2009-2010 LEA Application for Title I, Part A Waivers

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) received approval from the U.S. Department of Education to allow Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) to request waivers as stated below related to Title I, Part A. Additional federal guidance on Title I, Part A waivers can be found at this website: titleiparta/title-i-waiver.doc.

Submit waiver applications by January 6, 2010either via mail to: NJDOE, Office of Student Achievement and Accountability, PO Box 500, Trenton, NJ 08625-0500; or via email to:

District Name: / District Code: / County Code:
Superintendent’s Name:
Superintendent’s Email:
Title I Director Name: / Phone:
Title I Director Email: / Fax:
Title I, Part A 2009-2010 Regular Allocation: / $
Title I, Part A ARRA Allocation: / $

Check () each Title I, Part A Waiver requested and complete the corresponding waiver application page.

Check () those that apply / Waiver # / Waiver Request Description / NJDOE Approval Denial
(NJDOE Use only)
#1 / Request to Exclude Title I, Part A ARRA Funds in Determining an LEA’s 20 Percent Obligation for Choice-Related Transportation and SES (complete pg.2)
#2 / Request to Exclude Title I, Part A ARRA Funds in Determining the 10 Percent Professional Development Set-Aside for an LEA in Improvement (complete pg. 3)
#3 / Request to Exclude Title I, Part A ARRA Funds in Determining the 10 Percent Professional Development Set-Aside for a School in Improvement(complete pg. 4)
#4 / Request to Allow LEAs to Offer SES, in Addition to Public School Choice, to Eligible Students in Title I Schools in the First Year of School Improvement (complete pg. 5)
#5 / Request to Exclude Title I, Part A ARRA Funds in Determining the Per-Pupil Amount for SES(complete pg.6)
#6 / Request to Waive the Provision that Prohibits an LEA from receiving a Waiver of the Carryover Limitation More Than Once Every Three Years (complete pg.7)

In applying for the specific waiver requests indicated above, I assure that the district will comply with the specific assurances as indicated for each waiver application.


Signature of SuperintendentDate

Waivers of the Set-Aside Requirements

*Determined by taking 20% of the total ARRA Title I allocation only


The district assures that it will:

Comply with its statutory and regulatory obligations for the 20% set-aside with respect to its FY 2010 Title I, Part A allocation;

Use the funds freed up by the waiver to address needs identified based on data, such as statewide or formative assessment results;

Comply with all of its other Title I, Part A statutory and regulatory obligations, including the obligations in sections 1114 and 1115 to have schoolwide and targeted assistance programs that “use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research”; and

Submit this waiver that describes the data on which it relied to identify needs that will be addressed using the funds freed up by the waiver and the evidence that supports the strategies it intends to use to address those needs.

Amendment to the ARRA Title IApplication

Amount of ARRA Funding excluded/freed up by not taking some or all of the 20% calculation
[refer to the 20% calculation tables posted on the NJDOE Web site at / $
  1. The district relied on the following data to identify needs that will be addressed using the funds freed up by the waiver:
  1. The district will use the freed-up funds for the following:
  1. The district relied on the following evidence that supports the strategies it intends to use to address those needs:


LEA NameDistrict CodeCounty Code


Signature of SuperintendentDate

Waivers of the Set-Aside Requirements

*Determined by taking 10% of the total ARRA Title I allocation only


The district assures that it will:

Comply with its statutory and regulatory obligations for the professional development set-aside with respect to its FY 2010 Title I, Part A allocation;

Use the funds freed up by the waiver to address needs identified based on data, such as statewide or formative assessment results;

Comply with all of its other Title I, Part A statutory and regulatory obligations, including the obligations in sections 1114 and 1115 to have schoolwide and targeted assistance programs that “use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research”; and

Submit this waiver that describes the data on which it relied to identify needs that will be addressed using the funds freed up by the waiver and the evidence that supports the strategies it intends to use to address those needs.

