Supplementary material
1. Acknowledgements for the Pan-Canadian Early Detection of Lung Cancer Project
2. Supplementary Table S1. Unit costs
1. List of acknowledged contributors to the Pan-Canadian Early Detection of Lung Cancer Project
•British Columbia (BC Cancer Agency & the University of British Columbia): Mark Elwood, Sharon Gee
•Alberta (Foothills Hospital & the University of Calgary): RommyKoetzler
•Ontario (Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto): Maureen McGregor
•Ontario (Juravinski Cancer Center, McMaster University): Hamed Moazami, Kelli Kay, Elaine Moore
•Ontario (Ottawa Hospital Regional Cancer Centre, University of Ottawa): Sharon Kelly
•Quebec (Hôpital Laval & U de Laval): Carolle St. Pierre
•Nova Scotia (QEII HSC, Dalhousie University): Dianna Sonichsen
•Newfoundland (Memorial University of Newfoundland): Erin Pennel
This project was funded in part by the Terry Fox Research Institute, the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, with co-funding by the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation Lusi Wong Fund (Toronto site). The Canadian Centre for Applied Research in Cancer Control (ARCC) is funded by the Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute.
Table S1. Unit costs
Class / Resource Unit / Description / Unit cost / Sub-unit / Sub-unit cost / Reference or Resource Unit CodeScreening
resources / CT-S-1,
CT-S-2 or CT-S-3 / Annual low dosescreening exam, scheduled to occur annual, regardless of previous results / $193 / 1. Professional fee, radiologist, body scan-one region / $88 / MSP 8693a
2. Professional fee, screening support / $19 / Expert opinionb
3. Procedure fee, screening spirometry interpretation / $13 / MSP S00928
4. Spirometry equipment / $2 /
5. Facility / $53 / IHAc
6. Equipment / $18 / Siemanshealthcare manufacturer’s quote (2013) and expert opinion on Canadian usage ratesd
CT-S-x-FU-2 or CT-S-x-FU-3 / Follow-up screening LDCT exam, conducted at least 60 daysbefore/after annual CT exam (x), and according to LDCT screening protocol / $160 / 1. Professionalfee, radiologist,body scan-one region / $88 / MSP 8693
2. Facility / $53 / Same as cost component 5 and 6 in CT-S-1
3. Equipment / $18
AFB-S / Screening autofluorescence bronchoscopy / $727 / 1. Procedure fee, bronchoscopy exam / $88 / MSP S00700
2. Professional fee, bronchial brushings / $64 / MSP S00736
3. Professional fee, cytology preparation and interpretation / $86 / MSP 93095
4. Ambulatory hospital daycare / $438 / OCCI:PC Z080e
5. Equipment / $51 / Expert opinionf
AFB-S-biopsy / Screening AFB with biopsy and without endobronchial ultrasound imaging / $782 / 1. Procedure fee, bronchoscopy with biopsy / $134 / MSP S00702
2. Professional fee, bronchial brushings / $64 / MSP S00736
3. Professional fee, cytology and biopsy preparation and interpretation / $94 / MSP 93085
4. Ambulatory hospital day / $438 / OCCI PC Z080
5. Equipment / $51 / Same as AFB-S
Diagnostic imaging / CT / Non-screening CT exams, ex. regular dose CT, any CT conducted <60 days before/after screening LDCT / $160 / 1. Professional fee, radiologist, body scan-one region / $88 / MSP 8693
2. Facility / $53 / Same as CT-S-1
3. Equipment / $18
CT+ / Infused CT, CT conducted with the use of a contrast agent / $199 / 1. Professional fee, body scan-one region with contrast / $98 / MSP 8694
2. Facility / $53 / Same as CT-S-1
3. Equipment / $18
4. Contrast agent and medical supplies / $30 / IHAg
2-CT / CT exam of two regions of the body / $204 / 1. Professional fee, body scan-two regions / $134 / MSP 08695
2. Facility / $53 / Same as CT-S-1
3. Equipment / $18
