L2T & T2T FREE BODY - Leg squat Progressions

BEFORE doing any free body squats or Techni-cords or KORDS ( seatbelt straps)

A. Make sure your abdominals are engaged - Takes pressure off the spine

B. your hips are in a proper tucked position and remain parallel to ground update 2016

C. keep your weight on the support leg at “Mid-Foot” & Follow cadence changes in programs

D. Keep proper body alignment with the weight centred through support joints. Any pain - that is a signal to stop and make sure you have correct alignment.

You DO NOT move to the next progression until you can comfortably do the required number on the program

  1. Double Leg squats - should be able to easily do the number on the program .

Hips remain parallel to ground, going up and down . Feet no more than shoulder width apart. Back is slightly rounded and abdominals are engaged. Stay in a speed skating position through all in set (Do not stand up ) Breathing in a coordinated fashion , in while going down – out while going up . Butt goes at minimum, below knee at lowest point. Keep weight in the middle of the foot while doing these. Do Not rush these – do at the cadence required.

  1. Single leg squat - with recovery leg toes lightly touching the ground behind you . Should be able to do the number on the program. Hips remain parallel to ground, going up and down. Recovery leg is directly to the back – not spread to the side. Back is slightly rounded and abdominals are engaged with a good tucked position. It is the HIPs that drop and should be your focus (Not your shoulders getting lower). Breathing in a coordinated manner, in while going down – out while going up . The recovery leg inside of knee must touch the ankle bone of the support leg for each one . Keep weight in the middle of the foot while doing these. Do Not rush these – do at the cadence required. The cadence is how fast you do the drill. The SLOWER you do them the higher the number. - The Slower you do them the stronger you will get and also recruit more stabilizer muscles.
  1. Single leg squat - with recovery leg toes hooked on a chair at least knee height off the ground. Should be able to do the number on the program every time. Hips remain parallel to ground going up and down. Recovery leg is directly to the back with toes of recovery leg placed on a chair. Back is slightly rounded and abdominals are engaged with a good tucked position . Breathing in a coordinated manner, in while going down – out while going up . The recovery leg inside of knee must touch the ankle bone of the support leg for each one . Keep weight in the middle of the foot while doing these. Do Not rush these – do at the cadence required. The cadence is how fast you do the drill. The SLOWER you do them the higher the number. - The Slower you do them the stronger you will get and also recruit more stabilizer muscles
  1. Single leg squat – Recovery leg does NOT touch the ground at all (Or is not supported in any other way). Should be able to do the number on the program every time – If not use previous method until enough strength is gained . Again, Hips remain parallel to ground going up and down. Recovery leg is held in a stable position off the ground. . Back is slightly rounded and abdominals are engaged with a good tucked position.

Once you can do your own body weight easily– add a sack of sand to your lower back/ hips ( OR you can use an elastic from hips anchored to the ground {Under foot}) to add more resistance. Breathing in a coordinated manner, in/ down – out/up . The recovery leg inside of knee must touch the ankle bone of the support leg for each one . Keep weight in the middle of the foot while doing these. Do Not rush these – do at the cadence required. The cadence is how fast you do the drill. The SLOWER you do them the higher the number. - The Slower you do them the stronger you will get and also recruit more stabilizer muscles

  1. Single leg squat - Recovery leg to the front. - Same rules as # 4 (weight – Knees, Hips , abs etc.) Except that the recovery leg will be to the front (again-not touching anything) . for beginners you can have a bench or chair that is about your knee height behind you . At lowest point of squat you should feel bench with your glutes – BUT you do not sit down . Just a light brush so you know you’re going low enough. Do required number in program. Eventually, you will be able to go lower than the bench and can remove it. When building leg strength pay attention to any knee/joint pain. Your body is telling you something.