/ Standard
Title: / Eskom Fire Fighting Training Programme / Unique Identifier: / 32-107
Area of Applicability: / Eskom
Documentation Type: / ST
Revision: / 1
Total Pages:
Next Review Date: / 35
Disclosure Classification: / Controlled Disclosure
Compiled by / Supported By / Functional Responsibility / Authorized by
…………………………… / …………………………. / ……………………………… / ……………………………
K Pillay
Senior Consultant
Strategy and Risk Management Division / M Cresswell
Generation Division / K Pather
OHS Manager
Strategy and Risk Management Division / E Johnson
Chief Officer
Strategy and Risk Management Division
Date: …………………… / Date: ………………………… / Date: …………………… / Date: ……………………



1. Introduction

2. Supporting Clauses

2.1 Scope

2.2 Normative/Informative References

2.3 Definitions

2.4 Abbreviations

2.5 Roles and Responsibilities

2.6 Process for monitoring

2.7 Related/Supporting Documents

3. Document Content

3.1 Requirements

3.2 Records

4. AuthoriZation

5. Revisions

6. Development team

7. Acknowledgements

Appendix A : Fundamentals of Fire Safety Course Outline

Appendix B : Industrial Firefighting Preliminary Level Course Outline

Appendix C Industrial Firefighting Intermediate Level Course Outline

Appendix D : Industrial Firefighting Advanced Level Course Outline

Appendix E : Rope Rescue Technician 1 Course Outline

Appendix F : Confined Space Rescue Course Outline

Appendix G : Incident Commander Course Outline

Appendix H : Hazmat First Responder Awareness Level Course Outline

Appendix I : Hazmat First Responder Operational Level Course Outline

Appendix J : Rural and Wildland Firefighting

Appendix K :Basic Portable Extinguisher Handling Course Outline

Appendix L : Basic Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)

Appendix M : Other courses/services offered by Eskom-approved emergency training facilities (as applicable)


Table 1 : Summary profile of training for fire team members

Table 2 : Other courses for Eskom personnel


This standard defines Eskom’s formal fire fighting, hazmat, and rescue training programmes for qualifying volunteer and industrial fire teams. These courses have been developed and designed to address the needs of personnel faced with the task of dealing with a small uncontrolled fire situation on an individual basis as well as those personnel assigned to fire teams who may encounter larger, more difficult incidents

This standard will give guidance to align learning programmes with the relevant current registered unit standards. Alignment of training programmes with the relevant unit standards will assist with career paths for those individuals who might want to pursue a future career in the emergency services.

This standard will also address the requirements and training programmes necessary to comply with the minimum requirements as an A Team or B Team infrastructure (Firefighting Organisation 32-108).

2.Supporting Clauses


This standard is applicable to all Eskom business units and related business operations. It specifically defines the formal firefighting course programme(s) and, in conjunction with the Eskom StandardFirefighting Organisation,identifies those levels of training required to ensure the safety of personnel and protection of assets.


This standard defines Eskom’s formal firefighting, hazmat, and rescue training programmes for qualifying volunteer and industrial fire teams. These courses have been developed and designed to address the needs of personnel faced with the task of dealing with a small uncontrolled fire situation on an individual basis as well as those personnel assigned to fire teams who may encounter larger, more difficult incidents.


This standard shall apply throughout Eskom Holdings Limited, its divisions, and subsidiaries.

2.2Normative/Informative References

Parties using this document shall apply the most recent edition of the documents listed in the following paragraphs.


[1]ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems.

[2]Occupational Health and Safety Act85 of 1993.

[3]32-123:Emergency Planning

[4]36-690 (previous GGS0350):GenerationFire Risk Management

[5]32-108:Fire Fighting Organisation

[6]34-132:Distribution Fire Risk Management

[7]TST0021:Transmission Fire Risk Management – draft and formerly known as TRMASAAL4


Not applicable



a.Controlled disclosure: controlled disclosure to external parties (either enforced by law, or discretionary).

2.3.2Approved:accepted by the Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Manager or person(s) so delegated.

2.3.3National Fire Protection Association:is an international, technical, and educational standard with the purpose of promoting the minimum requirements and standards for training and equipment within the emergency response fields.