2-CT+ / CT exam of two regions of the body with the use of a contrast agent / $234 / 1-3. Same as 2-region CT / $203 / (See 2-region CT)
4.Contrast agent / $30 / IHA
CT-Head / CT exam of the head / $132 / 1. Professional fee, CT head scan with contrast / $62 / MSP 08691
2.Facility / $53 / Same as CT-S-1
3. Equipment / $18
PET / Positron emission tomography, FDG-PET, PET/CT, or PET / $1,361 / Professional and technical fees / $1,361 / MSP 9826
MRI / MRI exam, MRI exam of the head / $281 / 1. Professional feeand equipment / $143 / IHAh
2. Facility / $138 / IHA
US / Ultrasound examination of a body region / $106 / Professional and technical fees / $106 / MSP 08648
CXR / Radiographic imaging of the chest or other body region / $65 / 1. Professional fee, x-ray thoracic viscera / $34 / MSP 8850
2. Facility / $27 / IHA
3. Equipment and supplies / $4 / Expert opinioni
VQS / Lung ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy / $445 / 1. Technical and professional fees, static lung scan / $219 / MSP 9868
2. Technical and professional fees, ventilation lung scan / $226 / MSP 9855
BONESCAN / Bone scintigraphy / $225 / Technical and procedure fees / $225 / MSP 9834
ECHO / Echocardiographic imaging / $100 / Technical and procedure fees / $100 / MSP 8368
PYELOGRAM / Radiographic imaging of the urinary system, bladder, ureters and kidneys / $76 / Technical and procedure fees / $76 / MSP 8591
DOPP-ECHO / Carotid dopplers / $46 / Technical and professional fees / $46 / MSP 8679
Cardio/pulmonary testing / PFT / Pulmonary function test / $81 / 1. Professional fee / $41 / MSP S00945
2. Technical fee / $41 / MSP S00946
PERSANTIN / Thallium persantin scan / $423 / 1. Professional fee / $22 / MSP S00950
2. Technical fee / $401 / MSP 9854
ECG / Electrocardiogram / $24 / Procedure and professional fee / $24 / MSP 33016
CORON / Coronary angiography / $542 / 1. Professional fee, cardiologist / $166 / MSP 33010
2. Professional fee, assistant / $109 / MSP 845
3. Procedure fee, angiography / $195 / MSP S00841
4. Professional, anesthesist (30 min) / $72 / MSP 1174
PREHAB / Disponea clinic, pulmonary or cardiac rehabilitation / $164 / 1. Technical and professional fees, pulmonary function test / $81 / PFT
2. Professional fee, respirologist / $83 / MSP 32012
MIBI / Cardiac perfusion scan / $220 / 1. Professional fee / $191 / MSP 9898
2. Technical fee / $28 / MSP 9897
PET-C / Cardiac PET / $1,361 / Same as PET / $1361 / See PET
Physician / RESP-C / Respirologist consult-detailed review / $163 / Professional fee / MSP 32010
RESP-R / Respirologist consult-limited review / $83 / Professional fee / MSP 32012
SURG-C / Surgeon-detailed review, patient present / $138 / Professional fee / MSP 70910
SURG-R / Surgeon-limited review, patient not present / $63 / Professional fee / MSP 79012
PATH-C / Pathologist review-detailed / $143 / Professional fee / MSP 94010
PATH-R / Pathologist review / $79 / Professional fee / MSP 94012
CARD-C / Cardiologist service-detailed review, patient present / $166 / Professional fee / MSP 33010
GPC / General physician service, patient present / $80 / Professional fee / MSP P15310
ONC-C / Oncologist service- detailed review at the start of each 6 months of clinical management / $165 / Professional fee / MSP 33510
ONC-R / Oncologist service-limited review occurring after a within each 6 month part of clinical management following an initial consult / $80 / Professional fee / MSP 33512
PATFAM / Patient and family support work including social worker services, Counselor, Tobacco cessation consult / $35 / Professional fee / Expert opinionj
INT-RAD / Interventional radiologist service / $80 / Professional fee / MSP 83000
