Teacher's Name: Ms. Elliott LESSON PLANS for week of (10/17-10/21)
COURSE NAME: Earth and Space Science (meets C,D periods)
/ Monday 10/17 / Tuesday 10/18 / Wednesday 10/19 / Thursday 10/20 / Friday 10/21Objective / SWBAT: Recognize and Understand pressure on a station model
Explain the relationship between air pressure and weather / SWBAT: Draw Isobars and locate areas of high and low pressure on a weather map / SWBAT: Interpret temperature and locate fronts on a weather map / SWBAT: Interpret wind speed and direction on a station model / SWBAT: Interpret Humidity, dew point, and precipitation type on a station model
Activities / Warm-up
1) Difference between high and low pressure
1) Story of Evangelista Torricelli
2) Interpreting air pressure on a station model
Active questioning / Warm-up
1) Interpreting air pressure on a station model
1) Instruction – Drawing Isobars on a weather map
2) Students will be handed the isobar activity worksheet
3) Students will complete the isobar activity
Active questioning / Warm-up
1) Interpreting air pressure on a station model
1) Instruction – Interpreting temperature on a station model
2) Instruction – locating fronts on a weather map
3) Students will complete the weather fronts on a weather map activity
Active questioning / Warm-up
1) Interpreting air pressure on a station model
1) Instruction – Using a compass
2) Instruction – Identifying wind speed on a station model
3) Students will complete the station model worksheet
Active questioning / Warm-up
1) Interpreting air pressure and wind on a station model
1) Discussion on relationship between humidity, dew point, and precipitation
2) Instruction – Interpreting humidity, dew point, and precipitation type on a station model
Active questioning
Assessment / Chapter 12 quiz, test, and
Midterm Exam / Chapter 12 quiz, test, and
Midterm Exam / Chapter 12 quiz, test, and
Midterm Exam / Chapter 12 quiz, test, and
Midterm Exam / Chapter 12 quiz, test, and
Midterm Exam
Homework / Complete station model worksheet, due Wednesday / Complete isobar worksheet / Complete fronts on a weather map worksheet / Complete station model worksheet / Complete Station model worksheet 2