RISK ASSESSMENT OF (room or activity): Swimming session at leisure centre LOCATION (campus/room): Wave leisure - Lewes

ASSESSED BY: …………………………………... DATE:………………. AGREED BY: ………………………………..…………… DATE:…………………

What are the hazards? / Who might be harmed and how? / Current control -
what are we already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by whom? / Action by when? / Done
Pool water quality, pool safety in general / Who: Staff, Students
How: Infections, entanglement / We currently use a pool at a Council run leisure centre. They monitor and control all aspects of pool hygiene, temperature, chemical levels etc
They also control health and safety on site with regards to safety at pool side, pool rules, equipment provided at the pool and access to staff only areas.
The Centre provides a qualified lifeguard at pool side at all times.
Staff discuss acceptable student behaviour prior to swimming session
Students unaware of accepted procedures for safe conduct entering, during and leaving the session. / Who: Students, staff
How: slips, trips and falls, drowning / Non-slip flooring around edge of pool
Behaviour expectations and standards for the swimming pool clearly explained to students before attending swimming session , e.g.
·walk when not in the pool.
·shower and use toilet before swimming.
·no jewellery worn and no chewing.
·enter pool area in safe manner.
·stay in designated areas by ability, e.g. weak/non-swimmers in shallow end.
·avoid impeding other swimmers.
·regular head counts and have ‘buddy’ system for partner safety.
swimmers of all abilities included subject to parental/guardian permission where necessary.
Staff member to be in water during first few sessions to assess behaviour and swimming ability of students. This may continue throughout all sessions if staff feel it is necessary.
Diving / Who: Students, staff
How: drowning / Diving is not permitted by the centre
Students informed that diving is not permitted
What are the hazards? / Who might be harmed and how? / Current control -
what are we already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by whom? / Action by when? / Done
Inadequate supervision putting swimmers at risk / Who: Students, staff
How: drowning / Student/Staff ratio should reflect the pool size and also the age, fitness, experience and ability of the group. This would generally be 1:6
Staff attending swimming session to be swimmers
Staff knowledge of students
Staff located at pool side and in water as appropriate
Deep water out of depth / Who: Students, staff
How: drowning, anxiety / Have supporting adult stay in shallow water
Student to bring own flotation aids as required if parent/guardian has stated that this is necessary / Add note to permission letter includes information confirming that the student is capable of swimming in a public pool and if not that they will provide a floatation device
Students with medical conditions / Who: Students, staff
How: this depends on the students medical condition, drowning / 1st aider available from the gym
Trained life guard at pool side at all times
Staff aware of pre-existing medical conditions
Staff to ensure that students requiring medication have this with them
Swimming activity included in individual medical risk assessment if pre-existing medical condition has been identified
Behaviour in changing rooms putting others at risk / Who; Public/students/staff / Behaviour expectations and standards for changing procedures clearly explained before attending session , briefing to include:
  • no running, pushing, shouting etc in changing rooms
  • 1 student per cubical
  • Belongings to be stored in lockers and not left on floor
Member of staff on hand throughout changing
Travel to and from leisure centre / As per generic local trips and visit risk assessment