AP Biology Syllabus 2016 - 2017

Welcome to AP Biology!!!

Advanced Placement Biology is designed to be the equivalent of a 2 semester, introductory, college biology course. The AP Biology Curriculum Framework is centered on four major themes and considers a wide range of topics that are important in 21st century biology. Students investigate topics in a number of ways, including lecture, investigative labs, data interpretation, work with informational resources, expository communication and so on. The curriculum gives students the opportunity to successfully take the AP Biology Exam in the spring.

In addition to working with the curriculum framework students will develop scientific and collaborative skills by performing a number of the thirteen AP Biology labs and many other investigations, most of which involve considerable student directed inquiry or the application of critical problem solving.

Success in AP Biology requires a serious commitment from the student. Many AP Bio teachers feel each hour of class time should be matched by 1 ½ hours of study outside of class. Whether this will be true for you depends on a number of different things, involving your background, skills and goals.

Advantages to taking AP Biology are many. Your knowledge of biology and appreciation for the living world around you will be greatly enhanced.Additional advantages arethe following…

This class will facilitate your transition to any competitive university program.Your participation will help you develop effective mental habits, cognitive abilitiesand professional skills that will benefit you in the future.

 Success on the AP exam will allow most students to earn some type of college credit, sparing the expense and effort in the future and allowing you to move on to more advanced work.

Doing well in this class will increase the probability of acceptance at many universities, since success demonstrates the ability to handle challenging college-level work.


  1. To allow students to develop a wide range ofimportant skills within a challenging college-level, introductory biology course. Students in AP Biology are expected to perform at the level of first- year, ambitious and motivated college students.
  2. To prepare students well for the AP exam by exposing them to necessary content and helping them develop effective thinking and learning strategies, and expository essay writing skills. Students are encouraged to take the AP exam.
  3. To help students develop a sophisticated conceptual framework for modern biology and, through study and labs, help students gain an appreciation for science as an ongoing, investigative process. This framework will be very important particularly for students who pursue careers that involve biology.


Urry, Lisa A…[et al.]. Campbell: Biology in Focus, AP Edition 2014

Students are expected to work extensively with the textbook and other support materials, including AP exam prep books and other resources discussed in class. Students are expected to complete preparatory reading and writing assignments by the assigned deadlines.


This course is structured around the “Enduring Understandings” within the four “Big Ideas” as described in the AP Biology Curriculum Framework.

Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.

Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes.

Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.

The following syllabus shows the year divided into four major units, each entitled with one of the four ideas. In each unit one idea is stressed but connections to the other ideas are constantly emphasized. Course topics are typically introduced by way of our textbook and in the form of lecture and discussion.

Investigative laboratory experiences as well as other activities that allow us to practice scientific skills are also an important part of our curriculum. Many of the skills we work with are described in AP Biology’s seven “Science Practices” (See College Board AP Biology web page). Most lab work is structured to allow significant student inquiry and critical thinking.Students will be expected to keep a neat lab journal, and grades on lab work will form a significant portion of your final grade.More than ¼ of our class time involves investigative labs and activities.


This course is designed to cover many of the textbook’s 42 chapters in 33 weeks. The course also must include significant time for creative discussion, investigation of current events in biology, experiments and other investigations, writing practice, and other activities. As such, we proceed at a pace that is considerably more accelerated than probably most, if not all of the classes that you have experienced in high school. Ultimately, students are expected to be actively responsible for their own learning. This involves focused work in class, commitment of adequate time at home and possibly attendance at review sessions outside of class.


The following list details the approximate percentage of points available for eachtype of graded activity.Students are required to invest significant study time outside of class.

Tests/Final Exam/Quizzes50%

Lab Participation/Journal35%

Essays and Other Written Work15%

Grades are scaled in the traditional manner (100 – 90% = A, etc.; 59% or less = F). The class grade is not tied to the grade on the AP exam.


We all are expected to take a mature and professional approach to class that is respectful of the opportunity AP Biology presents and the effort it requires on all of our parts for success. Some obvious manifestations of this approachare as follows…

We should be punctual and prepared. Cell phones and electronic devises remain away during class and lab unless using them with permission for the activity.

We are responsible for making up work missed due to absences.

The following policy applies to absences on test days.

Students will not take the multiple choice section of the test. Instead the last test’s or next test’s multiple test score will substitute for the missing score.

Students will take the written part of the test outside of class at the earliest possible time.

Each of us must participate during class with a positive attitude. We strive to create a positive, professional learning environment that is respectful and welcoming for all individuals.

We are expected to have some availability outside of class to catch up, make up missed work, attend tutoring, and so on.

Course Outline

Semester 1

Dates given below are approximate and will be reviewed and updated regularly with students.

Consistent theme throughout each week…

How does the topic relate to the 4 big ideas??

