WorldSkills UK Onsite Registration Form

Please complete the form in CAPITALS

Section 1

Competition: ______

Level: ______

Heat venue:______

Competitor name: ______

Team name (if applicable): ______

Telephone: ______

Email: ______

Competitor replacing (if applicable): ______

Section 2

 I am not connected to any organisation (please proceed to section 3)

 I am representing an organisation, such as a college, training provider or employer.

Organisation: ______

Organisation type:

 Awarding body Government Body

 Employer Training Provider

 FE College Other

Higher Education Institution

Campus: ______

Street Address: ______

Town/City: ______

County: ______

Post Code: ______

Organisation Point-Of-Contact Name: ______

Phone number:______

Email: ______

Secondary Organisation (if applicable)

Organisation: ______

Organisation type:

 Awarding body Government Body

 Employer Training Provider

 FE College Other

Higher Education Institution

Job Title:______


Street Address: ______

Town/City: ______

County: ______

Post Code: ______

Tertiary Organisation (if applicable)

Organisation: ______

Organisation type:

 Awarding body Government Body

 Employer Training Provider

 FE College Other

Higher Education Institution

Job Title:______

Street Address: ______

Campus: ______

Town/City: ______

County: ______

Post Code: ______

I am/have been an apprentice:  Yes No

Section 3

Gender:  Male  Female

Date of Birth: _____/_____/______


 Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British – Indian

 Asian or Asian British – Pakistani Asian or Asian British – Chinese

 Asian or Asian British – Other

 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British – African Black/African/Caribbean/Black British – Caribbean

 Black or Black British – Other

 Mixed - White & Asian Mixed - White & Black African

 Mixed - White & Black Caribbean Other

 White – English/Welsh/Northern Irish/Scottish/British White – Irish

 White – Gypsy or Irish Traveller White – Other

 Other - ArabOther - Other

 Not Disclosed


 Aspergers Syndrome Deafness/Hearing Impairment

 Dyslexia/Learning Difficulties Long term health problems

 Mobility Difficulties Visual Impairment

 Other

Highest Qualification Level in this Skill

(You must either be working towards this qualification now, or have completed within the last 12 months)

 Level 1 (GCSE at grades D-G)

 Level 2 (GCSE at grades A*-C)

 Level 3 (A Levels)

 Level 4

 Level 5

 Level 6

 Level 7

Section 4

How did you hear about us?

 Attended The Skills Show 2013 I have entered before

 Internet Search Other

 Press Coverage Received Information by Email

 Recommended by colleague Recommended by employer

 Recommended by friend Recommended by tutor

 WorldSkills London 2011 WorldSkills UK Facebook

 WorldSkills UK Twitter

Other: ______

I was encouraged to enter by:

 A tutor An employer

 A family member Other

 A previous competitor I decided to enter by myself

My main reason for entering is:

 Encouragement from tutor Part of my training and development programme

 Encouragement from employer To meet new people

 Great addition to my CV To test myself against others

 In preparation for a project

By signing below, you provide your explicit consent to the National Apprenticeship Service processing, disclosing and/or storing data provided by you about your physical or mental health condition and/or your disability (which is classed as “sensitive personal data” under UK data protection legislation).

Such sensitive personal data provided by you will only be used by us to process your requests and requirements, including but not limited to your participation in current or future competitions or events. This may include the storing of your sensitive personal data on the National Apprenticeship Service’s databases. Your sensitive personal data will only be passed on to third parties for the purpose of your participation in or involvement with competitions or events you have signed up to or expressed an interest in (except to the extent that the sharing of your sensitive personal data with third parties is otherwise required or permitted under any law, legislation or enactment).

Any personal data (that is not sensitive personal data) you provide to us will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement. Alternatively, if you would like us to send you a hard copy of our Privacy Statement, please contact us at: WorldSkills UK, Floor Four, 157-197 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SP.

By signing below you agree to the processing disclosing, and storing of sensitive personal data provided by you to the National Apprenticeship Service on the above terms.

By signing below, you also understand that there may be a £20 administration fee for any changes made since the close of registration to this competition, for which you will be invoiced by our contact centre.


 I would like to receive the WorldSkills UK newsletter

 I am happy to receive emails from competition organisers and sponsors