing

Heath, S.B. and Wolf, S. (2004a) Visual learning in the community school, London: Creative Partnerships.

Jeffrey. B. (2006) Creative Learning Experiences: European Perspectives, Oxford: Tufnel Press

Jeffery, G. (ed) (2005) The CreativeCollege: building a successful learning culture in the arts, Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books

OFSTED (1999): Artists in Schools, London: HMSO

OFSTED (2003a): Improving City Schools: how the arts can help, HMI 1709, London: HMSO

OFSTED (2003b): Expecting the Unexpected: developing creativity in primary and secondary schools, HMI 1612, London: HMSO

Matarasso, F. (2007) Reflections on the challenges facing arts institutions, London: European League of Institutes of the Arts

Matarasso, F. (1997) Use or Ornament?: the social impact of participation in the arts. Comedia.

Paley, N. (1995) Finding art’s place: Experiments in contemporary education &

culture. London: Routledge

Robinson, K. (ed) (1982): The Arts in Schools: principles, practice and provision, London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Robinson, K. (ed) (1990): The Arts 5 – 16: a Curriculum Framework, Essex: Oliver and Boyd

Rabkin, N. and Redmond, R.: Putting the Arts in the Picture: Reframing education in the 21st century, Chicago: ColumbiaCollege

Seltzer, K. and Bentley, T (1999): The Creative Age: knowledge and skills for the new economy, London: Demos

Sharp, C and Dust, K. (1997): Artists in schools: a handbook for teachers and artists, Slough: National Foundation for Educational Research

Sharp, C. and Le Metais, J. (2000): The arts, creativity and cultural education: an international perspective, London: QCA

Thomson, P. (2007) Whole school change: a review of the literature, London: Creative Partnerships

Thornton, A (2005) ‘The artist teacher as reflective practitioner’, International Journal of Arts& Design Education, 24 (2) pp.166-174.

Waters, S. (1994) Living without boundaries: Challenging conventional artform

constraints within education. Bath: BathCollege of Higher Education Press



Audit Commission (1998): A fruitful partnership: effective partnership working, London: Audit Commission

Balloch, S. and Taylor, M. (2001): Partnership Working: policy and practice, Bristol: The Policy Press

Bentley, T. (1998): Learning beyond the classroom: education for a changing world, London: RoutledgeFalmer

Centre for Creative Communities (2004): Creative community-building through cross-sector collaboration, London: Centre for Creative Communities

Deprez, F.L. and Tissen, R (2002): Zero Space: Moving beyond organisational limits, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

Gelsthorpe, T. and West-Burnham, J (2003): Educational Leadership and the Community: strategies for school improvement through community engagement, London: Pearson Education

Glendinning, C., Powell, M, and Rummery, K. (2002): Partnerships, New Labour and the Governance of Welfare, Bristol: The Policy Press

Johnstone, D. (2003): Partnerships: benefits, limitations, and doing it better, London, LSDA

Maurausse, D. (2006) The landscape of cross-sector partnerships: understanding the potential for co-ordinated multi-institutional parternerships, New York: Marga Inc.

Maurausse, D. (2006) Real Partnerships, New York: Marga Inc.

Morantz, K (1991) Artists in Wigan Schools

Public Services Productivity Panel (2002): Working Together: Effective Partnership Working on the Ground, London: HMSO

Pringle, E. (2002) ‘We did stir things up’: the role of artists in sites for learning, London: Arts Council England

Sefton-Green, J. (2007) This much we know: Evaluating Creative Partnerships: the challenge of defining impact, London: Creative Partnerships

Seidel, S., Eppel, M., Martiniello, M. (2001), Arts Survive: A Study of Sustainability in Arts Education Partnerships,Cambridge, MA: Project Zero at the HarvardGraduateSchool of Education

Shaw, P. (2001) Creative Connections: business and the arts working together for a more inclusive society, London; Arts and Business

Woolf, F. (1999). Partnerships for Learning: A Guide to Evaluating Arts Education

Projects. England: Arts Council of England and Regional Arts Boards.


Woolf, F. (2000) From policy to partnership: developing the arts in schools,London: Arts Council of England


Texts generated by the TAPP Consortium and Eastfeast

Blicken, C. and Walker, C (2007) Final Evaluation of the Eastfeast PPD Programme, CARE, UEA.

CapeUK (2005) The Journey: a handbook to support the exploration of creativity in schools through 28 activities, Leeds: CapeUK/Creative Partnerships.

CapeUK (2005) Building Creative Futures: the story of the Creativity Action Research Awards 2004 - 2005, Leeds: CapeUK/Creative Partnerships

Cochrane, P. (2006) Are we really serious about creativity? Creativity Matters, Leeds, CapeUK.

Fegan, T. (2003) Learning and Community Arts, Leicester, NIACE.

Fenton, R. and Neal, L. (2005) The Turning World: Stories from the London International Festival of Theatre, London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

Jeffery, G. (2006) Supporting innovation, collaboration and partnerships in the field of youth arts, education and culture, keynote presentation given to final conference of FORTE project, Barcelona. Available from

Jeffery, G. (2007) Teaching (in) the arts through partnerships and collaboration: constructive tensions or impossible contradictions?, Seminar paper given at the University of Exeter, October 2007.

