CE Chemistry 1010/1015 – Introduction to Chemistry/Lab

Instructor: Janette Duffin Email:

Course Description: This course presents the foundations of chemistry and prepares students for future college level courses. Chemistry 1010 fulfills a Physical Science general education course requirement for all institutions of the Utah System of Higher Education. Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive 3 hours of Chemistry 1010 credit and 1 hour of Chemistry 1015 at Utah Valley University.

Course content: All materials for the course are found on the canvas website. You will study Modules 1-10 and complete the corresponding assignments. You will have a supplemental textbook checked out from school.

Course components:

Modules: Ten modules covering the basics of chemistry are provided on the ‘Modules’ tab of the canvas page. Each is similar to a textbook chapter which is broken into sections

Homework: Each section of a module is accompanied by a homework assignment (quiz) on Canvas to be completed as the reading material is assigned.

Worksheets: Worksheets covering the topics taught in each module will mostly be completed and graded in class. Once in a while, worksheets will need to be finished at home.

Discussions: There will be a graded discussion question assigned for each module to which you will respond online before seeing other student responses then you will comment on at least two other student responses.

Laboratory: This course consists of both online lab simulations and in-class lab experiments. Links to each online lab simulation are found on the “to-do” list page for the section of each module they correspond with. In addition, the page contains a pdf of the corresponding activities for each online lab. You will complete the activities at home and answer the questions for the lab, submitting your answers to the lab to your teacher by the due date. In-class labs will be, of course, performed in class and the write-up (in your lab book) will be due the following class period. There will be labs designated specifically as 1015 labs for the additional lab credit.

Exams/Quizzes: There will be an exam at the end of terms 1-3 (equivalent to a college midterm) and a comprehensive final at the end of the year. There will be a short quiz over each module that will be taken in class.

Academic Integrity: Incidents of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Anyone caught cheating in any capacity, which means any representation of unoriginal work as her or his own, will receive, in proportion to the severity of the incident, a 0 on an assignment, a 0 on a quiz, or an F in the course.

Grading: Below is the percent contribution of each component to your college grade:

Online Assignments 10%

In-Class Assignments 10%

Labs 20%

Module Quizzes 10%

Term 1 Exam 10%

Term 2 Exam 10%

Term 3 Exam 10%

Final Exam 20%

Grade assignments will be roughly the percentages as follows:

A 93+ A- 90-92.9

B+ 87-89.9 B 83-86.9 B- 80-82.9

C+ 77-79.9 C 73-76.9 C- 70-72.9

D+ 67-69.9 D 63-66.9 D- 60-62.9

F below 59.9

Be aware that for each high school term grade, the Term Final will count as 50% of your grade. Other grade categories will be the same percentage as for the overall grade.

Course Expectations: This is academically equivalent to a college level CHEM 1010 class. In order to maintain concurrent enrollment status, the course material is rigorous and grading standards must be elevated to meet the standards of our hosting university. See the Course Expectations Form for more details.


Course Description: This course presents the foundations of chemistry. Topics to be taught include: chemical measurements, atomic structure, formulas, chemical reactions and equations, chemical nomenclature, stoichiometry, molecules and chemical bonding, gas laws, liquids, solids, solutions and acids and bases. The course prepares students for future college level courses. Chemistry 1010 fulfills a Physical Science general education course requirement for all institutions of the Utah System of Higher Education.

Course Expectations: The course rigor will be equal to the rigor that you would experience in taking the course at any institution in the Utah System of Higher Education. Some of the expectations that may be different from a normal high school class include the following:

  The course final will be comparable to the final given at Utah Valley University. The final will be worth at least 20% of the grade in the course (see individual syllabi for exact weighted percentages.) There will be no final “make‐up” or extra credit on the term or course finals.

  There will be no extra credit awarded in the course.

  The final grade awarded is the final grade. After the grade is appropriately given, it will not be changed.

  Each student will have one opportunity to complete an assignment on time

  More than half of the grade comes from exams and quizzes. Simply completing assignments does not guarantee content mastery and will not necessarily result in a passing grade

  Withdrawals from the course must be done officially through Utah Valley University. A withdrawal from a high school class does not drop you from UVU.

Grades: Grades will be recorded on an official university transcript. The grades will be considered for the Regents’ Scholarship and for admission to most universities.

Syllabi: All course syllabi contain the grading policies for individual courses. Each of the syllabi has been approved by the chemistry department of Utah Valley University. The grading policies for each course will be strictly observed.

Credit: Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive 3 hours of Chemistry 1010 credit and 1 hour of Chemistry 1015 at Utah Valley University.


I have read the syllabus for my Chemistry 1010 Concurrent Enrollment class and I understand that I am taking a college level chemistry course. I have read the preceding expectations and understand the implications of taking this course as a Concurrent Enrollment class.

Student Name (Printed) ______Student Signature ______

I have read the syllabus for my son or daughter’s chemistry 1010/1015 course. I understand the expectations listed above.

Parent Name (Printed) ______Parent Signature ______