PAT-CONFERENCE / Oncologist meeting to review clinical case / $158 / Professional fee-3 oncologists / 3*ONC-R
NEURO-C / Neurologist service, detailed review, patient present / $173 / Professional fee / MSP 00410
GASTRO-C / Gastroenterologist service, detailed review, patient present / $156 / Professional fee / MSP 33310
OTOL-C / Otolaryngologist service, detailed review, patient present / $76 / Professional fee / MSP 2510
IMED-C / Internal medicine consult, detailed review, patient present / $165 / Professional fee / MSP 00310
Endoscopy / EBUS / Endobroncial ultrasound / $1267 / 1. Procedure, endobronchial ultrasound / $250 / MSP P10739
2. Procedure,biopsy brushings / $65 / MSP S00736
4. Professional, cytology and biopsy preparation and interpretation / $94 / MSP 93085
5. Ambulatory hospital daycare / $438 / HOSP-DAYCARE
6. Equipment / $137 / Expert opinionk
7. TBNA needle and radial tissue sampling kit / $283
AFB / Autofluorescence bronchoscopy / $727 / Same as screening AFB-S / AFB-S
AFB-B / AFB-biopsy / $782 / Same as screening AFB-S-Biopsy / AFB-S-Biopsy
NAV-B / Electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy / $2,260 / 1. Procedure endobronchial ultrasound / $250 / MSP P10739
2. Procedure TBNA (additional) / $50 / MSP S00703
3. Professional fee, cytology and biopsy preparation and interpretation / $94 / MSP 93085
4. Ambulatory hospital daycare / $438 / HOSP-DAYCARE
5. Equipment / $227 / Expert opinionl
6. Disposables / $1,200 / Expert opinionl
MED / Mediastinoscopy / $950 / 1. Procedure fee, mediastinoscopy / $188 / MSP S00710
2. Procedure fee, percutaneous lung or mediastinalbiopsy / $90 / MSP S00739
3. Professional fee, cytology and biopsy preparation and interpretation / $94 / MSP 93085
4. Ambulatory hospital daycare / $438 / HOSP-DAYCARE
5. Equipment / $140 / Expert opinionm
ML-ENDO / Micro-laryngoscopy / $722 / 1. Procedure fee, micro-laryngoscopy / $175 / MSP 2428
2. Professional fee, cytology and biopsy preparation and interpretation / $86 / MSP 93095
3. Ambulatory hospital daycare / $438 / HOSP-DAYCARE
4. Equipment / $23 / Expert opinion
DL-ENDO / Direct Laryngoscopy / $815 / 1. Procedure, direct laryngoscopy / $125 / MSP 2412
2. Professional fee, cytology and biopsy preparation and interpretation / $86 / MSP 93095
3. Equipment / $23 / Expert opinion
4. Ambulatory hospital daycare / $438 / HOSP-DAYCARE
Percutaneous biopsy / CT-B / CT-Guided biopsy / $1,054 / 1. Procedure, percutaneous lung or mediastinalbiopsy / $90 / MSP S00739
2. Procedure, TBNA (additional fee) / $50 / MSP P10703
3. Professional, cytology and biopsy preparation and interpretation / $94 / MSP 93085
4. Professional, radiology assist / $108 / MSP S00759
5. Procedure, pre- and post- biopsy CT / $134 / MSP 8695
6. Ambulatory hospital daycare / $438 / HOSP-DAYCARE
7. CT facility and equipment pre-biopsy / $94 / See items 5 and 6 CT-S-1
8. CT facility and equipment post-biopsy / $94
US-B / Ultrasound-guided biopsy / $664 / 1. Procedure fee, ultrasound-guided thoracentesis / $96 / MSP 08646
2. Professional fee, cytology and biopsy preparation and interpretation / $94 / MSP 93085
3. Ambulatory hospital daycare / $438 / HOSP-DAYCARE
Ambulatory hospital days / HOSP-DAYCARE / Ambulatory daycare, general cost for outpatient-based cancer daycare / $438 / All non-physician costs for providing ambulatory daycare to cancer patients (including facility, nursing, administrative and technical staff, drugs) and all costs of running the hospital (finance, administration, human resources, plant ops.) / $438 / OCCI Z080
