Singularity Tech Group Meeting


Attendees (9): Lois, Derek, Jim,

Absent: Michael, Sonia, Kirk, Mark, Pete

Agenda items:

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Singularity Tech Group Meeting


1.  Issue tracking/ Review of issues

a.  Open Issues with Hershey

b.  Performance

2.  Review of Action items

3.  Review of Major projects

a.  D2I - applications

b.  Document Retention project

c.  7.0 Upgrade (SR 12739)

d.  Capture 7.0

4.  Parking lot issues?

5.  Departmental updates

a.  Accomplishments/Plans

b.  What’s working/what’s not

6.  Summarize action items

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Singularity Tech Group Meeting


Parking lot items:

·  Department Pick List – 1) ownership/responsibility 2) maintenance process/procedures 3) frequency.

·  Electronic Signatures e.g. via workflow

Future agenda items:

Decisions made:

Action items:

Action Item / Due Date / Who /
Get on Hershey schedule to install/upgrade Singularity 7.0 / In-process / Jim/Derek
Modify SSN flip code to make it more efficient and speed up the lookup in the Index module / Hold / Derek
Submit IT SR for Document Retention project / Hold / Jim
Check in with Erin O’Meara regarding the OAR changes the project recommended with regard to retention of images / In-Process / Jim
Modify URL so forms always open in a new window / Derek
OR Hall firewall – why does wireless display images faster than wired? Replace Juniper switches / In-Process / Jim
Ask Ron Christian if there is any Capture 7.0 documentation / Done / Lois
AO top 5 tools to better manage tasks / Lois
Develop plan to refresh Test doc class/user infrastructure from Prod / Derek

Discussion of Agenda or Action items:

1.  No open issues with Hershey and performance seems to be okay once the network issues were resolved.

2.  SSN flip is now working again – Derek not sure what or why it stopped working or why it’s working again. Will still look at improving it’s efficiency.

3.  OR Hall firewall switches – Jim expects they would be installed by end of June.

4.  Capture 7.0 documentation is not yet available.

5.  D2I – Derek continues to work on the application and has created his own process to create thumbnails while he waits to hear back from Hershey as to why their method doesn’t work. Either way he’s got a way to create the thumbnails. 80% of the work is creating the mechanics and 20% is the data extract portion.

6.  7.0 upgrade – Derek waiting to hear from Hershey. Lois asking if we should escalate to get response from Hershey. All concerned and realize a early Aug go-live is not realistic. Starting to ask what are the ramifications if we don’t do the upgrade until summer 2009? For Admissions, the new Workflow Dashboard holds promises of better task management. Derek asked what AO would need if we did not do the upgrade. Lois indicated the ability to filter/sort by “Assigned To” is what she hears the most. Lois will ask AO processing managers to create a top 5 list. Derek offered to research if he could utilize/tweak existing Hershey functions to create our own for short-term use.

7.  Jim asked Derek what it would take to refresh Test with Prod. After discussion, it was agreed that no documents would need be copied/available to Test….just want all the doc class/user infrastructure. We can create new documents as needed. Derek will start thinking about the steps/tasks and estimate the effort to refresh Test.

Department updates

Financial Aid
Business Affairs
Academic Affairs / Jim continues to add doc classes
SWIS (School Wide Intervention System) / Continues to add functions
HR / Setting up a server
Other / Jim continues to create new users in various departments for viewing access.
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