Will of John Hatchit of Edingale 17 December 1677

In the name of God Amen. I John Hatchet of Edingall in the County of Stafford Plowright, being at this present weak and sickly in body but of perfect memery and ready understanding Blessed be God: do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following:

First and chiefly I bequeath and comit my soule into the hands of Almighty God, beseeching him for his mercies sake in Christ Jesus to receive my spirit and to make it partaker of life everlasting, next I bequeath my body to the grave, to be buried in the churchyard of Edingall and there to rest in hope of a joyfull resurrection at the last day. Lasly for those worldly goods which God hath pleased to bestow upon mee, my will is that they be thus bestowed and disposed of:

Imprimis I give to my Daughter Margaret Hatchit £40 and a sieald Beed and fournetu for it

Item I give to my Daughter Elnor Hatchit £40 and a siealed [ceiled] beed [bed] and fournetu [furniture] for it

Item I give to my Daughter Alce Hatchit £40 and A sieald beed and furnetu for it

Item I give to my Daughter Anne Dawson twenty shillings

Item I give to my Granchild John Hatchit which I have brought up in my hows £05 and unto William Hatchit & Richard Hatchit and Thomas Hatchit & Anne Hatchit the children of my sonne William Hatchit 10s a peeice.

Item I give unto John Hatchit and Mary Hatchit the children of my sonn John Hatchit 10s a peeice

Item I give to my Sonn John Hatchit my Black mare and foulle

Item I give to my Sonn William Hatchit twenty shillings

Item I give to my Sonn John Hatchit and William Hatchit all the plow timber and other timber that is about the howse or ealswhear to be equally devoyded be tweene them

Item I give to my servant Rob. Spare 5s

Item I do give and bequeath all the rest of my goods chattells stock within doors and without, moovable and unmoovable unto my deare wife Anne Hatchit whom I do Also appoint and constitute the sole executrix of this my last will and testament desireing her to performe it according to the true intent and meaning hereof

Sealed & delivered in the presents of us

John Ellwalle

The marke of Thomas M John Hatchit


It is my desire that my sonne John Hatchit and my neighbour Thomas March all will have the oversight of this my last will & testament that it be performed according to the trew meaning of it