/ Office Use / Actioned & entered on DPMS by:
Date Referral Received
Client ID
Service Code
Agency Referral acknowledged?
Has Client been contacted?


If this is not a Client Self Referral, please fill this section as well as the rest of the form.

Referral Date:

Agency Name and Borough:

Referrer’s Name and Job Title:

Referrer’s Contact Telephone and Email:

Referrer’s Relationship to Client:

Does the client know about this referral? Yes No

Client’s details

Full Name:

Date of Birth:


Email address:

Address including Borough and Postcode:

Safety: is it OK To send post? Yes No

To send emails? Yes No

To send texts? Yes No

To leave voicemails? Yes No

How did you find out about our service?

Pregnancy, Maternity, Children & Other Caring

Is the client pregnant? Yes No

Is the client caring for any children? Yes No If yes, please give their age/s

Does the client have any other
caring responsibilities? Yes No If yes, please say what they are

Marriage/Civil Partnership

Is the client married? Yes No

Is the client in a civil partnership? Yes No

Ethnic background

Asian Bangladeshi Black African Chinese White British

Asian British Black British Latin American White Irish

Asian Indian Black Caribbean Middle Eastern White European

Asian Other ` Black other Mixed Ethnicity White Other

Other – please specify


Agnostic Atheist Baha’i Buddhist Christian

Hindu Humanist Jain Jewish Muslim

Rastafarian Sikh Zoroastrian None Other

Prefer not to say


Bisexual Heterosexual Lesbian Other

Prefer not to say

Gender Do you identify as transgender? Yes No

Do you have any disability Issues? If YES, please tick all that apply

No Yes Registered Disability

Blindness/Visual impairment Deafness or Partial Hearing

Learning/Cognitive/Memory Difficulty Mental Health

Mobility Difficulty Other Disability – please state

Employment status – please tick all that apply

Employed Full Time Employed Part Time

Self Employed FT Self Employed PT

Student FT Student PT

Registered Unemployed Receiving a Disability Benefit

No Recourse to Public Funds Unemployed

Presenting issue/s – please tick all that apply

Childhood physical abuse “Honour” based violence Sexual bullying

Childhood sexual abuse Gang-related sexual violence Sexual exploitation

Domestic violence Prostitution Sexual harassment

Forced Marriage Rape Stalking

FGM Sexual assault Trafficking

Other – please state: ______

Involvement with any other agency – please mark all that apply

GP Drugs/alcohol service Counselling Housing
Social care (adult) Social care (child)

Other (please specify): ______

Safeguarding and Risk

Do you know of any Safeguarding issues? Yes No

If “Yes”, please say what they are:

Are you aware of any Risk issues? Yes No

If “Yes”, please say what they are, and indicate the level of risk you identify:

Please briefly detail other issues and concerns, including your agency’s involvement, and details of any information that we need to be aware of:

Agency referrals: Email the completed form as an attachment to citing “Counselling Referral” in the subject header.