Inpatient hospital days / HOSP-VATS-WR / Inpatient hospital day for thoroscopic wedge resection / $2,060 / 1. Inpatient care for thoroscopic wedge resection / $2,036 / OCCI PC: 1GR87DA
2. Professional fee, surgeon hospital visit / $24 / MSP 79008
HOSP-VATS-LB / Inpatient hospital day for thoroscopic lobectomy / $2,484 / 1. Inpatient care for thorascopic lobectomy / $2,461 / OCCI PC: 1GR89DA
2. Professional fee, surgeon hospital visit / $24 / MSP 79008
HOSP-WR / Inpatient hospital day for wedge resection by open thoracotomy / $2,302 / 1. Inpatient care for wedge resection / $2,279 / OCCI PC: 1GR87QB
2. Professional fee, surgeon hospital visit / $24 / MSP 79008
HOSP-LB / Inpatient hospital day for lobectomy by open thoracotomy / $2,454 / 1. Inpatient care for open thoracotomy / $2,430 / OCCI PC: 1GR89QB
2. Professional fee, surgeon hospital visit / $24 / MSP 79008
HOSP-PAIN / Inpatient hospital day for pain / $1,206 / 1. Inpatient care for pain / $1,176 / OCCI DC: R529
2. Professional fee, oncologist hospital visit / $29 / MSP 33508
HOSP-PALL / Inpatient hospital day for palliative care / $906 / Inpatient palliative care / $906 / OCCI CMG: 810
HOSP-LR / Inpatient hospital day for radiation to the lung / $947 / 1. Inpatient care for radiation to the lung / $918 / OCCI PC: 1GT27JA
+ DC (lung cancer)n
2. Professional fee, oncologist hospital visit / $29 / MSP 33508
HOSP-BR / Inpatient hospital day for radiation to the brain / $904 / 1. Inpatient care for radiation to the brain / $876 / OCCI PC: 1AN27JA
+ DC (lung cancer)n
2. Professional fee, oncologist hospital visit / $29 / MSP 33508
HOSP-BS / Inpatient hospital day for brain surgery / $1,441 / 1. Inpatient care for brain surgery / $1,402 / OCCI PC: 1AN87SZGX
2. Professional fee, neurologist hospital visit / $39 / MSP 00408
HOSP-PNM / Inpatient hospital day for pneumonia / $1,453 / 1. Inpatient care for pneumonia / $1,370 / OCCI DC: R53
2. Professional fee, respirologist hospital visit / $42 / MSP 32008
HOSP-DEM / Inpatient hospital day for dementia / $697 / 1. Inpatient care for dementia / $670 / OCCI DC: F03
2. Professional fee, geriatrics / $73 / MSP 33412
HOSP-ARDS / Inpatient hospital day for acute respiratory distress syndrome / $2,996 / 1. Inpatient care for acute respiratory distress / $2,955 / OCCI DC: J80
2. Professional fee, respirologist hospital visit / $42 / MSP 32008
HOSP-MI / Hospital day for myocardial infarction / $2,218 / 1. Inpatient care, myocardial infarction / $2,184 / OCCI DC 1219
2. Professional fee, cardiologist hospital visit / $34 / MSP 33008
HOSP-PE / Hospital day for pulmonary embolism / $1,262 / 1. Inpatient care for pulmonary embolism / $1,220 / OCCI: DC I269
2. Professional fee, respirologist hospital visit / $42 / MSP 32008
HOSP-HF / Hospital day for heart failure / $1,443 / 1. Inpatient care for heart failure / $1,409 / OCCI DC 1500
2. Professional fee, cardiologist hospital visit / $34 / MSP 33008
HOSP-NEU / Hospital day for neutropenia / $1, 211 / 1. Inpatient care for neutropenia / $1,182 / OCCI DC 700
2. Professional fee, oncologist hospital visit / $29 / MSP 33508
HOSP-PNX / Inpatient hospital day for resolution of pneumothorax / $1,069 / 1. Inpatient care for pneumothorax / $1,028 / OCCI PC: 9580
2. Professional fee, respirologist hospital visit / $42 / MSP 32008
Inpatient hospital days-critical care / HOSP-ICU-1 / First day in intensive care unit (ICU) / $4,125 / 1. ICU acute inpatient care / $2,954 / OCCI DC: J80
2. Professional fees-adult critical care, first day / $332 / MSP 01411
3. Professional fees-ventilator support, first day / $289 / MSP 01412
4. Professional fees-comprehensive care, first day / $550 / MSP 01413