Amendment to the ARRA Title IApplication

Amount of ARRA Funding excluded/freed up: / $
  1. The district relied on the following data to identify needs that will be addressed using the funds freed up by the waiver:
  1. The district will use the freed-up funds for the following:
  1. The district relied on the following evidence that supports the strategies it intends to use to address those needs:


LEA NameDistrict CodeCounty Code


Signature of SuperintendentDate

Waivers of the Set-Aside Requirements

*Determined by taking 10% of each school’s Title I ARRA allocation reflected in EWEG, Step 4

SINI Reserve Prof Dev column (circled in red) is calculated automatically at 10% of the Total School Allocation in Eligibility-Step 4. Applying for this waiver to exclude ARRA funds from the 10% professional development obligation for a school in improvement would allow the amounts listed in this column (either in whole or in part by attendance center) to be budgeted for other purposes. When applying for this waiver please complete the following table:

SINI School Attendance Area / SINI Reserve Prof Dev (10%) Amount Listed in EWEG (see circled example above) / Amount Freed Up / Amount Remaining


In applying for a waiver to exclude ARRA funds from the 10% professional development obligation for a school in improvement, each district must assure that it will:

Ensure that its schools will implement the waiver in accordance with the instructions above;

Ensure that all schools in improvement within the LEA will comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements regarding their professional development obligations with respect to the funds that are not “factored out” in accordance with the formula above;

Ensure that its schools use the funds freed up by the waiver to address needs identified based on data, such as statewide or formative assessment results; and

Comply (with its schools in improvement) with all of their other Title I, Part A statutory and regulatory obligations, including the obligations in sections 1114 and 1115 to have schoolwide and targeted assistance programs that “use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research.”


LEA NameDistrict CodeCounty Code


Signature of SuperintendentDate


The district assures it will:

Comply with all other statutory and regulatory requirements related to SES for the 2009-2010 school year.


LEA NameDistrict CodeCounty Code


Signature of SuperintendentDate

1 / Total ARRA Allocation / $
2 / Amount of ARRA Funding excluded: / $
3 / Amount of ARRA funds included: / $
4 / Total 2010 Title I Allocation: / $
5 / Total 2010 and ARRA:
(#3 plus #4) / $
6 / *Poverty factor from tables:
DIVIDE item 5 BY item 6 to determine the SES per-pupil amount (item 7):
7 / SES maximum per-pupil amount: / $

*Note: Calculations for FY 2010 Title I, Part A and ARRA maximum SES per-pupil amounts and the poverty factor are posted at Use poverty factor from column 1 (poverty) or column 2 (at-risk) as indicated on table.


1 / Total ARRA Allocation / $2,320,751
2 / Amount of ARRA Funds excluded: / $1,392,450
3 / Amount of ARRA Funds included: / $928,300
4 / Total FY 2010 Title I Allocation: / $2,713,057
5 / Total FY 2010 and ARRA Included (#3 plus #4): / $3,641,357
6 / *Poverty factor from tables: / 1857
DIVIDE item 5 BY item 6 to determine the SES per-pupil amount (item 7):
7 / SES maximum per-pupil amount: / $1,961


In requesting a waiver to exclude some or all of the Title I, Part A ARRA funds in determining the per-pupil amount for SES, the district assures that it will:

Comply with all of the statutory and regulatory requirements regarding the provision of SES with respect to its regular FY 2010 Title I, Part A allocation; and

Comply with all other Title I, Part A statutory and regulatory requirements (to the extent they are not waived), including the requirements in sections 1114 and 1115 of the ESEA to have schoolwide and targeted assistance programs that “use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research.”


LEA NameDistrict CodeCounty Code


Signature of SuperintendentDate

#6) Application to Waive the Provision that Prohibits an LEA from Receiving a Waiver of the Carryover Limitation More Than Once Every Three Years


Estimated % of carryover requested now for planning purposes:


In applying for the estimated carryover of more than 15% from the 2009-2010 Title I allocation into the 2010-2011 school year due to the ARRA funds, the district assures the following:

It will use this waiver to spend its Title I, Part A ARRA funds thoughtfully over the course of two years on activities that are most likely to improve the academic achievement of students.

The district also understands that if a waiver is needed to carry over more than 15% from the combined FY 2010 Title I, Part A and ARRA Title I, Part A allocation into the FY 2011 project period and FY 2011 into the FY 2012 project period, the district will apply for each of those waivers accordingly.

The district will apply separately for the waiver for each of the two years.


LEA NameDistrict CodeCounty Code


Signature of SuperintendentDate