WEEK 1(August 11 – 19)

SGN 1*Science and Biology

SGN 2The Basic Chemistry of Life

Lab 1 An Investigation of a Natural Phenomenon

The Controlled Experiment


Due Friday, 8/12Print, read and highlight “Very Important Information”

Due Monday, 8/15Student PIS

Due Friday, 8/19Pages 19 – 29Ch2The Chemical Context of Life

Due Thursday, 8/25Pages 29 – 37 Ch 2 Water

*SGN = Study Guide Notes

WEEK 2(August 22 – 26)

SGN 2The Basic Chemistry of Life

Study TechniquesOverview

Lab 2 An Investigation of the Behavior of Milk, Soap and Dye

Molecular Bonds


Due Monday, 8/29Pages 40 – 45 Ch 3Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life

WEEK 3 (August 29 – September 2)

SGN 3 Water

Ocean Acidification

SGN4 Carbon, Fun groups, etc.

Writing Practice

Study techniquesConcept maps

AP Biology Reference sheetpH math


Due Wednesday, 8/31 Writing – Intro to AP Writing

Due Wednesday, 9/7Pages 45 – 63 Ch 3 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life

QuizThursday, 9/1SGN 1 – 3Labs 1, 2

September 5Labor Day

WEEK 4 (September 6 – September 9)

SGN4 Carbon, Fun groups, etc

SGN5 Biomolecules – Carbohydrates and Lipids

Study techniquesTables/Venn diagrams, etc.

WEEK 5 (September 12 - September 16)

SGN5 Biomolecules – Proteins and Nucleic acids

SGN6 The Cell

Lab 3 Microscopes

Study techniques2 Column Notes. Flashcards, etc.


Due Friday, 9/16Pages 66 – 91 Ch 4 A Tour of the Cell

Due Thursday ,9/22 Pages 94 – 107 Ch 5 Membrane Transport

Test 1Monday, 9/12Notes 1 - 4Labs 1, 2pH math

WEEK 6 (September 19 – September 23)

SGN6The Cell

SGN7 Cell Membrane

Cell Surface to Volume Ratio

Writing practice


Due Monday, 10/3 Pages 108 – 113 Ch 5 Cell Signaling

WEEK 7 (September 26 – September 30)

SGN7 Cell Membrane

Lab 4 Osmosis

Excel Spreadsheets

Water Potential

WEEK 8 (October3 – October 7)

SGN 8 Cell Signaling


Due Thursday, 10/20 Primarily Pages 641 – 653, 661 – 663; also p. 680, 681, 740,741)

Ch 32Homeostasis and Endocrine Signaling

Test 2 Friday, 10/7Notes 5 – 8Labs 3, 4

Fall Break 10/10 – 10/14

WEEK 9 (October 17 – October 21)

SGN 9 The Endocrine System

Lab 5 - Transpiration


Due Tuesday, 11/1Pages 116 – 132 Ch 6 Intro to Metabolism

WEEK 10 (October 24 – October 28)

SGN 9 The Endocrine System

Lab 6 Toothpickase

WEEK 11 (October 31 – November 4)

SGN 10 Intro to Metabolism

Lab 6 Toothpickase


Due Monday, 11/7Pages 135 - 152 Ch 7 Cellular Respiration

WEEK 12 (November 7 – November 10)

SGN 11 Cell Respiration


Due Thursday, 11/17Pages 155 – 171Ch 8 Photosynthesis

Veteran’s day 11/11

WEEK 13 (November 14 – November 18)

SGN12 Photosynthesis

Lab 7 Enzyme Lab

WEEK 14 (November 21 – November 23)

SGN12 Photosynthesis

Thanksgiving 11/24, 25

WEEK 15 (November 28 – December 2)

SGN13 Cell Cycle and Mitosis

Lab 8 Cell Respiration


Due Friday, 12/2Pages 174 - 189 Ch 9 The Cell Cycle

Due Wednesday, 12/7Pages 192 – 204Ch 10 Meiosis

Test 3Monday, 11/28SGN 8 – 11Labs 5 and 6

WEEK 16 (December 5 – December 9)

SGN13 Cell Cycle and Mitosis

SGN14 Meiosis

WEEK 17 (December 12 – December 16)

Catchup and Finals Review

Final ExamSGN 1 – 14, Labs 1 -8, Supplemental Material

WEEK 18 (December 19 – December 22)

Finals Week


Due 1/10/17Pages 206 – 223 Ch 11 Mendel and the Gene Idea

Semester 2

The agenda presented above for semester 1 is an ambitious schedule. As planned it requires students to work at a challenging pace. Working hard, we have a chance of sticking to this schedule. But even with the best of work ethic and intention, we sometimes do not reach our goal. One reason for this is that many of our labs call for student exploration (“inquiry”), which requires some degree of flexibility in regard to how the labs proceed. Other happenings, such as open ended discussions, current events, unscheduled assemblies and so forth, also sometimes leave us behind schedule. Therefore the schedule given here continues to be approximate and regular updates will be given in class.