Jenkins, D. and Hutchison, L. (2008) The Tao of Tapp: Evaluation of the Teacher Artist Partnership Programme, Leeds: CapeUK.

Jenkins, D. (2006) Conversations to Remember: evaluation of the KOSH video project with the terminally ill: a report to the Bridge Trust and Comic Relief [

Jenkins, D. and Hutchison, L. (2007) Bread of Heaven: Eastfeast at Aldeburgh Primary School: an evaluation report on the first phase of Eastfeast to the project and the funding agencies [

Jenkins D. (2004) ‘Coloured water, tasted wine: a personal view of the LEAParts Early Years CPD seminar, The Colour of Water [

Jenkins, D. and Hutchison, L’ (2003) Making It and Faking It: EPOC’s Virtual Carmen at King’s Cross EAZ (with accompanying video) [

Jenkins, D. (2002) ‘Diced Carrots: the RAE explained in the Light of Game Theory’ in Preston, Seth (ed.) The Future Business of Higher Education, Carnet, London.

Jenkins, D. and Firmstone V. (1998) Dramatic Impact: Final Evaluation Report Evaluation on Theatre in Health Education Initiatives in Birmingham Schools, South Birmingham Health Authority [

Jenkins, D. (1993), ‘And She Supposing Him to be the Gardener… Spirituality, the Arts and the Open Secret’, in Starkings, D. (ed.) Religion and the Arts in Education, Hodder and Stoughton.

Jenkins, D. (1990), ‘The Busker as Subway Vigilante: artists in residence and the management of change in schools’, International Conference in Managing Change in Schools, CEDAR, University of Warwick.

Jenkins, David, (1984) ‘Chocolate Cream Soldiers: Sponsorship, Ethnography and Sectarianism’, in Burgess, Robert, (ed.) The Research Process in Educational Settings: Ten Case Studies. Reprinted in Murphy, J., and Torrence, H., (eds.) (1988) Evaluating Education, Open University.

Jenkins, David, (1980), ‘Man: a Course of Study’, in Stenhouse, Lawrence, (ed.), Curriculum Research and Development in Action.

Jenkins, D. and O’Connor, S. (1980), Chocolate Cream Soldiers: Final Evaluation Report on the DENI / Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust’s “Schools Cultural Studies Project”. University of Ulster.

Jenkins, D. (1978), ‘Business as Unusual: the Skills of Bargaining and Negotiating Course at the LondonBusinessSchool’, and also Jenkins, D., and O’Toole, B., ‘Curriculum evaluation, Literary Criticism and the Paracurriculum’, both in Willis, G., (ed. 1979), Qualitative Evaluation: Concepts and Cases in Curriculum Criticism, McCutchan.

Ledgard, A. and Jeffery, G. (2006) TAPP: Primary Review Submission, available at

Ledgard, A. (2008) [in press], ‘Visiting Time and Boychild; site specific pedagogical experiments on the boundaries of theatre and science’ in Levinson, R., Nicholson, H., Parry, S., (eds.) Creative Encounters, Wellcome Trust, London

Ledgard, A. (2006), ‘Shared Professional Development and Reflective Action’ in Burnand. P. Hennessy. S.(eds.), Reflective Practices in Arts Education, Springer.

Ledgard, A. and Jenkins, D. (2006) ‘Teacher Artist Partnerships’, in Engage Journal 18

Ledgard. A. & Odam, G. (2003) ‘The Art of the Animateur: an investigation into the skills and insights required of artists to work effectively in schools and communities’, <

Ledgard, A. (Winter 2003),‘What are the Essential ingredients of a creative partnership between an Artist and a Teacher?’ Animated Magazine

Parkes, J. and Jeffery, G. (2003) New Victories? The potential and the pitfalls of the teacher/artist role In Animated, the community dance magazine, Autumn 2003, Foundation for Contemporary Dance (available at

Parkes, J. and Connor, C. (2004): People Moving: towards an integrated learning culture for dance, London: East London Dance

Parkes, J. and Califano, A. (2004): Home: an educational resource pack, London: NewVIc New Media



Comparative organisations and initiatives

Dartington College of Arts (2004): Connections and Collaborations: developing higher education’s continuing professional development provision for arts and design practitioners, Dartington: Dartington College of Arts and Falmouth College of Arts

Galligan, A. (2001) Creativity, Culture, Education and the workforce: Issue Paper, Chicago: Northeastern University

KennedyCenter (2001) Creating Capacity: a framework for providing professional development for teaching artists


Renshaw, P. (2003) Connecting conversations: the changing role of the artist, London: ELIA

Renshaw, P. (2005) Simply Connect: ‘next practice’ in group music-making and musical leadership, available from

Meban, M (2002)’ The postmodern artist in the school: implications for arts partnership programs’, International Journal of Education and the Arts, Vol. 3 No 1

Upitis, R., Smithrim, K., & Soren, B. (1999). ‘When teachers become musicians and artists: Teacher transformation and professional development’. Music Education Research, 1(1), 23-35.