HOSP-ICU-SUB / Any subsequent day in ICU / $3,552 / 1. ICU acute inpatient care / $2,954 / OCCI DC: J80
2. Professional fees-adult critical care,days 2-7 / $169 / MSP 01421
3. Professional fees-ventilator support, days 2-7 / $147 / MSP 01422
4. Professional fees-comprehensive care, days 2-7 / $252 / MSP 014223
Hospital day-acute care / HOSP-ER-CP / Emergency room admission for chest pain / $556 / 1. Emergency room admission for chest pain / $429 / OCCI DC: R074
2. Professional fee emergency room physician / $128 / MSP 1810
HOSP-ER-PNM / Emergency room admission for pneumonia / $497 / 1. Emergency room admission for pneumonia / $369 / OCCI DC: J189
2. Professional fee-emergency room physician / $128 / MSP 1810
HOSP-ER-MF / Emergency room admission for malaise and fatigue / $444 / 1. Emergency room care for malaise and fatigue / $316 / OCCI DC: R053
2. Professional fee-emergency room physician / $128 / MSP 1810
HOSP-ER-SOB / Emergency room admission for shortness of breath / $498 / 1. Emergency room care for shortness of breath / $370 / OCCI DC: R060
2. Professional fee-emergency room physician / $128 / MSP 1810
HOSP-ER-NEU / Emergency room admission for neutropenia / $626 / 1. Acute care for neutropenia / $498 / OCCI DC:D700
2. Professional fee-emergency room physician / $128 / MSP 1810
HOSP-ER-PNX / Emergency room admission for pneumothorax / $496 / 1. Acute care for pneumothorax / $369 / OCCI DC: J9580
2. Professional fee-emergency room physician / $128 / MSP 1810
Hospitalization case mix groups / Hospitalization to enable acquisition of a screening LDCT-exam result / Case mix groupo for hospitalizations required in order to obtain a screening image (n<5) / $9,088 (FOI)p / Inpatient hospital day for pneumothorax / $1,111 / HOSP-PNX
Hospitalizations for progressive lung cancer / Case mixgroupo for hospitalizations for progressive disease (n=20) / $18,494 (3,501) / Inpatient hospital day for palliative care / HOSP-PALL
Inpatient hospital day for pain-unspecified / HOSP-PAIN
Inpatient hospital day for brain radiation / HOSP-BR
Inpatient hospital day for lung radiation / HOSP-LR
Inpatient hospital day for brain surgery / HOSP-BS
Emergency care for malaise and fatigue / HOSP-ER-MF
Inpatient hospital day for pneumonia / HOSP-PNM
Surgical procedures / WR / Wedge resection / $1,589 / 1. Procedure, wedge resection / $1,307 / MSP 79030
2. Professional, laboratory medicine / $143 / MSP 94012
3. Professional, surgeon report / $139 / MSP 93095
4. Professional, anesthesist (2.5h) / $428 / MSP 01178
LB / Lobectomy or segmental resection greater than a wedge resection / $1,589 / 1. Procedure, lobectomy / $1,307 / MSP 79015
2. Professional, laboratory medicine / $143 / MSP 94010
3. Professional, surgeon report / $139 / MSP 93095
4. Professional, anesthesist (2.5h) / $428 / MSP 01178
SECTION+1 / Wedge resection with completion lobectomy, bi-lobectomy, or removal of any first additional segment of lung / $876 / 1. Procedure, additional section / $733 / MSP 79035
2. Professional, laboratory medicine / $143 / MSP 94010
SECTION+2 / Any subsequent segment of lung removed after SECTION+1 / $218 / 1. Procedure, additional wedge resection of lung / $75 / MSP 79036
2. Professional, laboratory medicine / $143 / MSP 94010
SPEC+ / Surgical specimen submitted for pathology in addition to resected specimen. Ex: nodal sampling, pleural biopsy, frozen sections for re-submission / $79 / 1. Professional, cytology and biopsy preparation and interpretation / $79 / MSP 93085
FIST-C / Closure of Bronchial pleural fistula / $1,165 / 1. Procedure fee, close fistula / $913 / MSP 79080
