Registration Form

The Third International Conference on Metallic Materials and Processing (3rd ICMMP)

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hum, Kowloon, HK

Dec 04, 2016 - Dec 07, 2016;

PART 1: Personal Information:

*Organization / Company:
*Title: / Ms. Mr. Dr. Prof
First / Middle / Last
Title of Abstract:
*Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
City: / State /Province:
Country: / Postal code:
Phone: / Fax:

PART 2: Registration and Fees:(Registration fee includes admission to the conference, conference abstract proceedings, welcome reception, lunches and coffee-break, Banquet)

Category / Before Sept 15, 2016 / After Sept 15, 2016
Full Participant / US$650 (HK$ 5070 ) / US$750 (HK$ 5850 )
Student Participant /  US$400 (HK$ 3120 ) /  US$450 (HK$ 3510 )

PART 3 – Payment Method

 / Crossed Cheque/Bank Draft / Please issue a cheque / bank draft payable to "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University".
 / Online Credit Card Payment / Pay via PolyU Online Credit Card Payment System and fill in PART 4 of this form.
 / Telegraphic Transfer(T/T) / Please refer to the T/T Payment Instructions in PART 5 of this form.
 / Credit Card(Mail order) / Please fill in and sign the Credit Card Payment Authorization Form in PART 6 of this form.

PART 4–Online Credit Card Payment Notification Form(After successful transaction via PolyU Online Credit Card Payment System, please provide the following information for recognizing the source of payment and issuing receipts to the payer.)

I have made payment to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University by credit card via internet as follows:

Event Name: / The Third International Conference on Metallic Materials and Processing
Event ID: / D43624V001
Name of Cardholder:
Amount Paid (HK$):
Invoice Number Generated by the Credit Card Payment System:

PART 5–Telegraphic Transfer(T/T) Payment Instructions (T/T payment of the registration fees should include all bank charges (which should be debited from the applicant's account) and can be arranged with the following details:)

Account Name: / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Bank Name: / Hang Seng Bank Limited
Bank Address: / 83 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong, PR. China
Bank Account Number: / 024-280-277476-001
SWIFT code for Hang Seng Bank: / HASEHKHH (optional)
Details of Payment: / Registration Fees for 3rd ICMMP - Name of Attendant
PolyU-ME (Attn: Dr. MW Fu)

Please include the above information in the T/T payment details for reference. After remittance, please send a copy of the bank remittance advice to the ICMMP2016 Conference Secretary for follow up.

PART 6–Credit Card Payment Authorization Form

I agree to pay the registration fees for The 3rdInternational Conference on Metallic Materials and Processing to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University by credit card. My credit card account details are as follows:

Type of Credit Card: / Visa Credit Card / Master Credit Card
Name of Attendant:
Name of Cardholder:
Credit Card Number:
Card Expiry Date: / ______/ ______(MM / YYYY)
Transaction Amount (HK$):
Signature of Cardholder:

Please return your completed registration form to 3rd ICMMP Conference Secretary.

Address: Dr. MW Fu, ME Department, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Tel: 852-2766 5527Fax: 852-2364 7183 Email:

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