WEEK 1(January9 –January 13)

SGN15 Mendel and the Gene Idea


Due Friday, 1/13Pages 228 – 243Ch 12 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance

Due Monday, 1/23Pages 245 – 260 Ch 13 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Martin Luther King Jr Day 1/16

WEEK 2(January 17 – January 20)

SGN16 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance

Lab 9 Photosynthesis

WEEK 3 (January23 – January27)

SGN 16 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance

SGN 17 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Lab 10 Transpiration


Due Friday 2/10Pages 268 – 290Ch 14 Gene Expression: From Gene to Protein

WEEK 4 (January30 – February3)

SGN 17 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Lab 11 Virtual Fly

WEEK 5 (February6–February 10)

Lab 11 Mitosis, Meiosis and Crossing Over in Sordaria (Continued)


DueMonday, 2/20

Pages 293 – 297 Ch 15 Regulation of Gene Expression

Pages 467 - 470 Ch 24 Early Life and the Diversification of Prokaryotes

Pages 330 – 341 Ch 17 Viruses

Test 1Thursday, 2/9SGN 15 – 17Labs 9 - 11

WEEK 6 (February13 – February17)

SGN 18 Gene to Protein

Lab 12 Mitosis, Meiosis and Crossing Over in Sordaria

WEEK 7 (February 20 – February 22)

SGN19 Microbial Genetics


DueMonday, 3/6

Pages 298 – 309 Ch 15 Eukaryotic Gene Expression

Rodeo Days 2/23, 24

WEEK 8 (February 27 – March 3)

SGN19 Microbial Genetics (continued)

Lab 13 Electrophoresis/Rest Enzymes

WEEK 9 (March6 – March 10)

SGN20 Regulation of the Eukaryotic Genome


DueMonday, 3/20

Pages 347 – 361 Ch 18 Genome Organization

Spring Break 3/13 – 3/17

During the fourth quarter of the year before and after school sessions will be offered (dates and times to be announced)that cover the following…

Ecology and Animal Behavior (Chapters 40 – 43)

Content Review

Math Review

Exam Practice

WEEK 10 (March 20 – March 24)

SGN21The Organization of the Human Genome


DueMonday, 3/27

Pages 311 – 328Ch 16Development, Stem Cells and Cancer

Pages 742 – 747 Ch 36 Reproduction and Development

Test 2SGN 18 – 20Lab 12, 13

WEEK 11 (March 27 – March 31)

SGN22 The Genetic Basis of Development

Lab 14 Bacterial Transformation and PCR


DueMonday, 4/3

Pages 365 - 379 Ch19 Descent with Modification

Pages 399 – 415Ch 21 The Evolution of Populations

WEEK 12 (April 3 – April 7)

SGN23 Descent with Modification

SGN 24 The Evolution of Populations

Lab 14 Bacterial Transformation and PCR (continued)


DueMonday, 4/10

Pages 418 - 433 Ch22 The Origin of Species

WEEK 13 (April 10 – April 14)

SGN25The Origin of Species


DueMonday, 4/17

Pages 436 - 455 Ch23 Broad Patterns of Evolution

Pages 458 – 462 Ch 24 Early Earth and the Diversification of Prokaryotes

Lab 15Mathematical Modeling: Hardy - Weinberg

WEEK 14 (April 17 – April 21)

SGN 26 The Early Earth and the Origin of Life


DueMonday, 4/24

Pages 381 - 396 Ch20 Phylogeny

Test 3Thursday, 2/9SGN 21 – 25Labs 14, 15

WEEK 15 (April 24 – April 28)

SGN 27 Phylogeny and Systematics

Lab 16 Comparing DNA Sequences to Understand Evolutionary Relationships with BLAST


DueMonday, 5/1

Pages 641 - 663 Ch32 Homeostasis and Endocrine Signaling

Pages 678 – 681 Ch 33 Animal Nutrition

Pages 738 – 742 Ch 36 Reproduction and Development

WEEK 16 (May 1 – May 5)

SGN 28 Homeostasis and the Endocrine System

Lab 17 Fruit Fly Behavior


DueMonday, 5/8

Pages 751 - 765 Ch37 Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling

WEEK 17 (May 8 – May 12)

SGN 29 The Nervous System

AP Exam5/8/17

WEEK 18 (May15 – May 19)

Final Exam 5/19Notes 15 – 29Labs 9 - 17

WEEK 19 (May 22 – May 25)