2. Professional fee, anesthesist (2h) / $370 / MSP 01180
CRN-X / Craniotomy / $1,951 / 1. Procedure fee, craniotomy / $1,699 / MSP 03129
2. Professional, laboratory medicine / $143 / MSP 94010
3. Professional, surgeon report / $139 / MSP 93095
4. Professional fee, anesthesist (5h) / $857 / MSP 01178
Surgery case mix grouping / THOROCOTOMY / Mean per-person cost of case mix groupo for open throcotomy including wedge resection, lobectomy, wedge resection with lobectomy (n=30) / $18,186
(952) / 1. Procedure, lobectomy or wedge resection / WR or LB
2. Procedures, additional sections / WR+LB
3. Inpatient day, thoracotomy, open approach / HOSP-LB
4. Inpatient day for wedge resection, open approach / HOSP-WR
5. Professional fee, interventional radiologist (if microcoil-guided) / IRC
THOROSCOPIC RESECTION / Mean per-person cost of case mix groupo for thoroscopic wedge resection, lobectomy, and wedge resection with lobectomy (n=48) / $16,361 (1,234) / 1. Procedures, lobectomy or wedge resection / WR or LB
2. Procedures, additional sections / SECTION+1, +2
3. Inpatient care for thoroscopic lobectomy / HOSP-VATS-LB
4. Inpatient care for thoroscopic wedge resection (per diem) / HOSP-VATS-WR
5. Professional fee, interventional radiologist (if microcoil-guided) / IRC
BIOLOBECTOMY / Mean per-person cost of case mix groupo of bilobectomy (N<5) / $26,765 (FOI)p / 1. Procedure, lobectomy with additional segment / WR+LB
2. Inpatient hospital day-open thoracotomy / HOSP-LB
Chemotherapy/radiotherapy resources / CARBOPLATIN / Mean per-person drug cost of case mix groupo of carboplatin use per-course of chemotherapy. (n= 7) / $152 (28) / Drug cost *dose/AUC*((GFRq)+25)*doses/cycle*#cycles completed in courseo / BCCA pharmacy databaser
ETOPOSIDE / Mean per-person drug cost of case mix groupo of etoposide use per-course of chemotherapy. (n=12) / $462 (62) / Drug cost*(dose/BSA)*BSA* doses/cycle*#cycles completed in courseo
PEMETREXED / Mean per-person drug cost of case mix groupo ofpemetrexed use per-course of chemotherapy (n<5) / $23,702 (FOI) p / Drug cost*(dose/BSA)*BSA* doses/cycle*#cycles completed in course
PACLITAXEL / Mean per-person drug cost of case mix groupo of paclitaxel use per-course of chemotherapy (n<5) / $245 (FOI) p / Drug cost*(dose/BSA)*BSA* doses/cycle*#cycles completed in course
VINORELBINE / Mean per-person drug cost of case mix groupo of vinorelbine use per-course of chemotherapy (n=9) / $358 (42) / Drug cost*(dose/BSA)*BSA* doses/cycle*#cycles completed in course
CISPLATIN / Mean per-person drug cost of case mix groupo of cisplatin use per-course of chemotherapy (n=19) / $116 (13) / Drug cost*(dose/BSA)*BSA* doses/cycle*#cycles completed in course
TOPOTECAN / Mean per-person drug cost of case mix groupo of topotecan use per-course of chemotherapy (n<5) / $638 (FOI) p / Drug cost*(dose/BSA)*BSA* doses/cycle*#cycles completed in course
CLINICAL-RX / Any non-chemotherapy regimen drug or clinical trial drug / $0 / Assume zero cost / $0 / Stated assumption
CHEMO-DAYCARE / Daycare cost for IV administration of chemotherapy drugs / $438 / Ambulatory daycare for administration of IV chemotherapy / $438 / HOSP-DAYCARE
EGFR / EGFR mutations / $243 / PCR based analysis of EGFR mutations / $243 / Behl et al 2012s
RF / Radiotherapy fraction / $425 / Ambulatory daycare and administration of radiotherapy / $425 / OCCI PC: 1GT27JA
RBC / 1 unit packed Red blood cells for transfusion / $395 / 1. Blood product / $211 / Applied health economics and health policy (9) 1, 2011 t
2. Leukocyte reduction / $30
3. Irradiation / $35
4. Screening / $50
5. Storage and retrieval / $68
