1. If you have minor children (under age 18) who are your choices for guardians?
Name of first choice:______
Name of second choice______
*Note: you may name a couple together in the event you wish the survivor of the two of them to serve as guardian alone, otherwise name an individual.
2. In estates where the combined estate size could exceed the estate tax exemption amount (currently $5,430,000 and double with portability) two separate trusts may be used – this may also apply regardless of estate size in certain cases such as blended families. The exempt amount passing through the trust will typically be held for the surviving spouse as primary beneficiary for life and provide him/her with the income plus any portion of the principal needed for health, education, maintenance and support. Current life insurance death benefits are factored into your estate size.
If two trusts are used and the amount in the trust of the first spouse to die exceeds the exemption amount there are options for how this excess balance will be held:
The deceased spouse’s entire trust will remain in trust even in the event this amount exceeds the amount needed to shelter from estate taxes (Qualified Terminable Interest Property (“QTIP”) Trust) with mandatory income and principal as needed for health, education, maintenance and support.
The surviving spouse may remove the entire amount not sheltered from the estate tax without limitation.
3. After the surviving spouse's death, the Living Trust generally continues for your children (unless you prefer otherwise). If your children are capable of managing their own inheritances, then you can have the Trust make an immediate distribution to them. However, because of age, inexperience or other concerns you may wish to have the Trust continue for their health, education, care, support, etc., with lump sum distributions staggered over a period of years (e.g., at ages 25, 30 and 35), or over a sequence of time (e.g., 1/3 immediately, 1/3 after 5 years and the balance after 10 years – regardless of the age of the child or with a maximum age). In addition, for minor children it is often appropriate to have the children share a single “common” trust until the youngest child reaches a certain age (often age 21-23) after which time the trust divides into separate shares.
Check which option you prefer for the children’s trust:
Common trust until youngest child attains the age of _____ (also check below)
Immediate Distribution
Distribute at the following ages: 1/3______1/3______Balance______
Distribute at these intervals: 1/3______1/3______Balance______
- Maximum age? If yes insert age:______
Held in trust for life to pass to the next generation if not expended
4. If any one of your children should die before the complete distribution of their trust share, their share will pass to their children (your grandchildren) usually in further trust. If one of your children dies without leaving issue, then his/her share will pass to your other children, in equal amounts. What happens if you should die leaving no children or grandchildren surviving you?
Check one:
Distribute one-half to each spouse’s family (i.e., father and mother, if living, otherwise to brothers and sisters).
Distribute as follows:
Beneficiary NameRelationshipPercentage
5. Who are your selections for Trustee? If two trusts are used the surviving spouse may serve as _____sole Trustee or as ______Co-Trustee with another individual or a corporate trustee. The decision of when a Co-Trustee is recommended will be discussed.
Name(s) of First Choice to serve as successor Trustee with spouse (if selected) and for the children/beneficiaries after the second death or if you are both incapacitated:
Name of first choice:______
Name of second choice:______
6. Assuming your spouse is not available, who is your second choice to act as your successor agent under your general power of attorney for financial matters?:
Name of first choice:(H) ______/ (W) ______
Name of second choice: (H) ______/ (W) ______
7. Assuming your spouse is not available, who is your second choice to act as your successor patient advocate under your durable power of attorney for health care?:
Name of first choice:(H) ______/ (W) ______
Name of second choice: (H) ______/ (W) ______