Abbreviation / Description
ABET / Adult Basic Education and Training
CSR / Confined Space Rescue
EESA / Eskom Emergency Services Academy
ETQA / Education and Training Quality Assurance
Hazmat / Hazardous material
IFSAC / International Fire Service Accreditation Congress
Ltd / Limited
BU / Business Unit
HR / Human Resources
OH&S / Occupational Health and Safety
NFPA / National Fire Protection Association
RPL / Recognition of Prior Learning
SAESI / Southern African Emergency Services Institute
SCBA / Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
SETA / Sector Education and Training Authority
SGB / Standards Generating Body
SAQA / South African Qualifications Authority
ERT / Emergency response team

2.5Roles and Responsibilities

2.5.1At corporate level Strategy and Risk Divisionfire risk management), the following shall be undertaken:

a)Overview of the Fire Training Programme, including documentation, training facilities, instructor requirements, and assessment conditions/criteria

b)Liaison with national bodies (SAQA) regarding alignment with national programmes

c)Monitoring the training programme as applied within the Eskom environment

d)Approvals as required.

2.5.2Business units are to determine and define their emergency response and capability needs relative to fire training and application of relevant documentation (specifically Firefighting Training Programme and Firefighting Organisation).

2.5.3Personnel selected and/or recommended to undertake assessment (RPL) of fire team members/ERT members must submit themselves to the prescribed training. A background or experience base in firefighting and/or training is expected. The application of the broad principles as defined under 3.1.13 is further expected.

2.5.4Members or personnel from fire teams/ERTs wishing to follow the process of recognition of prior learning (RPL) must maintain a portfolio of evidence of training and experience and keep a record of both formal and ongoing training. Incidents and any other relevant input, showing date, description, responsibility, and time (in hours) of such events, must be kept. This must be sanctioned and accepted by the person having responsibility for the fire team(s)/ERTs (usually the fire officer/safety or risk practitioner for that business unit).

2.6Process for monitoring

2.6.1The requirements contained in this standard, applicable to any business unit or site, shall be monitored by the business unit or site on an annual basis.

2.6.2Compliance with the requirements as defined in this standard shall be arranged by the business unit and Audit and Forensic Department (in conjunction with Strategy and Risk Division).

2.7Related/Supporting Documents

Not applicable

3.Document Content


3.1.1The Eskom Firefighting Training Programme subscribes to the concept of accreditation of the Eskom firefighting training facilities, their instructors, and course material through any accreditation organisation or institution (SAESI, local government SETA, or similar).

3.1.2The detail of the course outline for developed courses is tabled in the appendices attached to this standard.

3.1.3The Fundamentals and Basic Extinguisher Firefighting Course is designed for employees who require basic firefighting training.

3.1.4The Preliminary, Intermediate, and Advanced Firefighting Courses are progressive and mandatory for personnel appointed to fire teams and subject to the conditions contained in the Eskom Standard Firefighting Organisation.

3.1.5The Incident Commander Course is voluntary for suitable, selected candidates.

3.1.6The Rescue Course is voluntary for firefighters, but is compulsory for incident commanders. Firefighting training is not a prerequisite for the Rescue Course.

3.1.7The First Responder Hazardous Awareness and Operational Course has been developed to provide for personnel selected from appointed fire team members to be trained in hazardous material emergency procedures and equipment. It is mandatory for personnel wishing to volunteer for incident commander training.

3.1.8Rural and WildlandFirefighting is a general course outside of those required for structural firefighting (Preliminary, Intermediate, and Advanced); however, personnel called on to respond to rural and wildland fires shall have received this basic level of training.

3.1.9The Basic Breathing Apparatus Course is primarily directed at personnel not considered to be part of a formal fire team infrastructure, but who, in the course of their duties, could be called on to be exposed to hostile breathing environments, typically personnel from the operating, water treatment, or chemical plant operators.

3.1.10A defined and auditable trail relating to training material shall be available. This can take the form of training manuals for learners or students and/or instructor manuals or notes for each level of course as described in the detailed AppendicesA to Jof this standard.

3.1.11Documentationrelating to training material shall be reviewed and approved at least every threeyears.

3.1.12The training programme shall be formulated, revised, and managed with due consideration to the following:

a)Finding the best compromise in achieving the objective of the Fire Training Programme, the content of course material, and practical requirements

b)Safety during training

c)The needs of the organisation in responding to fire and rescue emergencies.

