TAMS/DevelopersConsultation Meeting 2/2016

Tuesday, 14thJune 2016, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Present TAMS: / Gabriel Joseph – Asset Acceptance (GJ), Karl Cloos – Roads ACT (KC), Lingam – AA, Kuga Kugathas – AIAMS (KK), Paul Dowling - Asset Information (PD), Maggie Dunn – AA (MD),
Present Consultants: / Greg Garner – Village Building, Tony Carey- Riverview Group, Ivo Matesic – Capital Estate, Guna Seelan - LDA


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Administrative information

Gabriel explained;
-evacuation procedure
-exit and meeting area
-conveniences / N/A
2 / Action items from the previous meeting
a / Update on standards
Municipal infrastructure standards are available on TAMS website.
They can be tested on selected projects and comments can be forwarded to TAMS. / To test MIS on chosen projects and provide comments / Industry
b / Website update:
The list of most common issues for pre and post DA submissions is being developed. Once complete it will be published on the website. / To create list of common issues and publish on the website / Kuga Kugathas
c / ProjectWise – to participate by requesting a passport
Gabriel reminded attendees about the ProjectWise and upcoming transition to electronic submissions / N/A
3 / TAMS ACDC WAE portal / Ref 11 update – Paul Dowling
PD explained how TAMS have been updating the standard CAD block attributes with better prompts. He demonstrated a help file that is being written to make it easier to populate the block attributes with the correct values. The tree CAD blocks has been reconfigured to facilitate DS23 / MIS22 species codes instead of having to write the complete botanical name.It was also mentioned that consulants could substitute their own block symbols for the ref 11 standard blocks although the layer names and attributes could not be changed. PD also advised that had met briefly with Queanbeyan City Council (now Queanbeyan Regional Council) to look at how we could standardise the standards since they have also adopted the OpenSpatial ACDC system. This may involve using common layer names across the two authorities.
4. / New Directorate Transport Canberra and City Services
GJ notified attendees about the upcoming changes and also about the uncertainty of the final placement of the asset Acceptance section in the structure. He reassured the Industry that AA will endeavour to ensure no disruption to the everyday business. / N/A
5. / Canberra Streetscape Guidelines
Kuga presented progress on works of the Streetscape Guidelines. He explained that the document will target infill developments in residential areas. The guidelines will be later linked to Estate Development Plans, Precinct Codes and Territory Plan to ensure the desired outcome for the community.
The issue of verge gardens will be addressed by the nature strip documents being developed by City Presentation area. / To invite Industry to the first workshop
LDA to provide list of attendees / KK
Queuing length in basement parking
GJ raised the issue of queuing length in basement carparking. The current standard allows two options;
-an engineering assessment for the provision of queue length, and
-use of the Table.
TAMS has observed misinterpretation of the Table in some of the developments and requested the Civil Consultants to present their views. This was followed by a discussion and it was agreed that a small team consisting of volunteers from the civil consultant group and TAMS will look into this issue in detail. / N/A – to be resolved by TAMS and Civil Consultants / TAMS
Non-conforming Subsoil work
GJ presented recent issue that recently affected one the assessed projects. The subsoil drain in theis particular project s were aligned in the wrong location apparently due to the new GIS based surveying system. It is a minor error as far as system goes, however a siginificat error in case of design and operation. / For information to avoid similar occurrences in the future
6. / LAN – consolidation period
AA received many comments which made it clear that the issue is more complex than just extending a period of consolidation.
Further internal discussions will be organised to prepare an action plan which will allow achieving the desired outcome.
During initial discussions it was suggested that the following can be taken into consideration;
-ensuring the type of the soil is compatible with the proposed plant species;
-quality of planted stock;
-changes to the desired type of plants in specific areas eg. open spaces to be planted with large shrubs and dryland grassing;
-varied length of consolidation period depending in the type of plants – grass, shrubs and trees, and the season of installation / For information
7. / Fees and charges – annual increase
The annual increase of all charges for building applications and post development submissions will be incorporated from the 1st July 2016. / For information only
8. / Survey Monkey
/ To provide feedback with the survey link / All invited

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