Faculty Senate Council Meeting

March 2, 2010 at 11:30 a.m.


Present: Donald Ulin, John Slimick, Kimberly Bailey, Steve Hardin, Ernie Kallenbach, ‘Biodun Ogundayo, Warren Fass, Mark Kelley, Richard Melka, and Erik Austin

Items of Business:

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Slimick to approve the minutes from the February 16, 2010, Faculty Senate Council Meeting. Kelley seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.

Next Faculty Senate Council Meeting: March 16, 2010 in Dean’s Conference Room at 11:30 a.m.

Next Full Faculty Senate Meeting: March 30, 2010 at 11:30 a.m. in the Rice Auditorium (Fisher Hall Room 107)

Academic Affairs Update:

Search Updates: All searches have progressed to the point of bringing candidates to the campus with the exception of the nursing search. If all current searches are filled, it will increase faculty positions by 2.

International Studies: The agreement to create a student exchange program with Heilbronn University in Germany has been submitted to Pittsburgh for approval. The next step will be to get final signatures from Heilbronn University. They already have four student applications for the fall semester, so Pitt-Bradford should start looking for interested students. Many classes are taught in English, so German fluency is not a requirement.


Advising Center: The final recommendation for the Advising Center will be reviewed by the committee tomorrow. Upon approval, it will be sent to Livingston Alexander.

Annual Planning: The Annual Planning Document has been submitted to Pittsburgh.

Fisher Hall Renovations: The renovations are coming along as scheduled. A temporary staff member will be hired to help pack up inventory and move things off site. A lab tech will be hired in the fall.

Student Evaluations: Steve Hardin distributed a document with two proposed changes to the SET Qualitative Evaluations process, which he states has not been changed since 1986. In addition to the current process in place, the proposed changes include:

1)  That all distance education courses be evaluated.

2)  That the results of qualitative evaluations be distributed to a faculty member’s Division Chair, and the Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs. Each term, electronic copies of students’ written comments will be sent to the faculty member, the Division Chair, and the Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs and will be shared with the President upon request.

Senate Council agreed to consider the two proposed changes separately. More explicit explanations for the proposals are written out below.

Distance Education Courses Be Evaluated: Delivering 13% of its courses online, Pitt-Bradford has surpassed its strategic initiative to provide 12% of courses via distance education. Now that a greater percentage of courses are being delivered through distance education, Hardin feels it is more important than ever to be sure that high quality courses are being provided to students. This will help assess the quality and strength of courses. Much discussion took place. Slimick moved to forward to Faculty Senate without any recommendation. Fass seconded the motion. Motion passed; item will be added to the March 30th Full Faculty Senate agenda.

Results of Qualitative Evaluations Be Distributed to Faculty Member’s Division Chair and Vice President & Dean of Academic Affairs: The results of the qualitative evaluations provide a lot of information from the student’s perspective. Hardin has concerns that the evaluation process is very inconsistent. When a faculty member allows the qualitative evaluation, the comments are always positive, suggesting that results are bias. Discussion ensued and two memos to Senate Council members were distributed concerning faculty privacy rights. It was decided that more information was needed to clarify the OMET guidelines. This item is moved to a future agenda item at Senate Council.

Administrative Evaluations: Melka stated that the ad hoc committee on administrative evaluations met this morning. They are putting together a final copy to be reviewed with Hardin and Alexander. Upon approval, he will then discuss with Division Chairs.

Matters Arising:

Agenda for Next Faculty Senate: The next Faculty Senate meeting will be held on March 30, 2010. A light lunch will be served and the meeting will be in Fisher Hall, Room 107.

Chairs for Standing Committees: Current committee chairs need to identify chairs for the next fiscal year. The constitution states this should happen in the spring semester.

Student Complaints: Melka asked what the current procedure was for student complaints. For issues of great dispute, Hardin sends student back to faculty member in an attempt to resolve diplomatically. If no solution is reached, the issue will progress to the Division Chair and then to the Dean of Academic Affairs respectfully. Complaints of a different nature may go directly to the Dean of Academic Affairs first. Austin stated that some students use the Student Government Association, which refers issues of great dispute to the academic advisor. Melka suggested appointing an ombudsman.

University Senate: Dr. Pinsky, current President of the University Senate, would like to be better informed about other university activity. Slimick suggested adding his name to the Bradford Senate Council minutes distribution list.

A motion to adjourn was made by Slimick; Ogundayo seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Faculty Senate Council Meeting 2010-03-02 - DRAFT Page 1 of 3 Submitted by: Kimberly Bailey