Case mix group for chemotherapy/radiotherapy course of treatment / RT / Radiation therapy, case mix groupo, mean per-person cost per course (n=27) / $5,427 (1,048) / See RF / $425
CHEMO/RAD / Mean per-person treatment cost for case mix groupo of each course of outpatient chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy (n=46) / $8,096 (1,514) / Patient-level composite of drugs, administration and radiotherapy per course of treatment / CARBOPLATIN
Case mix group for minor complications / COMP-MI-PNEUMOTHORAX / Mean per-person cost of case mix groupo for pneumothorax after CT-B requiring observation within 48 hours of procedure
(n=5) / $306 (74) / 1. Acute care of pneumothorax / HOSP-ER-PNX
2. Chest radiography / CXR
COMP-MI-SOB / Mean per-person cost of case mix groupo for minor complications including: emergency admission to hospital within 48 hours of procedure, or Hematoma-trauma to vocal chords from AFB procedure(n<5) / $597 (FOI) p /
- Emergency care for shortness of breath
2 Emergency care for chest pain / HOSP-ER-CP
3. Emergency care for general malaise and fatigue / HOSP-ER MF
4. Microlaryngoscopy / ML-ENDO
5. Otolaryngologist consult / OTOL-C
Case mix group for intermediate
complications / COMP-I-PNEUMOTHORAX / Mean per-person cost of case mix groupo for pneumothorax requiring chest tube insertion
(n=10) / $2,928 (1,013) / 1. Procedure, pneumothorax / $37 / MSP S07924
2. Professional fee, interventional radiologist / $80 / MSP 8300
3. Professional fee, anesthesia (30min) / $36 / MSP 1174
4. Inpatient hospital day for pneumothorax / HOSP-PNX
5. Chest X-ray / CXR
6. CT scan for pneumothorax / CT
7. CT with contrast for pneumothorax / CT+
COMP-I-INFECTION / Mean per-person cost of case mix groupo pneumonia within 24 hours of bronchoscopy or 30 days of surgery, and febrile neutropenia requiring antibiotics or hospital admission (n=9) / $6,613 (2,050) / 1. Emergency care of pneumonia / HOSP-ER-PNM
2. Inpatient day for pneumonia / HOSP-PNM
3. Inpatient care for neutropenia / HOSP-NEU
4. Emergency care of neutropenia / HOSP-ER-NEU
Case mix group for serious complications / COMP-S-ICU / Mean per-person cost of case mix groupo for any ICU admission within 30 days of surgery or during chemotherapy, not resulting from another complication (n=7) / $8,654 (1,266) / 1. Inpatient care in ICU 1st day / HOSP-ICU-1
2. Inpatient care in ICU, subsequent day / HOSP-ICU-SUB
COMP-S-CHEMO / Mean per-person cost of case mix groupo for anyserious complications arising from chemotherapy/radiotherapy including: admittable neutropenia requiring blood transfusion support, pulmonary embolism or heart failure during chemotherapy (n=5) / $4,193 (1,707) / 1. Acute inpatient care for congestive heart failure / HOSP-HF
2. Emergency care of neutropenia / HOSP-ER-NEU
3. Inpatient care for neutropenia / HOSP-NEU
4. Inpatient care for pulmonary embolism / HOSP-PE
5. Emergency care for chest pain / HOSP-ER-CP
6. Red blood cells, 1 unit / RBC
COMP-S-SURG / Mean per-person cost of case mix groupo for any for anyserious complications arising from surgery including: Myocardial infarction, dementia preventing discharge, broncho-pleural fistula (BPF) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) within 7 days of surgery (n=7) / $35, 844 (17,829) / 1. Inpatient hospital day for myocardial infarction / HOSP-MI
2. Inpatient hospital day for dementia / HOSP-DEM
3. Inpatient hospital day for BPF / HOSP-BPF
4. Inpatient hospital day for ARDS / HOSP-ARDS
5. Procedure, close BPF / FIST-C
aMedical service plan of British Columbia, (MSP, medical reimbursement for residents of British Columbia) schedule of fees available at (