Term 4 Assignments

Example: stretch the letters to
fill the negative shapes.
/ Make it Fit
/ Creative letter arrangement
Resize and stretch, compress letters into a unique page-filling composition.
Choosea phrase, saying, book title, line of a song or poem, or a quote, and draw the letters to fit the whole page. Make letters bigger and smaller, slanted, round, whatever it takes tofill the spacescreatively using the letter shapes as design. Stretch or shrink the letters to fill the negative spaces between letters and words.
Colorin or around the letters - make a border or include a picture or other graphic element if you like, but:
Make the letter "fits" the main idea!
Be inventive!!! Stretch, shrink, and alter the shapes!

/ Continuous Line Face
/ Invented descriptive contour lines
Create an exaggerated face out of a series of continuous lines.
Drawafaceusinglinesthat goall the way across the pagefrom the left side to the right side without stopping. They can wander, double back, repeat, echo, curve, and change direction but theycan't stopbefore they get to the other side. Useyourimagination. Don't copy my sample.
Do a whole face and make it big on the page! Use color! Fill the page!
Exaggeration is good; gargoyles OK; remember to skip the demon/vampire icons, please.

/ Draw Your Own Cartoon Strip / Invention, Sequencing
Design a cartoon strip or present a day in your life in 4 frames or more.
Design and DrawYour OwnCartoon Strip

if you don't have a cartoon strip idea, you can:
DrawA Day In Your Lifein Cartoon Format
Very important: do not copy another artist! Invent these images yourself!
Use color, fill the page.
Can include words (lettering!), voice or thought "bubbles!

This assignment focuses on drawing from direct observation. (looking at the real thing)
/ Size Distortions
/ Observation, Exaggeration
Change the size relationships of two already related objects.
1.  Choose two ordinary objects at home which have a relationship to one another butare notthe same size at all. (Like: the front door and a key -- or -- the refrigerator and an apple.
2.  Draw the two different sized objects as if theyarethe same size, and draw them so they have anew relationshipat the new size.
(So: the key is as big as the door in the new relationship, and can only lean upon it!)
(So: the apple could besobig that it occupied the entire inside of the refrigerator!)
Be inventive! think up your own two related objects, and observe and draw their details carefully. Plan an interesting composition on the page.

/ Special Edition
/ Creativity, Humor
Present yourself (real or fantasy) as the front page story.
Designthe arrangement of the front page;namethe newspaper;writeheadlines;sketchthe photos or ads;addcaptions to "photos" Use color. Fill the page. Itdoesn'thave to look like a conventional newspaper (maybe think of a magazine layout instead) and you don't need to write stories. Use lines or shading to indicate the areas of type. Be inventive! The lettering is part of the look in page design!

/ Magazine Reflection
/ Pencil Shading
Fill in missing parts of a magazine photograph.
Black and White
Step 1Use facing pages in your sketchbook.
Side by side if your book opens that way, or up-down if your book opens that way.

Step 2Find afull page magazine photo (not a magazine illustration) that you like. B/W or color, but B/W is easier on this.
Cut the photo into 10 pieces that are about the samearea. Theydon'thave to be the same shape. Shapes can be regular or not. Try to cut through interesting areas of the photo (like the face!)

Step 3Select alternating pieces, and paste them in their correct positions on the right side of the paper. Paste the remainders on the left, also in their correct positions.

Step 4:Choose one side and shade in the missing areas in pencil, using the opposite page of pieces as reference for what to draw.Try to recreate the values (lights and darks) of the original photo.

/ Bouncing Off The Walls
/ Action Paths
Create fanciful bouncing paths through real or imaginary space.
Choosean object (sphere, box, pyramid, apple, teddy bear, balloon, etc.) Picture the object bouncing off walls. They could be bounding in outer space rooms or you can imagine the effects of gravity on your object. (As an object bounces up it loses speed [shapes spread apart] and as it comes back down it speeds up again [shapes close & overlapping])
Rememberthe goal is to create an interesting full page design, so think ahead on where you want the paths to go. Paths can cross each other and overlap.
Include3 stationary objects/shapes on your page that your moving objects can bounce off of. (a chair in the middle of a room, for instance.) Position them to help construct bounce paths.
Choosea color scheme (suggestion: limit to 4 colors and theirclosestrelations on the color wheel.)
Tips:The more complex (lots of paths), the more interesting. To get realistic "bounces," objects bound away at the same angle at which they hit the wall.

The object shapesdon'thave to be circles!
You can overlap any shapes you want to invent!
Mix them up, too!
/ Spiraling Spheres
/ Depth Techniques
Create shapes whose trails
seem to spiral and tumble through space.
Overlapcircles (or other shapes) of graduated sizes, moving from smallest to largest (largest on top- draw it first) to create an illusion of movement toward you from the surface of the page. Fill the page with various sized trails.
Shadeone end of the spiral trail gradually darker, one end lighter to enhance the illusion of movement and depth. Your choice of colors.
Createan interesting background; perhaps using analogous colors or monochromatic tints and shades to develop an ambiguous space.

/ The OTHER Meaning
/ Concept / Invention
A visual pun- draw what a saying says, not what it means
Choosea saying or an idiom that usually doesn't mean what it actually says. Example: "Raining Cats and Dogs."Illustratethe saying in a color composition according to a literal interpretation (exactly what it says) or an alternative interpretationDon'tillustrate its idiomatic meaning.Includethe saying as part of the design of your full page composition Some sample sayings are below.
Sample Sayings ( or use others that you know )
apple-pie order, apple of his eye, at the tip of my tongue, beauty is only skin deep, too big for his britches, blow hot and cold, blow your stack, bread the ice, cast pearls before swine, cat got your tongue, change of heart, chase a rainbow, chew him out, cold turkey, that's the way the cookie crumbles, cool it, costs a pretty penny, crocodile tears, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, a fish out of water, with flying colors, follow your nose, go bananas, grasp at straws, like greased lightning, I have half a mind to..., hang loose, heart to heart talk, can't hold a candle to..., if the shoe fits, wear it, get up on the wrong side of the bed, in one ear & out the other, in a pickle, in the doghouse, keep your eyes peeled, knuckle down, laugh out of the other side of your mouth, my lips are sealed, off his rocker, off the wall, on the ball on the wagon, over the hill, pass the buck, pay through the nose, play it by ear, play musical chairs poker face, put your best foot forward, rat race, snow job, square meal, stuffed shirt, talk in circles, two-faced, walk on eggs.