Questions for the test No 2.

  1. What are the main indicators of the economic cycle movement?
  2. Describe the movement of this index which reflects the dynamics of investment in productive capital? At what phase of cycle the changes in its movement show that the phase of growth (a pure growth) will be over soon?
  3. At what moment can we see by watching the industrial production index’s movement the transfer of recovery phase into phase of pure growth? When and how we can prove that the phase of recovery is over and the phase of pure growth has begun?
  4. What is the material basis of medium-term cycles and their duration (cycles by C.Zhyuglyar, S. Kuznets and D. Kitchen)?
  5. What are the main features of the medium-term cycle modification, which appeared to it during of the second half of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century?
  6. How many waves of large economic cycles were observed in global economic development?
  7. In what phase of a big economic cycle can we see the most intensity of innovation? Asassessedon a scale ofVan Dein (how many balls).
  8. By what indicator’s movement can we see the alternation in phases of a large economic cycle?
  9. What types of recourses do you know?
  10. What are the main types of evaluation of mineral resources
  11. Yow do you understand the meaning of “commercial inventories (reserves)”?
  12. Name ten countries, which have the major reserves of oil in the world.
  13. Name ten countries, which are the major oil producers in the world.
  14. Name ten countries, which are the major oilconsumers in the world.
  15. The major exporters and major importers of oil in the world.
  16. The main features of the world oil market.
  17. Name 5 countries, which have the major reserves of natural gas in the world.
  18. Name 5-7 countries, which are the major gas producers in the world.
  19. Name ten countries, which are the major consumers of gas in the world.
  20. The major exporters and importers of natural gas.
  21. The main features of the world gas market.
  22. Which countriesare the largestproducers ofliquefied natural gas?
  23. Which countries are the largest consumers of liquefied natural gas?
  24. The main exporters and importers of LNG (about 5 countries).
  25. Main factors affecting fuel market’s supply.
  26. Main factors affecting fuel market’s demand.
  27. Which countries have the largest coal reserves (about ten)?
  28. Which countries (about ten) are the largest producers in the world?
  29. Which countries (about 5) are the largest consumers in the world?
  30. For what fuel recourses the costs of transportation are the biggest? What is the share of transportation costs in the total price of delivered goods like oil, gas, LNG, coal? (in per cent from the total amount of one lot, one lot for oil, gas, coal)
  31. The main features of the world coal market.
  32. What the main tendencies (trends) of fuel resources price movement within the last two decades (1990-2010) do you know?