3.1.13The process and requirements to ensure competency in a specific course allow for two options:


  • The certificate expires after a prescribed validity period, after which the firefighter must re-qualify to remain qualified in that course. This is done by attending the course on a full-time basis, and all assessments are done as required by the course scope and prescribed criteria.

b)Recognition of portfolio of evidence of training

  • On submission of an acceptable, auditable personal register or logbook (portfolio of evidence of training/experience), an assessment of the individual can be undertaken by suitably qualified personnel. This process can be accepted to cater for two validity periods, after which recertification as tabled under 3.1.13.a must be completed.
  • Suitably qualified personnel to conduct assessments shall mean persons (not from that business unit) who are registered as an assessor. This assessor must have sufficient knowledge of the specific training programme as stipulated in Appendices A to L.
  • The assessment and recognition of the portfolio of evidence of the individual shall be undertaken within the validity period of that course. It shall be comprised of an evaluation report and declaration, by the assessor, that the information and evaluation are acceptable and within the parameters of the course outline.

A written assessment report shall be provided to the individual under assessment and the relevant BU HR Section to be included as part of the personnel file for that individual


3.2.1Typically, at business units, a database shall be maintained and administered relating to students attending Eskom courses by the relevant business unit Human Resources Section as part to the personnel file and payment of allowances/remuneration for volunteer emergency response team members.

3.2.2Certificates shall be issued by an approved training facility and shall reflect the student’s details and description/level of training for which the certificate is issued. These certificates must bear the unique and approved seal or stamp for that training facility and certificate expiry date.

3.2.3The detailed information to facilitate recognition of prior learning must be an auditable personal register or logbook (portfolio of evidence) that provides for confirmation of training or exposure to formal courses, exercises, drills, and incidents. Formal acceptance by the person having responsibility for volunteer emergency team members must be in evidence, this supported by additional signatories where thought necessary.

Table 1 : Summary profile of training for fire team members

Course description / Period of validity / Re-qualification
Industrial Firefighting Preliminary Level (compulsory for fire team members) / 18 months / Complete the Intermediate Course within 18months or attend Preliminary Course again
Industrial Firefighting Intermediate Level (compulsory for fire team members) / Two years / Complete the Advanced Course within two years or attend the Intermediate Course again
Industrial Firefighting Advanced Level (compulsory for fire team members) / Three years / To remain qualified, the course must be done every three years; RPL conditions can be applied; see AppendixD-D11 for details
Rescue Course (voluntary for fire team members, but compulsory for team leaders)
1Rope Rescue Technician 1
2Confined Space Rescue / 12 months *
Two years / To remain qualified, the various course elements applicable must be done at the prescribed intervals; RPL conditions can be applied; see AppendixE-E10 for Rope Rescue Technician 1 and Appendix F-F10 for Confined Space Rescue for details
Incident Commander Course (for suitable, selected volunteers who have completed Preliminary, Intermediate, and Advanced Rescue Courses) / Three years / To remain qualified, the Incident Commander Course must be done every three years; RPL conditions can be applied; see AppendixF-F10 for details
HAZMAT Course (suitable for selected volunteers from fire teams and personnel selected as incident commanders) / Two years / To remain qualified, the course must be done at the prescribed intervals; RPL conditions can be applied; see AppendixG-G10 for details


a)Business units are encouraged to enter into a defined contract with Eskom-approved training service providers. Formal training in the course material defined in this document can be accepted from the following facilities:

  • ETS: Emergency Training Solutions
  • Majuba Power Station
  • Koeberg Nuclear Power Station

b)However, in all instances, the Fire Training Programme must reflect the content and format as tabled in this document.

c)An allowance structure is applicable for Eskom personnel appointed as a volunteer within a formally structured firefighting/emergency team organisation at business unit level. The allowance structure is as defined in Eskom Conditions of Service: Section10 Additional Services – Non-managerial (see 10.9 Response Team).

d)Course expiry dates – business units and ERT members are encouraged to ensure that, prior to reaching expiry dates for any specific course, every effort is made to remain within the expiry time prior to the next level or course. However, an overrun or grace period can be applied, providing this is no longer than three months or 10% of the course validity period.

e)Firefighter 1 and 2 qualifications shall be recognised; however, members with these qualifications shall also be subject to training and re-qualification as for the Eskom courses.