Upitis, R, Smithrim, K., Le Clair, J. (2001). Teachers as artists: Producing an 'instant' opera. Music Education Research, 3(2), 111-120.

Upitis, R. (2005) ‘Experiences of Artists and Artist-Teachers involved in Teacher Professional Development Programmes,’, International Journal of Education and the Arts, Vol. 6 No 8

Professional development, identities and learning communities

Ashwin, C. (1994) ‘The artist/teacher: roles, models and interactions’. In

Hetherington, P. Artists in the 1990s: Their education and values. London:Tate

Gallery Publications

Bentley, T. and Gillinson, S. (2007) A D & R System for Education, London: Innovation Unit

Bolam, R., McMahon, A., Stoll, L., Thomas, S. and Wallace. M. (200....) Creating and Sustaining Effective Professional Learning Communities, London: General Teaching Council/NCSL

Craft, A. (1996): “Nourishing Educator Creativity: a holistic approach to CPD’, British Journal of In-Service Education, 22 (3), pp 209 – 22

Day, C. Kington, A., Stobart, G. and Sammons, S. (2006) ‘The personal and professional lives of teachers: stable and unstable identities’, British Educational Research Journal, Vol 32, No 6, pp. 767 – 795

Deer, C. (2003): ‘Bourdieu on Higher Education: the meaning of the growing integration of educational systems and self-reflective practice’, British Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol 24, No 2, pp 195 – 207

Eraut, M. (2000): ‘Informal learning, implicit learning and tacit knowledge in professional work’, in Coffield, F. (ed) (2000): The Necessity of Informal Learning, Bristol: the Policy Press

Fielding, M. (1999b): ‘Radical collegiality: affirming teaching as an inclusive professional practice,’ Australian Educational Researcher 26 (2), 1 – 34

Fielding, M. (2006) Leadership, Radical Collegiality and the necessity of person-centred education, ESRC Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP) Thematic Seminar Series, Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning, University of Stirling

Gale, T. and Densmore, K. (2000): Just Schooling: Explorations in the Cultural Politics of Teaching, Buckingham: Open University Press

Gale, T., and Densmore, K. (2003): Engaging Teachers: towards a radical democratic agenda for schooling, Buckingham: Open University Press

Hargreaves, A. (1994): Changing Teachers, Changing Times; teachers’ work and culture in the postmodern age, London: Cassell

Hargreaves, A. (2003): Teaching in the knowledge society, Maidenhead: Open University Press

Hargreaves, D.H. (1998): Creative professionalism: the role of teachers in the knowledge society, London: Demos

Hargreaves, D.H. (2003): Working laterally: how innovation networks make an education epidemic, London: Demos/DfES

Heron, J. (1999) The Complete Facilitator’s Handbook, London: Kogan Page

Huberman, M (1989): ‘The model of the independent artisan in teachers’ professional development’, in Little, J.W. and McLaughlin, M.W. (eds) Teachers Work: Individuals, Colleagues and Contexts, New York: Teachers College Press

Lucero, J. (2006) ‘Running in Place is dumb/great’, Teaching Artist Journal4 (1), 92–99

Renshaw, P. (2003): Connecting conversations: the changing voice of the artist, Amsterdam: European League of Institutes of the Arts

Sachs, J. (2003a): The Activist Teaching Profession, Buckingham: Open University Press

Sachs, J. (2003b): Teacher Activism: mobilising the profession, paper given at British Educational Research Association annual conference, Southwell: BERA

Schon, D. (1983) The reflective practitioner: how professionals think in action, London: TempleSmith

Schon, D. (1990) Educating the Reflective Practitioner, London: Jossey Bass

Senge, P. (1990): The Fifth Discipline: the art and practice of the learning organisation, London: Random House

Senge P, Cambron-McCabe, N, Lucas, T., Smith, B, Dutton, J, Kleiner, A (2000): Schools that Learn: a fifth discipline fieldbook for educators, parents and everyone who cares about education, London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing

Tomlinson, S., (1997) ‘Diversity, Choice and Ethnicity: the Effects of Educational Markets on Ethnic Minorities’, Oxford Review of Education, Vol.23, No.1.

Troman, G. and Woods, P (2001): The social construction of teacher stress, London: Routledge

Wells, G (2002): ‘Inquiry as an Orientation for Learning, Teaching and Teacher Education’, in Wells, G. and Claxton G.: Learning for life in the 21st Century, London: Blackwell, pp 197 – 210


Curriculum studies

Arnot, M and Whitty, G (1981) From Reproduction to Transformation: a British View of recent American Work on the Sociology of the Curriculum: SSRC Seminar Series

Bernstein, B. (1971). ‘On the classification of and framing of educational

Knowledge’, in Young, M.F.D.(Ed.) Knowledge and control. London:

Collier MacMillan.

Bernstein, B. (2000) (2nd ed.) Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity, London: Rowman and Littlefield

Daws, J. (2005) Teachers and students as co-learners: possibilities and problems, Journal of Educational Enquiry, Vol. 6, No 1

Giroux, H. (1981): Ideology, culture and the process of schooling, London: Falmer