f)RESCUE COURSE – for personnel to remain certified (paid the allowance), members must have a valid certificate for the Rope Rescue Technician 1 and Confined Space Rescue. LIVE RESCUE DRILLS USING ROPES MUST BE UNDER STRICT AND COMPETENT SUPERVISION

Table 2 : Other courses for Eskom personnel

Course description / Period of validity / Re-qualification
Fundamentals of Firefighting for Individuals (recommended basic fire training) / N/a / Recommended every threeyears
Rural and WildlandFirefighting Course (suitable for selected volunteers) / Two years / Recommended
Basic Breathing Apparatus (suitable for personnel who could be required to don and wear SCBA, not necessarily as an emergency responder) / Three years / Recommended


a)The Basic Breathing Apparatus Course has been developed for personnel who are not members of a formal fire or rescue emergency team, but could be required to enter hostile breathing environments, operating staff, water treatment staff, or chemical plant operators.

b)The Rural and WildlandFirefighting Course has been developed to provide basic training in this type of fire situation for personnel who might not be an appointed fire team member, but is a prerequisite for all fire team members responding to grass and wildland fires.

c)All outcomes achieved in terms of the training as described in Table1 are based on national standards and may lead to nationally/internationally recognised qualifications, that is, Firefighter1 or Firefighter2, or unit standards registered at SAQA.


This document has been seen and accepted by:

Name / Designation
B Dames / Chief Executive
PS O’Flaherty / Finance Director (Finance and Group Capital)
E Johnson / Chief Officer (Strategy and Risk Management Division)
T Govender / Divisional Executive (Generation Division)
D L Marokane / Chief Commercial Officer (Group Commercial Division)
BE Bulunga / Divisional Executive (Human Resources Division)
MM Ntsokolo / Divisional Executive (Transmission Division)
Dr SJ Lennon / Divisional Executive (Eskom International)
A Noah / Divisional Executive (Distribution Division)
M Koko / Divisional Executive (Group Technology Division)
K Lakmeeharan / Divisional Executive (Delivery Unit)
T Molefe / Divisional Executive (Customer Service Division)
CAK Choeu / Divisional Executive (Corporate Affairs Division)
M Adam / Divisional Executive (Regulation and Legal)


Date / Rev. / Compiler / Remarks
July 1996 / 0 / M Cresswell / Revision 1 of ESKASAAQ3 was omitted.
September 1998 / 2 / M Cresswell / The content of ESKASAAQ3 Revision0 was amended, authorised, and published.
June 2002 / 3 / M Cresswell / ESKASAAQ3 was revised, authorised, and published.
December 2006 / 0 / M Cresswell / The content of ESKASAAQ3 was revised and formatted and the reference number superseded by 32-107, in alignment with the new Eskom document criteria.
March 2011 / 1 / K Pillay / The content of 32-107 was revised.

6.Development team

The following people were involved in the development of this document:

  • Robin Pillay.
  • Mike Cresswell.
  • Emergency Training Solutions


Generation Fire Practitioners are acknowledged for their contributions in the compilation of this standard.

Appendix A: Fundamentals of Fire Safety Course Outline


A.1Intended for

Intended for all employees as part of induction training, those appointed as safety representatives, or those performing basic fire safety duties.

  • Appointed fire marshals
  • Evacuation officers
  • Employees doing technical and mechanical work


  • Recommended that learners can read and write in English.
  • Instructor qualifications
  • Eskom/site personnel who have the necessary competency and knowledge (SAESI Firefighter 2 or Industrial Firefighting Advanced Level and assessors)
  • Registered as assessor with relevant accreditation body
  • Group learning facilitation
  • Written permission from the OH&S Manager, Strategy and Risk Division, to present this course


Any suitable site where small controlled fires can be made and classroom facilities are available. Local environmental regulations must be considered when selecting such venues.


  • One day (eight hours).
  • Outcome of the course

Learners will be able to:

  • identify a fire emergency;
  • identify the class of fire and select an appropriate portable fire extinguisher;
  • safely use a portable fire extinguisher to safely attempt to extinguish a fire;
  • identify the possibility and method of fire spread;
  • know how to report on a fire emergency;
  • understand and coordinate safe evacuation procedures;
  • understand symbolic safety signs; and
  • understand the importance of fire safety at work and in the workplace.

A.7Training method/media